"The acronym HALT, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, is important to remember when dealing with someone who has Alzheimer's disease."

Few diseases are as emotionally devastating to families as Alzheimer's disease. As horrible as cancer, AIDS, and other frequently terminal diseases are, these mainly attack the body; Alzheimer's also takes the memories of the person, gripping the victim and his or her loved ones in a slow fade of shared experiences that can last for decades. The author understands the agony of this gradual slipping away firsthand in his role as caregiver for his mother, and his book provides an insider's view of one of mankind's most frightening maladies.

In late 1999 Bill and his siblings began to notice that their mother's memory was not what it used to be. A few months later a trip to the neurologist showed that she had a mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is frequently a herald for full-blown Alzheimer's. At first she was able to stay at home in the care of her husband and daughter Mary with help from Bill, but when Bill's dad's cancer came back in 2007, a nursing home became the only viable option. Bill painfully recounts the many issues he and his family faced in getting proper treatment not only for his father but also for his mother during this period and even after her husband passed away, including having to move her into different facilities, dealing with Medicare, and handling the stress associated with being a caregiver.

While these experiences may prove helpful to current and future caregivers, perhaps the most touching parts of his book, though, are the little snapshots of life with his mom which he has culled from journal entries during his days with her. They are filled with moments of joy as well as times of confusion and sorrow and make for a very readable tribute to a person he obviously cherishes.

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