Your Physical and Emotional Pain Doesn't Have To Be The Enemy
by Ms. Bobbie Portz  MT, CR
Trafford Publishing

"Listen to the sounds of pain – dull, throbbing, aching, sharp, tender, burning, cutting, stabbing, splitting, and/or radiating. Pain is the director and we are the orchestra..."

Bobbie Portz learned how to manage a lifetime in pain by the grace of her Lord. This personal story invites those in pain to understand the roots of their pain and, by example, shows how to transcend that pain. Using her life of anger and pain (as well as those of her patients) as the vehicle for bringing hope to others in pain, she builds a platform for ways to mitigate that pain. The author gives excellent in-depth explanations that not only describe how deep-tissue massage and reflexology work, but also how to interact with the therapist in order to gain the results that will best relieve the patient. She introduces us to Brazilian toe massage, Gravity inversion, Kinesiology, Thermography, Cold laser treatment, Homeopathic remedies, and the importance of psychotherapy, nutrition, exercise, emotional, and spiritual balance. "Pain is the gift that makes us aware of impending injury or illness... it shows us where it hurts."

This book is a primer on how to manage your pain, told through examples of those who suffer while providing language to further understanding of pain itself. Portz suggests, "physical and emotional traumas stay in our systems and accumulate.... If you are capable of an emotion that makes you sick, you are capable of an emotion to make you well.... Sometimes the only way out of pain or to get rid of pain is through pain. One must break down the barriers of pain by breaking through pain with pain. ... Movement is the key to staying healthy, and exercise is the key to staying flexible and pain free."

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