Tithing and How to Get There:
The Short Course by Paul Stephenson Lulu
book review by Judee L. Spargur
"Throughout life, it has been observed that some people struggle with the concept of tithing. Usually, the only reason people ever struggle over tithing is simply because they do not understand the concept."
Mr. Paul Stephenson has given us a meaningful, well-written book that shows how to tithe. Tithe means one tenth. You give the Lord one tenth of your salary. Giving God 10% symbolically says that all we own belongs to him. Tithing means so much more than simply giving money to God. It is your testimony to God's total ownership. You show an external evidence of an internal commitment. In our present economic society, there are many people who wish they could give 10% to God, but don't see how they could; all their money goes towards their living expenses. Mr. Stephenson gives a short course on financial planning, that gives a clear, straight-forward path to financial stability. How can we be good stewards? By showing what creation gives us. Good stewardship is the sharing, giving and releasing of the resources we have been given. "Having much but giving little is an offense to the pursuit and practice of Christianity." The following seven steps, explaining in detail, will help you take back control of your money, so you can tithe: commitment, importance, knowledge, tracking, finding, change, and planning.
Mr. Stephenson has taken a difficult subject about and turned it into a precise, easy to understand, book. His love for following God's plans for our lives is truly inspiring! He has been a stewardship leader for over 12 years and his financial expertise will help you achieve your tithing goals.