"Our legal system promotes suits and anyone can sue someone."

The author grew up during the Great Depression, and after marrying and having children, was determined to use her fine intellect to help others. She obtained a bachelor's of education and then a master's degree in guidance and counseling. Overcoming resistance in the academic world from males who saw women as a threat to the profession, she completed a doctoral program in psychology twenty years after beginning her educational journey. Opening private practice, she was highly idealistic about the work ahead. Infused by her Christian faith with strong moral values, she trusted those who came into the business with her, beginning with Darrell, who wished to attain a doctorate in psychology as she had done. Sympathetic to his aspirations and needing the help to handle a growing caseload, she paid Darrell well. She also hired several other assistants at his recommendation, including Selma as a secretary and Lee, a supposed expert in dealing with children's mental health issues.

Morgillo was far too trusting, however, as she would later realize. In all probability, as she recalls in hindsight, Darrell, Selma, and Lee were allied in the common goals of milking her business for every possible penny and having her charged with fraud, effectively putting her out of business. They may have been aided by other local psychiatric services that, facing their own financial crises in the uncertain 1980s and under pressure from the burgeoning Medicaid/Medicare system, wished to get rid of all competition. Charged with failure to pay certain fees to Medicare/Medicaid (owing to her staff's purposeful incompetence), Morgillo's office practice was decimated, her legal expenses skyrocketed, and her husband—in failing health and affected by her struggles—passed away.

Morgillo writes about those tumultuous years in a frank chronology, assiduously revealing her deep disdain for the "Medifraud" system. Within that factual narrative are her personal frustrations and fears. Making decisions on her own and not wishing to disturb family or career cohorts by complaining or showing her depression and anger, she endured numerous court appearances, aided only by an attorney who was more interested in prolonging the case for personal gain than in defense of her innocence. Morgillo boldly exposes flaws in the prevailing healthcare system, recounts many attempts she and others have made to inform the public about those abuses, and provides documentation of her mistreatment by an overarching system that, she says, affords greater freedom to convicted murderers than was allowed to her in defending herself. With the case finally resolved, she returned to her profession, having acquired a particular empathy for victims of PTSD, which she herself suffered, and for fellow professionals who have, like her, run afoul of the many confusing Medicare/Medicaid regulations. She still evinces a forgiving attitude and gratitude for those who encouraged her along the way. She includes a revealing appendix of prayers and scriptures that gave her focus and comfort. Her book is dramatic and thought-provoking, intended to benefit anyone who faces similar issues and needs the motivation to carry on the good fight.

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