"May you find enough strength to determine your own worth by yourself and not dependent on another judgement of your accomplishments."

In this collection of poetry, photographs, letters, and musings, readers will discover the many-faceted life of an American who came to the United States for academic pursuits and made the decision to remain and build a life in America. Dedicated to his late wife, Grace, the book offers photos of family, friends, and the author’s beloved garden. The author is an avid gardener, and many of the photos included in this, the second of De La Rosa’s books, depict his own personal gardens as well as subjects of interest concerning his immediate family members and friends. The poems included in this volume delve into such subjects as faith, grief, work, love, and thoughts on living a good life. Heartfelt advice is dispensed through a number of letters written to his daughters, sons, and even Facebook followers in this deeply personal work.

If one were to identify a theme running throughout De La Rosa’s work, it would be sincerity. His written pieces, poetry, and prose all convey a deep-seated, sincere tone. Whether he is offering advice to one of his children, sympathy to a grief-stricken friend, or thanking his Facebook followers, one gets the impression that everything he states is absolutely from the depths of his heart. His words are refreshing and touching, even to those who don’t know or follow him. The strongest section of the book, however, is his photography, especially those photos taken in his beloved garden. The author is indeed a photographer with an eye for form and color, and his photos of flowers, plants, and birds are beautifully captured. De La Rosa has the rare talent of presenting his world to others in such a way as to make them feel as if they share it with him.

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