Canadian Donald McQueen, a retired government worker, has previously released two volumes of wisdom from White Wing. This third tome deals with a wide range of spiritual matters such as sacraments, temples, levels of consciousness, and pyramids. These pronouncements were channeled to a group known as the Circle of Light in London beginning in the 1930s. The author was entrusted with these materials and released them when he believed the time was right. The messages are in part presented in question-and-answer format, covering the vast implications of spirituality and higher realms of awareness. Some of the segments are dated, some are not; and there are other entities besides White Wing, such as Adonai and Sananda, whose spiritual observations are also included. White Wing himself is sometimes referred to as Whitey (i.e. "Now Whitey wants you to enter the Silence"). The general philosophy suggests the unity of all religions and a harmonious interlocking of etheric and physical worlds.
Since this is large book (500+ pages), with little reference to the origin of the White Wing phenomenon other than a few opening remarks, a one-page bio of this sage—who he was, why and how he originally communicated with the Circle—would support this text and perhaps each volume, as would the breaking up of long sentences and the explanation for dates and names when they appear. In its totality, The Wisdom of White Wing is inspiring, even illuminating, to those on a spiritual quest.
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