by Bob Brooks
Finishing Line Press

"The trouble with patriotism is
you can't tell which building's the post office."

In this collection of poems, the author's philosophy is to accomplish more with less. Each poem is only a few lines long, but often conveys a complete idea in a unique way. Additionally, many of the selections in this compilation are humorous in nature, providing a punchline at poem's end. Topics include the surreal, the mundane, French sculptors, Russian authors, and pants sizes. Twenty-five poems in total are included that can be digested one at a time or in rapid succession. Picking up this collection of poetry means taking a step into an individual perspective of the world: a playful series of thoughts and observations that some may have had but few have written so eloquently.

Perfect for a lunchtime read or just a humorous thought to start every day for most of a month, these poems are enjoyable without overstaying their welcome. The humor is subtle but unmissable, bringing to mind clever witticisms and observations that would be right at home in The New Yorker. Not every poem here is designed to be funny, and the ones that adopt a more serious tone are powerful in their brevity. The effect that just a few words can have on opening up larger ideas and ponderings is on display, and while it takes virtually no time to read through, the ideas within linger in the mind long after the back cover is closed. For those that enjoy the slightly skewed, the funny, and the unique, and for those that believe the soul of wit lies in brevity, these poems are worth reading.

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