Transition to Agro-Ecology for a Food Secure World

by Jelleke De Nooy van Tol

"The future challenges us. Face it, and accept the challenge. Start working from possibilities and opportunities, from your position in the world, connected to the world. We apply the lessons learned."

Before embarking on reading this book, dispense of any preconceived notions you may have about the concept of ecology, typically covered in mainstream media. Keep an open mind, and absorb everything you can, because the author offers a plethora of salient data that will awaken your thirst for fresh knowledge. Indeed, van Tol grabs the reader by the arm, and whisks him or her on a journey, toward better understanding the dynamics that define the symbiotic relationship between our global agriculture, food system, and environment. Agro-Ecology is the term the author uses, to describe the application of ecological principles to the production of fiber, fuel, food, and pharmaceuticals, as well as to the management of agriculture, as an ecological system.

What kinds of practices characterize agro-ecology? According to van Tol, such practices may include family farming, restoration agriculture, holistic management of food, and organic soil/water management. The author astutely navigates a myriad of agro-ecology concepts, providing the reader with a keen sense of urgency, as to how we can make this a better world. For example, van Tol notes that policy changes are the first step in the process of stewardship. Forward-looking investors and activist consumers, can be effective agents in advocating policy changes. The author notes that no more than 500 companies, control 70 percent of food choice in the global food system. Of the 500 companies, ten earn more than $1.1 billion daily—with annual revenues of more than $450 billion—equal to the GDP of all low-income regions globally.

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