This pithy, multi-genre guidebook shares author Beliveau’s insights “on the better quality of human nature in a format not easily forgotten.” The practical, universal, and non-denominational wisdom offered is parsed in compact chapters and is mindful of the shorter attention spans of modern readers. Yet the slim volume is sufficient to arm and empower spiritual seekers who are confronting obstacles and feel “driven by the lesser spirits” in their daily lives. These seekers are also summoned to heed the call that “no weapon has ever won a battle—victory is within the heart and minds of those who would not surrender.”
The narrative begins by defining a spiritual warrior as “one who challenges the nature of darkness within themselves” and concedes that “this book is perhaps not for everyone.” It is strongly suggested that the world is changed by changing oneself. The arsenal of essays each focus upon a singular quality or state of mind, such as compassion, courage, forgiveness, grace, honor, hope, humility, love, and so on, concluding with sacrifice and inspiration. There are many insights to contemplate, and the straightforward discussions make these easy to understand and to recall. Beliveau’s collection of poetry and flash fiction following the succinct, themed essays bring the spiritual concepts to greater life, engaging the human need to learn through the lyrical language of symbolism, metaphor, and story as well as through logical discourse. The dual-layered approach engages both heart and mind in spiritual contemplation, making this a book to treasure and read again and again.