"This book examines the teaching of Christ and his apostles, as recorded in the New Testament, concerning the insidious danger of greed and the Christian's attitude to money, possessions, and income. All these scriptures impact us personally."

Decrying the sin of greed and its effects, author B. Ward Powers warns against Christian churches becoming businesses in order to support themselves and against individual Christians forgetting the essential teachings of Jesus regarding tithing. Tithing, he states, was mentioned numerous times in various ways in the New Testament and has three purposes: ministry, festivals, and for the poor (what Powers calls "welfare" tithing). The first tithe supports preachers and missionaries; the second assists with traditional sacred events; and the third helps the needy of the parish or region. The author believes that tithing has gone out of fashion; many Christians no longer attempt to tithe. Some even regard wealth and possessions as evidence of God’s favor. He demonstrates ways that even those without income can "tithe" through service and their personal ministry of the gospel. He urges families to consider how they will tithe: "It can be a very thrilling thing when people discover how they can use their possessions in God's service."

An Anglican clergyman of the diocese of Sydney, Australia, Powers, who has written other books on Christian beliefs and practices, writes compellingly on this subject, citing scripture and giving useful examples from ordinary lives on the need for and technique of tithing. He suggests prayers and programs that will make tithing a reward in itself. He expresses concern about churches who use money-raising methods, especially gambling, when tithing is not forthcoming. His prose is organized and straight-forward, with each chapter divided into short sections to make the material more accessible. The Sin We Treat as a Virtue could be a useful study guide for any church wishing to examine its policies and commitments regarding finances, and for any Christian wanting to understand tithing and put it into practice.

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