The Third Testament (Part 1): The God of Daniel Religion 2016
by Daniel McTaggart
Trafford Publishing

"Any religion, to be true, must be true in all respects."

Throughout history, religions have shaped the culture and politics of humanity. Jesus of Nazareth's radical teachings (and claims) during the time of Rome's occupation of Israel has left religious scholars and historians wondering who this carpenter's son really was and if his claims were true. Wars have been fought, and people have been persecuted, based on how they perceived their Savior. Daniel McTaggart takes a critical look into Christianity and other religions to search for the truth regarding the concept of "God."

The author starts with his own personal journey and exploration with religion. As a fallen away Catholic, McTaggart searched for the truth with Mormon missionaries, Jehovah witnesses, and Satanic believers. He scrutinizes the tenants of each religion, arguing that if God existed and Jesus' claim as the Son of God was true, then there are flaws with each of those religions. The author uses his expertise of the Bible, calling out biblical passages in his book, to support his claim of both Jesus as the Son of God and the misinterpretations of each religion as to how it pertains to what Jesus actually said and did. McTaggart draws the conclusion that his religion, called The God of Daniel, is one that takes into account the biblical meaning of Jesus' teachings as they pertain to everyday life. For example, a part of the book specifically focuses on the The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, comparing the biblical meaning of each with how modern government and Christianity interprets them. McTaggart touches on topics such as same-sex marriage, pornography, sports, music, almsgiving, and prayer.

While his experience as a judge help make his arguments logical, his explanations are brief on certain topics versus others. The Third Testament will appeal to those who have an opened-minded approach to the truth and God concept, whether skeptic or believer.

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