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Three Kisses by Heath Daniels Virtualbookworm
book review by Glenn Bagley
"Israel is perceived as being anti-Islam. Israel is anti anyone who it feels like bullying."
Detail is the name of the game as Heath Daniels goes right to the core of the deception. The size of a man's privates and the state of his foreskin play a certain important role in this suspenseful work. Major Frank Reynolds, a gay "crotch gazer," discovers there is an infiltrator among them seeking to steal US military secrets for terrorist use. Terrorism has developed and evolved using methods used by major intelligence agencies. Frank Reynolds has a choice to make that involves a great many factors including his own sexuality. Soon, with the help of a few friends he decides to take matters into his own hands.
Mr. Daniels uses many writing skills to move this story along at a high pace. His detailed character development flows along seamlessly with the story development. This combination of gay men, military, terrorist organizations, lesbians not only provides tasteful ingredients for the story's recipe but also presents questions about sexuality and the don't tell attitude of the Military. We are treated to an in-depth story that transports us through the Middle East, Canada, Cuba Mexico, and various parts of the US. He further weaves actual news items into the story that assist in creating realism while helping to heighten the intensity of the plot. This use of fact to develop the fiction is done with a subtle but powerful effectiveness. His research is obvious and outstandingly used to convince us of every part of this plot.
This book moves along swiftly and encourages us to stay on the plot. As a first novel, Heath Daniels has produced a gem well worth the time.