Write for The US Review of Books
The US Review of Books hires freelance writers to review books for the publication. Please contact the editor with a resume, sample work, and at least two professional references. We will accept your materials by e-mail or through regular mail. NOTE: Before you send your samples, please see what is expected of each review.
If you want to guest blog for us, read the type of articles we publish. We need informative content, not self-promotion pieces. E-mail your article (300-500 words) to our editor. You'll be given a full byline and appropriate links that reach our large subscriber base and readership.
Here's what a recent hire posted on-line: "This is my dream job. I love to read, and I'm grateful for the opportunities to read the books I want. The editors with whom I work treat me and my efforts with the utmost respect and appreciation. I receive fair compensation for the work I do, and I am, as my headline says, proud to tell anyone who will listen that I work here. Criticism is firm but gentle, and often delivered just lightheartedly enough to let you know that the criticism has to do with your work, not with you as a person. Praise is hard-won, but very sweet when it comes. Feedback, whether positive or negative, is prompt, as are replies to questions which are always answered respectfully."
Current book review opportunities
Reviewer FAQ
What is expected of each review?
How are reviews assigned?
Book titles are periodically posted for potential reviewers. Reviewers are asked to read the list and return their preferences. Titles are assigned in order of reviewer request and on a best-fit basis.
What is expected of each review?
Standard reviews run 250-300 words. It should summarize the book as well as reveal insights drawn from the reading. It may include short quotes from the book, compare the text to similar books, speak about the author, interject informed opinion, but it should avoid clichés and the type of casual tone that includes the reviewer in the discussion. We are seeking heart and succinct writing in reviews. Negative criticism is part of the business, although we ask that comments be factual, unemotional, and directed toward the book and not the author. Reviewers are given the opportunity to assign a "recommended" rating to outstanding titles. There are plenty of review examples on the site. Completed reviews should be returned within 2-3 weeks; this deadline is critical. All review copy is edited to the Chicago Manual of Style.
How are reviewers paid?
Reviewers are paid monthly for every review completed during the previous month. Checks are sent by the 5th day of each month.