The Lost Dutchmen Mine and the Peg Leg Pete Mine
by Harold Cohn
Outskirts Press, Inc.

"Jacob Waltz is speaking to Jim Bark: . . . Go downward on the Carney Spring to the Dacite Cliffs Mesa and then northward to the mine."

Intrigue, puzzling map locations and names, and recorded last words from those who supposedly found lost mines in Arizona will cause any gold hunter to tingle with excitement. Many men took their chances to follow the trails, as told by dying men, to find the illustrious Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. And many ended up missing or killed—if the source documents used by the author tell the truth. Cohn’s book confirms the only thing certain is that lost gold inspires lies and self-serving motives.

Twenty essays introduce the reader to characters who became involved in solving the mystery. These include a diverse and intriguing cast of figures, both historical and contemporary: Jacob Waltz, the Dutchman; Julia Thomas, keeper of the mumble-jumble map; Adolph Ruth, murdered gold seeker; and Helen Corbin, author of The Bible on the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. Cohn’s own speculations lead to the conclusion that the Lost Dutchman mine is no longer lost and has been closed by the government.

The author retired after thirty-two years of being a park ranger for the county of San Diego, California. Since retirement, Cohn has published several books. One of these, The Stone Spoke, is based on his research and essays about Native American rock art including some hieroglyphs mentioned in this book. Cohn’s own paintings and drawings regarding the Lost Dutchman maps and his interpretation of the Peralta stone symbols make this book an excellent find in itself. Those who experience gold fever when hearing names such as Peralta Canyon Trail, Weavers Needle, Dacite Cliffs, and the Superstition Mountains will undoubtedly enjoy every page in Cohn’s book. However, the author warns his readers, “that only a fool will look for something that is not lost.”

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