"Weakly he reached for McCalla's hand. 'My friend, you may be proud of the efforts of Battery A, and it has been my honor to serve with you.we are small but we have been true to our mission and fought the good fight.'"
We Fought the Good Fight by Wendell Trafford Publishing
book review by Maggie Harding
"Weakly he reached for McCalla's hand. 'My friend, you may be proud of the efforts of Battery A, and it has been my honor to serve with you.we are small but we have been true to our mission and fought the good fight.'"
During World War II, the soldiers of Battery A, under the leadership of First Lt. John Stanley McCalla, never expected to become homeless and living on rations consisting of 1,000 calories a day. But that is exactly what happened following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent attack on Manila. Gone were the Bachelor Officer's Quarters, the Post Exchange and many of the other buildings on the post. The Philippines hoped that the Americans would soon come to its rescue, but the Americans were stretched thin and being beaten on many fronts. Instead, Major General Edward King was preparing to surrender rather then allow any more of his troops to be slaughtered.
Lt. McCalla risked his career by refusing the surrender order. Instead he headed for the jungles north of Manila where his men joined in the Zambales Guerilla Resistance. By so doing they were determined to prevent any more destruction by the enemy. The mission was to monitor the coast and to conduct "hit and run" harassment of the Japanese that remained on the island. In hope of avoiding court marshal, Lt. McCalla kept a daily log of his actions and reports to prove that his Battery was still continuing the original mission.
To add another dimension to this adventure, the author provides a touching love story that relieves some of the daily pressures facing the warriors. Wendell brings the sounds, sights, and smells of war to life for those of us who have never been on the front lines. For those who have served, the bravery of the Unit will, no doubt, give them a surge of pride. While no one wants to relive the horrors of past wars, it is important to occasionally be reminded of the sacrifices that others have made for our freedom.