"Under noisy conditions, children with a central auditory processing disorder may have problems with auditory attention and auditory memory figure-ground extraction."

With each passing year, it seems as though more children are struggling with the educational system or being diagnosed with various disorders to explain away their poor academic performance. Aimed at teachers and parents alike, this book offers up an explanation for these new cases or for children who simply seem to struggle in school with a central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). Getting into the science behind what can masquerade as a hearing issue, the author explains that CAPD is not a hearing impairment but a listening one, preventing the child from filtering out background noise or from hearing at a distance, even though their ears are medically functioning well. By understanding the scientific triggers and conditions where this disorder will be a problem for children trying to learn, parents and educators can work together to create an environment that will allow the child to maintain focus and attention in order to learn.

Going through both the science of a listening disorder and what practical steps can be used to handle the situation, this book has some heavy science to it. However, all of it is actionable for those who can make a difference. Packed with clinical case examples, helpful resources, and explanations for what can lead to listening issues and how to resolve them, this book has vital and proven information in every single chapter. The end of the book even features a quiz that readers can take to see how much of the material they’ve absorbed, and whether or not they need to revisit certain topics to have their facts straight before acting upon them. Offering fresh insight on how to help a child succeed and learn, this book is a valuable resource for educators and any parent or guardian of a child who struggles in school.

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