Visions follows the life of Richard Goodman, a man who runs an institution that teaches the art of watch making to young adults with disabilities. When Richard and Kara take the kids on a trip to Coney Island, a gypsy woman reads Richard his fortune and foretells his death. Not only that, but she also passes her gift on to Richard. Richard tries to figure out how he can save himself from dying in less than three days, but a new enemy arises and threatens the very life Richard is trying to save. Now Richard must also learn who this killer is and stop him before it is entirely too late. Will he succeed?
This book grabs readers by the shoulders and refuses to let go. It is a mind-thrilling suspenseful thrill ride of a tale, where it's difficult to know what to expect next. One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the main character Richard Goodman being unable to control his newfound powers. The gypsy who gifted it to him never explains how to use them, leaving Richard completely on his own. As characters fight their own unique demons, some are easy to relate to; others not so much. This element adds an intense and captivating quality to the story, revealing how the struggle can be an internal as well as external event. Readers will find themselves flipping through the pages in anticipation, only to be blown away by the result. This is a fantastic read.
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