This handy phrasebook is a hybrid between a dictionary, a grammar book, and a fact book, and it is designed for a savvy traveler to Ukraine. As an e-book, the authors recommend that it is best used with a stylus on an Amazon Kindle or other reading device. It contains an extensive section full of phrases which deal with things that a traveler might encounter. There is also a plethora of useful expressions that come handy in a hurry, for example: “Call a doctor,” etc. Other practical things are included as well, such as clothing sizes, days of the week, and common signs, for example, “Reserved.” All of these and more are to be found in the appendix at the end of the e-book. Also included is a large section on grammar, so the reader can use the book as a textbook. A nice addition is a large culinary section which lists many Ukrainian dishes, both in English and in Ukrainian. This is one of the book's strengths.
The authors did a good job addressing the language needs of a tourist travelling in Ukraine. This e-book stands on its own when compared to other guides available on the market, such as the Lonely Planet series. However, it would benefit from the addition of graphics, varied fonts, and color-coded sections for easier reference. All in all, this is a great tool for tourists travelling to Ukraine and for those who want to learn more about the Ukrainian culture.
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