Who's to Blame?
by Kali Molefi
Trafford Publishing

"The theme of this book is that suffering is here to stay and faith in Christ alone is the only solution."

Autobiographical in focus, this book relates the story of two persons as represented by Pastor Karabo and Tumelo. Karabo and Tumelo speak in dialogue form, with Pastor Karabo representing "the divine view point (Bible)" and Tumelo representing the human seeker in faith with his human failures and concerns. Satan also plays an important role as the author sees a relationship between God/Satan/Man resulting in human good, sin, and grace. Molefi focuses on the evil of "consulting the dead, stars, fortune-tellers, spiritual healers, idols such as animals, wood, trees, sun, fire, voodoos, water, cross, certain people, and ourselves, etc."

The book is an easy and quick read and informs the reader about basic Christianity. The Pastor "wishes unbelievers to come to Christ and accept him as their only hope and savior." The dialogue represents half of the book, while the other half is given to quotes from the Bible as well as epigrams. However, the book is limited to a literalist Christian take on salvation, which is more commonly known as a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint. This is a concrete and anthropomorphic belief system that negates other viewpoints of various religions and spiritual practices. In dialog, the Pastor's students are referred to as morons, naive, and stubborn while focusing on their ignorance, laziness, and foolishness. Perhaps a more forgiving tone would be convincing, beyond a strictly literal interpretation of the Bible and the perpetuation of Satan's scariness.

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