Watermelon Snow: A Novel
by William A. Liggett
Sandra Jonas Publishing House

"At last, he started drifting off. All around them, the water still cascaded under the ice, but mercifully the wind and rain had stopped."

Adventure novels are frequently based in strange locales. The primary location for this book is definitely out of most readers' comfort zone. It takes place primarily on a Mount Olympus glacier in the state of Washington. While the story is chock-full of thrills, it's also filled with enough scientific and environmental insight to infuse its excitement quotient with copious amounts of climate credibility.

Kate is an unattached thirty-something woman leading a four-person team studying a melting glacier. Grant is an academician sent by NASA to observe the interactions of Kate's team. He wants to know everything they're doing. She doesn't want him to know they've made a remarkable discovery. Initially exasperated with one another, they're soon forced to cooperate as conditions begin to rapidly move from bad to worse. Team members come down with a devastating illness—the cause of which is unknown. An emergency evacuation is attempted amid a horrendous storm. Rescues by outside authorities are mounted. The clock begins to tick down as time, panic, and the forces of nature combine to put Grant, Kate, her team, and her incredible discovery at risk.

Liggett does a first-rate job of building suspense as his story unwinds. He imbues his characters with traits, mannerisms, and behaviors that are believable. While occasionally rushing the action, he still imbues a cinematic quality to many of his scenes. If you like chill-worthy excitement balanced with cold reality, chances are you’ll like this icy adventure.

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