Unemployed people frequently want a job. They also need someone to teach them both the lingo—like how to get past the "Gatekeeper"—and the correct order for doing tasks that will make a favorable impression on a hiring manager. These latter activities consist of what forms need to be completed, what one should include, and when to send the cover letter, resume, and thank you letter. Like the skilled educator she is, the author walks her readers through evaluating their skills to match what employers want, such as knowledge-based skills, transferable or portable skills including computer savvy, and personality traits that make a team member or leader.
Woodley's three-column study of traits and skills should adequately prepare any first-time job seeker. The sections on interviewing thoroughly cover questions that are likely to be asked as well as questions one has prepared ahead and want answered. The writer or graphics person needs to know what to include in a portfolio of work. Woodley's coaching guide doesn't leave one to "wing it." She provides useful role-playing and case study activities to inspire confidence and prepare responses.
During her career in education, the author was hired as a job coach for a vocational school. Since there was no job description, Woodley wrote her own. This evolved into a book especially suited to younger job-ready readers. But this guide is valuable for all job seekers. At some point in life, many people need to brush up on their self-marketing skills. That's when one can appreciate the coach's well-placed tips, reminders, checklists, and encouragement. This stellar guide with a simplified format could prove essential for those experiencing layoffs, engaging in unplanned post-retirement searches, or taking courses offered by state agencies to open new areas of employment.
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