This true cautionary tale of family conflict in the face of an elder member's fatal illness almost reads like a modern domestic potboiler. Fact may not always be stranger than fiction, but as Rae's saga demonstrates, it certainly ranks up there with the strangest goings-on in American society. Odd or not, this particular truth is far more consequential than fiction since it involves real-life tensions that can affect relationships, real-life emotions that can affect health, and real-life finances that can affect livelihoods. This book is the author's first-person account of a years-long battle she wages with relatives (called evil stepsisters) who tried to destroy the financial cushion set up by her dying father, who adored her very much. The most perceptible theme of this short, disquieting book is that when money is involved, sometimes we never really know who we can trust—including family members.
Because of the empathy that quickly builds as the author spins her woeful tale of family discord, readers will most certainly want to know more about her. However, there is very little about her between the covers. The author may have wanted it that way because of the personal and potentially litigious nature of the story. Her book is written in a simple, straightforward style with short chapters and a relatable, friendly tone. The novel-like title has quite a bit of meaning once the reader is immersed in the story. The emotional conclusion was undoubtedly cathartic for the author. It is also well enough presented to be equally cathartic for the reader.
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