"Lies and propaganda worked in 1935, and they work today."

What does social security and the right to smoke marijuana for medical reasons have in common? They are all accomplishments of social and fiscal liberals. As such, they all were once fearfully opposed by social and fiscal conservatives, who predicted the downfall of the nation through each of them. Eventually, but always slowly, the conservatives embraced all of them. This is not true for such contemporary issues as affordable health care, increased minimum wage, abortion, and gun control. The public must be able to make informed decisions, one way or the other, keeping in mind eight laws of politics that explain how conservative politicians disseminate misinformation. Otherwise, as it nearly did in the 1860s, the country might dissolve.

This book vigorously defends liberals, detailing the social advances and reforms America has undergone because of them. It explains the limits of conservative rationale for opposing these changes. The author discusses how major conservative votes and law passages about fiscal and social issues, such as increasing the minimum wage and criminalizing drug use. have worked to the detriment of American society. Democrats receive a compelling scolding for their unwillingness to confront Republicans about what the author sees as their outspoken, often dishonest, attacks on progressive thought. The author even suggests that partial dissolution of the United States might be beneficial, since it would presumably allow for greater self-governance in largely liberal or conservative regions, thus granting voters their deserved and desired government. Throughout the main text, tables and charts illustrate his arguments. Following the text, detailed appendices reiterate the key points. Whether or not readers agree with the views expressed here, this book is a thorough vindication of progressive ideology, both social and fiscal.

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