Transformed: San Francisco
by Suzanne Falter & Jack Harvey
New Heights

"America, he thought with a sigh. Land of the free and home of the binge drinker, the lying, cheating adulterer, and the weed-smoking homo pervert."

This novel features Charley, a female-to-male transgender pansexual CIA spy (aka Electra); the "Society Dom," a Manhattan socialite who is a dominatrix who moved to San Francisco to find her people; and Frankie, a lesbian SFPD Sergeant. We are taken through the community with a eye toward diversity and a love of such diversity. The plot evolves when a Christian fundamentalist, Randy, believes he is chosen by God to wipe out the "scum" and plots, along with one of his parishioners, to kill as many of them as possible. Along the way, he becomes enthralled with Electra who believes he's up to no good. Other characters include Miss Kitty who runs a Dom-in-a-Month coaching program, and Connie, a police friend of Frankie's. As the plot thickens, the race is on for the three friends to save thousands of potential victims.

A fun romp through San Francisco, the book is a novelty of sex, gender issues, sexual orientation, hate, love, and mystery. With the funky characters of Charley, Electra, and Frankie, who are lovable within their own issues of life and dysfunction, the reader will enjoy their foibles and quirks. Randy's character is based on the real-life Fred Phelps (now deceased) and his Westboro Baptist Church (aka He is a homo-trans-phobe, which of course, is about issues with his own sexuality. A hate crime is imminent due to Randy's belief that killing the sinners of San Francisco is God's will, while he himself is tested by Satan. The descriptions of the San Francisco people, events and, the community are detailed and humorous, especially the details of lesbian dress, the leather fair, the sex museum, and the Bay to Breakers race. While this book should be in the library of every GLBTQ person, it's a delightful read for everyone.

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