Zosimos of Panopolis
by Yasmin Esack
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"That humans could connect to a supernatural realm of quantum light clung to his thoughts as bees to a honeycomb. It was all he ever thought of."

Dr. Thomas Hart is a man obsessed. Like a moth irresistibly attracted to a porch light, every movement he makes is an attempt to somehow get closer to proving what he believes to be true. Convinced that a person's "higher self can connect to a supernatural force in a realm," and that such a connection would give us "a natural ability to enhance our mental and physical states," Hart pursues any and every avenue he can think of to turn up evidence to support his claims. His students clamor for proof. Most of his colleagues or acquaintances in other scholarly fields either dismiss his ideas as the ravings of a madman or, at best, express concern for him. Then one morning he hears the voice. It starts as a low buzz in his ears but eventually becomes audible as words spoken to him by a traveler through time, an otherworldly guide who seeks to encourage and help Hart in his quest. Unfortunately, not everyone approves of Hart's pursuit nor those of his colleagues who are approaching the goal from different angles, and to stop the knowledge from emerging these secretive enemies will even resort to murder.

Named after the Egyptian alchemist and Gnostic mystic who lived around 300 AD, the book is replete with Gnostic ideas and references. However, Esack's short chapters propel the reader through the narrative, creating a fast pace for the book despite the weighty religious and philosophical content. Those familiar with the works of Dan Brown may also note some similarities between them and Esack's novel. Like Brown's protagonist Robert Langdon, Tom Hart has a dogged determination to get to the truth—a trait every fictional puzzle solver must have, of course. Readers who enjoy spiritual speculation and scientific inquiry mingled with suspense may find this book fits the bill.

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