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Snoodles in Space, Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back
by Steven Joseph Enigami Publishing "Before Frimpy Frumpy and Whimpy Whiny could warn Briana and Ricky, they had eaten the Stroodle Noodle Cake with the special Willy Nilly Dilly dust."
The whimsical, rhyming world of Normal Noodle, Sally Stroodle, and their children— Ricky Rockadoodle and Briana Brainy Broodle—returns with another adventure full of silliness, absurdity, and intergalactic interference. Picking up after the events of the first book in the series, Grumpy Grimy Groodleman is upset over how the Snoodle vehicles have completely driven out the need for his business selling Groodlemobiles. When Evil Kidoodle comes from the planet Zoodle to Earth to meet with Grumpy Grimy Groodleman, he brings a plan to trick Ricky and Briana into eating some modified cake that will sap their intelligence. Seeing an opportunity to get back at the family that ruined his business and an opportunity to bring the Groodlemobile back to prominence, Grumpy Grimy wastes no time in agreeing to help out this evil alien invader. ... (read more) |
- 80 Adventures with God by Ed Colton
- Adventures of Elf and Troll, The by NM Reed with Whitney Lee Preston
- Alisa in Washerland by Marian Flores - RECOMMENDED
- Apocalypse by James A. DeVita
- Architects of a Cleaner Financial System by Tolu A. Akinyemi - RECOMMENDED
- Ashes of the City by Quinton Taylor-Garcia
- Blacker Side of Buddhism, The by Harry J Blackwood
- Catch The Wave by Steven Cole
- Chubby the Bear's Big Choice by Daryl McCollough - RECOMMENDED
- Crooked Forest, The by Joni Franks
- Crossing Borders by Ilmarinen G. Vogel
- Dream Upon a Star, Vol 1 by Yuma
- Empirical Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects for Sustainable Development by Tony Kealy - RECOMMENDED
- Evidence Mercury Causes Alzheimer’s Disease by Robert Siblerud
- Exploring Wine Regions—Mexico: Discovering Mexico’s Quality Wines and Phenomenal Cuisine by Dr. Michael C. Higgins PhD - RECOMMENDED
- First Incarnation, The by Robert Ulanowic - RECOMMENDED
- From Healing to Hell by William Henry Wall, Jr.
- From the Starting Gate by Billy Peterson - RECOMMENDED
- God's Agenda by William C. Edmondson
- Good Morning! Volume II by Irvin F. Stapf Jr.
- Guardian of the Ages by Henry Hoffman
- Hornet's Spell, The by Rich Shapero - RECOMMENDED
- How Joyous Effort Works by Janet Kathleen Ettele
- How to Wreck or Save a Church by EDG Smith
- I (Think) I Want Out by Becky Whetstone, PhD - RECOMMENDED
- Jenna Comes Home by Elaine Stockton
- Journey, The by Colonel Vaughan Witten PhD
- Just Me by Elise Fare
- Katie's Really Bad Day by Kathleen Jeffrey
- Legend of the Maara by Patrick Castles - RECOMMENDED
- Marblehead Mistake by Bill Rita - RECOMMENDED
- My Bonney Lies Under by Susan Cummins Miller - RECOMMENDED
- Nature Vs. Technology—Who’s Winning? by D. J. Mathews
- Night Garden, The by Sandra Tyler - RECOMMENDED
- Our Many Adventures to Frog Island by Beth Berger-Caldwell
- Pastors! The Time Has Come by Pastor Leonard Roy Harris
- Path to Peril by H.D. Duman
- Reinventing Life by Ilmarinen G. Vogel
- Rock Crystals, The by Asif Saba
- Salvo by Randy Lee Higgins, Ph.D.
- Sergeant Hanluc, and the Missing Students by Dsjen Hanluc
- S.I.C.Q. by Terol McCullar
- Sunday Morning Experience, The by Archie Carter
- Tips on Staying Alive by L. Neal Pearcy
- Tosher by Adrian Winney - RECOMMENDED
- Transcend by Faisal Hoque - RECOMMENDED
- Trip to the Moon, A by Geeta Pati - RECOMMENDED
- Up So Floating by Maureen Hourihan
- Vinoda's Vengeance by Naveen Sridhar - RECOMMENDED
- Walk Through Life, A by Yvonne Crist
- What Mom & Dad Never Told Us by Mic Lowther
- Where Is Charlotte? Or Where Is ____? by Mark Gorkin, “The Stress Doc”™
Featured Book Reviews
Precarious Existence
Highlight Review
"I did commit a major crime repeatedly during the time I lived with the Walters: I ran away. To me this was not a criminal act—it was a survival tactic."
This co-written memoir reveals painful truths about the effects of the Orphan Trains on Depression-era children in the United States. In its attempt to find stable homes for children away from crowded cities, the Children’s Aid Society had noble intentions in creating the Orphan Trains. However, Walters’ story reveals how a healthy placement depended on pure chance; in his case, after being separated from his co-traveling older brother, he was physically and sexually abused by his adoptive couple. After finally escaping the abusive pair (one attempt resulted in his confinement to Boys Town for a year), Walters learned life on the road by hopping freight trains and working jobs as he found them. This precarious existence became the pattern for his life, as, after serving in World War II, Walters toiled at a succession of varied occupations while he struggled to raise his family. Yet those struggles sparked and emboldened his resilience, which sends an inspirational message to readers and provides a sense of resounding hope. ... (read more) |
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Miri and the Honeybee
by N J Lujan
MindStir Media
Miri, who grew up with other Yorkies, was caged and used only to produce litters of puppies. As Miri guides readers through kennel life, they learn about the loveless and inhumane environment of puppy mills. They meet the ruthless kennel owners, Judith and Wayne, who view the Yorkies as not animals with feelings and lives but merely as a means of income. Another interesting character, Queenie (a resident honeybee), emerges. Queenie acts as a guiding force for the dogs harmed by Judith and Wayne’s greed. Readers watch as a series of events leads Miri to the love and comfort of a new home and a new family that restores Miri’s spirits and offers her a new life. They also see that justice holds a place for animals too. ... (read more)
Feel Good Mystery
Highlight Review
Guardian of the Ages by Henry Hoffman "The year is 1970. The Vietnam War is raging, the crew members of Apollo 13 are attempting to make it safely back home, and Paul McCartney has left the Beatles."
In this book, readers meet Sean Doyle, a man with an interesting background shaped by years of emotional trauma. Sean accepts a job as a library security guard and quickly learns that the library can be anything but a quiet place. He spends his days focusing on people whose behaviors are out of line with library policies. When a slew of strange murders begins, Sean takes an interest in the case. He learns that the library’s walls and aisles may hold more clues and revelations about the case than he realized. Meanwhile, his attraction to the beautiful Alicia—who may or may not be his boss—becomes too evident to hide. Little does Sean know that this will change not only his situation but also the course of his life. ... (read more) |
Rich Plot
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The Bones of the Apostle
by John Amos
River Grove Books
British sensibilities and the romantic longings of English and Middle Eastern literature permeate this action-adventure mystery thriller as detectives Flinders Petrie and Thomas Pettigrew seek to find excitement in their lives once again. Penned by an American scholar and lawyer, the novel draws upon his life experiences that range from the California coast to various Middle Eastern nations. This title is the latest in a series that riffs upon Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. In fact, detectives Petrie and Pettigrew also live in a flat on Baker Street in the pre-World War I era and aspire to compete with and emulate their two successful but beleaguered heroes while running a more modern international detective agency. ... (read more)
Worthy Struggles
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An Unfinished Marriage
by Cindy Bonner
Deck Night Press
On paper, Sarah and Adam have the perfect American dream marriage: college sweethearts, married and living with their two children in Sarah’s dream Queen Anne Victorian home. They celebrate holidays with their parents, are active members of the community, take great interest in their sons’ education, and work together to remodel their home. So when Adam comes home inebriated late one night, the last thing Sarah expects him to say is, “I just don’t feel like I love you…” This simple declaration, which Adam goes on to waver about, completely changes the trajectory of Sarah’s carefully planned life. In a way, Adam’s admission—and, as the reader comes to discover, his history of infidelity—actually opens Sarah up to realize how suffocated she feels in this marriage. She now has the chance to find true love of her own in a wholly unexpected circumstance. In the process, she discovers depths of strength and courage within herself that she never knew she had. ... (read more)
Entertaining & Introspective
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A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists
by Radu Guiaşu
At the heart of Guiaşu’s work is a free-spirited nature that is meshed with a penchant for humor en route to tackling pertinent topics. An academic through and through, the author has included works that span the spectrum of his educational journey from elementary school to his doctoral experiences and professorship. In each of the short stories, the signature humor is only complemented by the uncanny relatability that pervades the work, beginning with “A Good Day,” which is rooted in an exploration of the immense challenges that career academics have in finding a job after earning their doctoral degree. ... (read more)
Loss & Redemption
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Silence: A Novel
by Julia Park Tracey
Sibylline Press
Silence Marsh appreciates her life. She is a Puritan woman from a loving family who marries the town constable. She has questions now and then about the harsh Separatist doctrine of her church but quickly shuts down such thoughts. However, after a series of tragic events take many of her loved ones from her, Silence lashes out in her grief during a church meeting. Calls of blasphemy soon have Silence on trial in front of the leering magistrate Fellows. Her sentence includes a day of torture and humiliation, and Silence must remain silent for a year. ... (read more)
A New Favorite
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Legend of the Maara
by Patrick Castles
Dorrance Publishing
In this well-written novel, readers meet Jason, a member of an expedition to Maara, which is a mysterious, cold, and dark place. Jason and the rest of his team are mysteriously kidnapped. The scientists suspect that Maara is devoid of intelligent life, but their capture sends them on a strange journey and seems to prove otherwise. Throughout the book, readers accompany Jason and the rest of the crew on various adventures and expeditions. In the meantime, Jason navigates professional and personal challenges that threaten to change the course of the team’s mission. Nonetheless, the hurdles that Maara’s landscape and creatures pose for the explorers are no match for the spirit of their endeavor and the legacy they will establish for future generations of explorers and inhabitants. ... (read more)
Christians Seeking
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The Sunday Morning Experience: Gleaning from God’s Word
by Archie Carter
Proisle Publishing Service
Author Carter has diligently studied the deepest meanings embedded in the Holy Bible, as expressed by God’s chosen visionaries. His narrative propounds these scriptural lessons to aid fellow Christians seeking higher understanding. The volume opens with lessons from Peter, one of Christ’s closest apostles, addressing “the elect” who have received Jesus as their savior. Peter was an impulsive but tender-hearted man who observed Jesus' works during his savior’s lifetime and after Jesus’ resurrection and was persecuted for his beliefs. The writings of Paul, as presented in the book of Ephesians, explore the relationship between Jews and Gentiles, all of whom are offered salvation by Jesus. Paul also warned the Galatians about false teachers. ... (read more)
Holy Spirit
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Catch The Wave: Experience the Thrill of Spirit-Empowered Living!
by Steven Cole
Proisle Publishing Service
Writer Cole explores the purpose of Christianity’s Holy Spirit, making the case that this aspect of the Holy Trinity is an active, cogent reality, despite the fact that, for many professing Christians, the Holy Spirit is conceived as a concept only, rather than a companion. Cole reminds readers that the miracles that Jesus performed were done by Jesus as a human, not “God with a skin on.” Moreover, Jesus clearly stated that those who have faith in him will be able to do what he did, as described in scripture. ... (read more)
School Worries
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Katie's Really Bad Day: A Story About Test Anxiety
by Kathleen Jeffrey
After a fun recess outside with friends, Katie returns to the classroom and experiences severe anxiety during a spelling test. An upset tummy, sweaty palms, pounding head, and teary eyes lead her to scribble aggressively with her pencil on her desk. A fellow classmate calls attention to Katie, only exacerbating her fear and embarrassment. Miss Julie, their teacher, encourages her to meet with her after class. Sobbing, Katie apologizes for scribbling on her desk and confesses that she “felt sick” at test time. She discusses with her teacher that this has developed as a pattern response nearly every time tests are given. Katie begins to be apprehensive about going to school each morning and discusses her fears and test anxiety with supportive, reassuring parents. ... (read more)
Young Whimsy
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Just Me
by Elise Fare
Proisle Publishing Services
The little girl with bright red hair narrating Fare’s picture book begins by saying she has a cold nose—like a dog. But she’s no dog. Her ears are rather big, but she is no elephant. Though her legs are long, she, of course, is not a giraffe. Her eyes may look large when she brings a magnifying glass to her face, but she is not an owl. Like a shark, her smiling mouth is “big with teeth.” And with characteristic red hair, “I could be an orangutan,” writes Fare. “But I’m not!” Playing outside with two arms waving, wearing jeans and a purple shirt, “There is no other quite like me,” the young girl exclaims. “Anywhere. Just me!” The final page reveals a colorful, hand-drawn globe of the world, with oceans swirling around continents. ... (read more)
Young Solutions
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Jenna Comes Home
by Elaine Stockton
Christian Faith Publishing
Domestic joy and tranquility are strongly apparent in this trio of picture book tales. The tone is set in the first story when the day finally arrives for Bonnie and her mother to pick up the family’s new puppy. The excitement is palpable and remains high throughout the series. The charming, colorful pencil illustrations mirror the upbeat prose and will delight young readers with their energetic depictions of Jenna, the special dog, and her equally special human friend, Bonnie. Author Stockton is a career school teacher and mother of two and grandmother to six, all girls, so it’s quite likely that she’s drawn upon her wealth of biographical experiences with children and pets to pen these stories about Bonnie and her canine companion. ... (read more)
Searching for Answers
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My Bonney Lies Under
by Susan Cummins Miller
Artemesia Publishing
In a tale set in 1885, Keridec “Keri” Rees is a precocious teenager on a trans-Pacific journey back to the United States with her surrogate family. Recently, Keri has suffered multiple losses with the untimely deaths of her mother and father. Despite her young age, she now finds herself as the primary heir to the family business. However, she faces an unforgiving rival in her grandmother, who seeks total control of the company. ... (read more)
Take Charge
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Pastors! The Time Has Come
by Pastor Leonard Roy Harris
Author Harris delves deeply into the role of a pastor both in a broad sense and in specific circumstances and modern modalities. He stresses the need for those embarking on that position to cast off all doubt and begin like the disciples of Jesus—guided by prayer and then inspired to minister to others. Preparatory praying will focus on one’s sins and the need to fight against Satan, using Jesus as one’s armor. Clear examples of the necessities for the task are included in the Bible: allowing Jesus to enter and command one’s existence, growing closer in intimacy with him, and accepting one’s role to purvey “endurance and patience.” ... (read more)
Whimsical & Radiant
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by Katherine Davis-Gibbon
Riverlet Press
“Words are a lot like people,” Davis-Gibbon writes in her delightful children’s picture book. Each one is “awesome,” the author declares, “just as it is.” Words of all kinds—all shapes and sizes—are celebrated and likened in wondrous ways to the special qualities found in the diversity of people all around. Each word has something unique only it can say, shining its “special light” into the world. Words are like children playing, joining hands to create new things. Some words are friends, the author explains, while others may disagree. Words, like boys and girls, can sometimes be shy, angry, or even scary. However, young readers are reassured that words are patient, always understanding, and—like people—love being given second chances. Words that hurt can also heal, and while choosing truthful words takes courage, it is always worth it. ... (read more)
Sticks and Stones...
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Chubby the Bear's Big Choice
by Daryl McCollough
Archway Pyblishing
Chubby the Bear is a cub who lives in a forest with other bears and his friends Roly Poly, a raccoon, Bucky, a beaver, and a swarm of friendly bees. Bullied and taunted by the other bears because of his weight and deeply hurt by their behavior, Chubby thinks at first of ways to retaliate by calling the bears derogatory nicknames. ... (read more)
Shine Through
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Where Is Charlotte? Or Where Is ____?
by Mark Gorkin, “The Stress Doc”™
Archway Publishing
In a fun and exciting game of hide and seek with her parents, Charlotte explores a variety of hiding places like closets, corners, and pillow caves. Her adventurous personality and vivid imagination conjure ideas of climbing big trees, floating on a breeze, peeking from behind willows, and transforming into a beautiful garden flower. When she’s ready to be found, Charlotte jumps out and joyously declares, “Here I am!” She shouts, “Boo!” and likens her powerful voice to the roar of a mighty tiger, the howling of a majestic wolf, or the growling of a huge bear. Charlotte follows this display of ferocity with a bear hug, which shows that her love is as ferocious as her independence and personality. ... (read more)
Big Picture
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Exploring Wine Regions—Mexico: Discovering Mexico’s Quality Wines and Phenomenal Cuisine
by Dr. Michael C. Higgins PhD
International Exploration Society
When considering the world's top wine regions, many will often bring up France, Italy, or even California. One destination that is not readily recalled is Mexico. However, this guidebook gives an extensive, firsthand account of exceptional wines from the country paired with stunning views and incredible culinary discoveries. For instance, the Valle de Guadalupe is a part of the same wine-making climate famous in California. Meanwhile, the mountainous state of Guanajuato in central Mexico is home to a unique wine-making climate as well as a thriving travel destination—the colonial-era village of San Miguel de Allende. Finally, the small Mexican state of Queretaro, with its abundance of history and Spanish colonial architecture, is not only known for its wine, food, and culture but also for its particularly engaging sparkling wines. All three regions have been attracting world-class winemakers who have studied and worked all over the world alongside owners who are driven to provide some of the finest quality wine and gastronomic experiences available. This guidebook will help ensure that readers who travel to these places spend their time visiting the very best these regions have to offer. ... (read more)
Master Storyteller
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Vinoda's Vengeance: An Indo-Greek Story
by Naveen Sridhar
KDP Amazon
In 143 BCE, talented actress Vinoda gains the attention of Menander’s royal family after they see her performance in the lead role of Sophocles' play Antigone. Men usually play women’s parts, so it is highly unusual for an acting troupe to employ the two actresses who play Antigone and her sister. Not only does the troupe use women, but its director intends to perform the politically and socially charged play without the masks of the early Greek theater. Having garnered royal attention through her portrayal of Antigone, Vinoda is invited to the palace for an audience with the queen. Here, she meets Herodes, the prince and heir to the throne. The two begin meeting each other, and a relationship develops. However, there are secrets they have yet to discover about each other. When the truth is revealed, Vinoda must face a course of action she never saw coming. ... (read more)
Holy Scripture
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God's Agenda: Past, Present, and Future
by William C. Edmondson
Proisle Publishing Service
Writer Edmondson explores the origins of the universe and human life as part of God’s plan and the prospects awaiting those who believe (or disbelieve) the histories and prophecies of the Holy Bible. He views are based on quiet times of prayer in which he received the God-given insight that one’s earthly character and actions comprise what Edmondson calls “the box.” Delving into biblical proofs, he establishes a firm case that God developed the universe and man’s role on earth to reveal and share his goodness and glory. But soon, he would need to battle the fallen angel Satan and his nefarious works. This caused God to “deaden” his first human creations and all others afterward, requiring them to “get out of the box” and obey him to experience everlasting life. God’s support will help one to repel Satan’s reach and accept Jesus as humankind’s savior. There are steps that one can take and prayers that can be said, offered here for guidance to the safety of God’s love and care. ... (read more)
Highly Imaginative
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The Adventures of Elf and Troll: Two Kingdoms
by NM Reed with Whitney Lee Preston
Tattered Unicorn Publishing
Although diminutive in size, Elf is a feisty wood elf and hunter who always outsmarts predators. On behalf of the Good Queen of the south, Valerie the Kind, Elf must journey to the Kingdom of Wisdom to deliver an important message to King Harold the Wise. Accompanying Elf is her protector—the often misunderstood Troll whose massive size, granite skin, extensive weaponry, and body armor make for an imposing figure. As the companions travel back and forth to establish communication between the two kingdoms, they endure many perils, encounter a diverse variety of creatures, and uncover a sinister plot with multiple sources of evil and villainy. ... (read more)
Intrepid Voice
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Architects of a Cleaner Financial System
by Tolu A. Akinyemi
The Roaring Lion Newcastle
In a clear, bold voice, the speaker in these poems challenges financial institutions, hiring practices, and capitalism’s reach into every corner of a person's everyday life. The speaker examines how the workforce erodes an individual’s free will and how “the job market is built / on a foundation of falsehood.” In the workforce, individuals are merely “building blocks of exaggerated lies,” and “the ownership chain is a long winding road.” Simultaneously, the speaker also makes great strides to understand their own levels of self-awareness, their place in the workforce and society, and the role of greed and finances in developing their identity. ... (read more)
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The Night Garden: of My Mother
by Sandra Tyler
Pierian Springs Press
The author reflects on her relationship with her mother from the beginning until her mother's passing. For instance, her mother gave birth to her at the age of forty-five, making her an only child. The author experienced a significant loss when her father passed away when she was thirty, and she lost her mother at the age of fifty-two. She shares unforgettable moments, such as their daily phone calls and memorable trips to places like Florence and New Mexico. Her mother often encouraged her by saying that she was a better artist than she was. Throughout this journey, the author depicts her mother as a strong-willed individual who was unafraid to express her opinions and needs. ... (read more)
Finding Real
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The Hornet's Spell
by Rich Shapero
TooFar Media
Filled with a deep distrust for men and relationships, Danni is meandering through her twenties. She is accomplished professionally yet feels utterly alone. As her faith wavers in ever truly finding someone with substance, she is referred to a hypnotist, Raj, to work through her notion of hopelessness. Shapero’s storyline is predicated upon the two primary characters, Danni and Raj, and it is through their surreal interactions that he effectively opens up layers of their past, present, and future. What makes the work even more intriguing is the high relatability factor at a time when romantic relationships manifest themselves in myriad forms, be it online, in person, etc. ... (read more)
A Generation's Secrets
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What Mom & Dad Never Told Us
by Mic Lowther
Olympus Story House
This final book in the Moorhouse Trilogy finds the siblings—Caroline, David, and Juliana—trying to decide what to do with the millions left to them by their father and the money they have made from their own business that he prompted them to start. Going through items left by their parents, they discover things that seem strange. Their father, the aloof lawyer and financial wizard, left behind a manuscript of modern fairy tales no one knew he had written. Their mother, who has been dead for about forty years, has an art museum named after her maiden name, which houses many of her paintings. In addition, she had a secret job as a night courier and kept a journal about it. This brings up questions about her death. In addition, life in the present keeps the siblings busy. A large company is offering a substantial amount of money to buy their business. The girls decide to go on a road trip to sell their mother's designer dresses, and the three are working on the idea of creating an in-house and online gambling business based on the game of Monopoly. With mysteries to solve and business to conduct, the siblings will not need to worry about what to do with their free time. ... (read more)
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Evidence Mercury Causes Alzheimer’s Disease: “The Dental Amalgam Story”
by Robert Siblerud
Global Summit House
Author Siblerud expresses a well-founded concern regarding the use of mercury, a pervasive poison, in dental amalgams used to fill cavities. The dangers of mercury have been well proven; the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that “there is no safe level of mercury” and established that human intake of this toxic element mostly stems from the amalgams still being used by most dentists. With new findings pointing to mercury poisoning as a significant factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the author examines in detail the stages and symptoms of AD, noting that many of them can be attributed to mercury poisoning, which begins immediately when a filling is inserted and increases over many years. A child who gets cavities filled with this amalgam is already in danger of becoming a victim of AD because mercury’s vapors will gradually and effectively cloud the brain. ... (read more)
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Ashes of the City
by Quinton Taylor-Garcia
Bamboo Village Books
As the world crumbles around them, a group of high-school students fight for their lives in this action-packed novel. Teens Maya, Jace, Riley, Benji, Tariq, and their classmates find their lives upended after an earthquake levels their city. Valiant Maya immediately takes charge, organizing efforts to find food and shelter and bolstering her friends when their confidence lags. Her leadership is challenged by headstrong Jace, whose increasingly bold and immoral ideas soon lead to a splintering of their group. Throughout the following days, the two factions clash as they struggle to survive in the strange new landscape they have found themselves in. Will Maya hold on to her idealism and humanity, or will she cave under the pressures of leadership? Will Jace continue to plunge headlong into the rebellion he has created? How will they all survive? ... (read more)
Ancient Times
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Apocalypse: An Allegory For The Millennial Age
by James A. DeVita
Dorrance Publishing
Five thousand years ago, there was a great schism in Heaven. Infuriated by the growing popularity of Heaven’s Original Rock Star, Seytan, and outraged over the disastrous consequences of angels procreating with mortals, God cast Seytan and his followers out of their celestial home. Now, these fallen angels walk the Earth as embittered, destructive demons wearing human disguises, manipulating unsuspecting mortals, and wreaking havoc wherever possible. Still enraged by the unfairness of their exile, Seytan and his cronies embark on a multi-pronged, coordinated campaign to destroy the world. Holding positions of influence in the spheres of politics, economics, technology, science, and entertainment, they set out to overthrow governments, cause famines, spread highly infectious and incredibly deadly diseases, decimate the world population, cripple the world economy, expedite the destruction of the environment, corrupt morality, and eliminate all sources of hope. To accomplish this, they enlist the help of the Antichrist and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. ... (read more)
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Up So Floating
by Maureen Hourihan
Archway Publishing
A pre-teen story of life in a Catholic school in the 1960s, this book focuses on Monty and her three friends and family. She is in the sixth grade and struggling after the death of her mother. She finds herself floating about the rest of the world and watching what is going on. She learns that some of the saints levitated but doesn’t understand this and what is happening to her. ... (read more)
Considering the Future
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Empirical Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects for Sustainable Development
by Tony Kealy
Springer Nature
This volume, an extensive academic and business review, was part of author and sustainability consultant Kealy’s PhD thesis research in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Technological University Dublin, along with work on corporate social responsibility. With a focus on Ireland, Dr. Kealy analyzes renewable energy resources, such as hydroelectric plants, solar PV systems, and wind turbine generators in order to ascertain the potential advantages of these. Of great concern is how to deal with the variations in energy output (particularly with wind generation) using long-term storage to satisfy sustainable development in the economic, environmental, and human (or social) resources, said to be closely interlinked and affecting the sustainability of any organization, whether a business, a country, or another establishment. ... (read more)
Feel Good Mystery
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Sergeant Hanluc, and the Missing Students
by Dsjen Hanluc
In this interesting book, readers follow the story of Sergeant Hanluc. Hanluc is a dedicated husband, father, and police officer. From the book’s beginning, readers see his dedication to others. Readers learn that Hanluc had relocated from New York to Jamaica and that during his initial time there, local fishermen had risked their lives to save him. Readers also see that Hanluc is an encouraging force to other officers, especially during difficult times in their lives. Eventually, a tragic accident disrupts Hanluc’s quaint existence. The accident sends him and his officers into a whirlwind investigation, challenging the stamina, intellect, and faith of all those involved. ... (read more)
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The Rock Crystals
by Asif Saba
Yusif, an avid practitioner of meditation, is experiencing visions. These visions begin as small snippets of another world and eventually build into an encounter with the afterlife. During one of his meditation sessions, Yusif has an out-of-body experience. “Now that Yusif didn’t have a physical body, he felt he had much more clarity of thought and awareness.” He hears a voice saying, “If you want to join us, fill yourself with love.” He is then transported by a bright light into Bakka, a place of calm and contentment. It is here he meets his four companions, who guide him on a strange journey into the afterlife, where he encounters the spirits of humans, animals, and plants. As his companions lead him through this afterworld, he visits exotic and unusual places such as the Crystal Cave, Earl’s Music Studio, the Planet Zamzam, and the Land of Shadows. ... (read more)
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The Blacker Side of Buddhism
by Harry J Blackwood
An imposing figure even at sixty-five, Terry Johnson’s stay in the Lion City is punctuated by a disturbing conversation with his cab driver, Sammy. That is when Terry first learns about baby spirits and feels compelled to take action to bring down the entire system. Having been imprisoned and allegedly committing harrowing crimes himself, Terry’s success in the aviation industry is in large part due to having met Belinda, his wife. Although the narrative journeys through Belinda meeting Terry for the first time at the train station, the driving force behind the novel is Terry’s resolve to unearth dark truths about illegal abortion that have been perpetuated for centuries. ... (read more)
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Dream Upon a Star: Volume One: The Boy in Blue
by Yuma
Three adventurers receive an enigmatic message about a mission and passage to the island nation of Sol. Dawn, a satyr bard, and the bounty hunters Zau (a changeling barbarian) and Urania (a half-demon thief) are to meet someone known only as the boy in blue. When they arrive in the port city of Alpherg, they quickly face off against the local militia, who are accosting a pair of goblins. ... (read more)
Father Figures
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by Adrian Winney
Tosh is grateful for his life with Jack Tanner, his savior. When Tosh was a baby, his parents abandoned him. They did not bother to take him to an orphanage. Jack found him and rescued him. He taught him how to read, write, and do mathematics. Tosh calls him Da, a nickname for father. Jack has been teaching him to be a Tosher and also how to be independent. Tosh loves Jack very much, so it was excruciating for him when he witnessed two men stab Jack repeatedly until he collapsed into a pool of his own blood. Now, Tosh is determined to track down the killers and the motivations behind Jack's murder. ... (read more)
Entertaining & Educational
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From the Starting Gate: The Winning Strategies for Wealth, Health, and Happiness
by Billy Peterson
Balboa Press
Peterson, the author of Harnessing Your Wealth, offers his readers in this latest work a masterclass in approaching the three most prominent areas of life: health, happiness, and wealth. While the advice, strategies, and philosophies are themselves not earth-shattering, what undoubtedly sets his book apart is his delivery—a fusion of vulnerable personal narratives, exceptional financial literacy insights, and a well-researched scientific angle that becomes the perfect concoction to a fulfilling life. ... (read more)
Multifront Battle
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Marblehead Mistake
by Bill Rita
Archway Publishing
Homeowners in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas are not secure as of late as a rash of home invasions have occurred. Frank and his partner utilize brute force in their crime and reveal their boss, but Diane disguises herself and appears as a gentleman bandit. Meanwhile, Andrea is a product of a law enforcement upbringing and has opted for a career in private investigations. Eventually, she is working on a variety of unsolved high-end home invasions. While Diane begins unloading a portion of her loot, she continues her crimes and hooks up with Frank. During the commission of a planned robbery, things go awry when Frank assaults a hysterical victim. Shortly thereafter, Andrea is assigned the case and pursues Frank and Diane. Unbeknownst to the robbers, their latest victim is the sister of an organized crime figure. Their problems have just begun. ... (read more)
Faerie World
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The Crooked Forest: Beyond
by Joni Franks
Wynter has been in isolation for a year and a day, hoping the faerie lands will cure her heartache over the emotional betrayal of her husband, Aidan. He had wanted to be a hero but instead caused much harm to their village and lied to her. After ending her solitude, Wynter heads out and learns that a threatening derecho is headed her way, and she needs to find shelter. Luckily for Wynter, a shapeshifting hare has sensed her danger and offers her a place in a magical burrow. Meanwhile, Old Mother Troll has been finding ways to hide her features and pass as a human to sell her wares and increase her treasure trove of gold coins. Also, Willow, a faerie, and the canine hero, Sir Gyzmo, must find a remedy for Willow’s sick mother soon, but the derecho has blown away all the healing herbs necessary for a cure. ... (read more)
Get Healthy
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Tips on Staying Alive
by L. Neal Pearcy
When the doctor found a grapefruit-sized tumor on his left kidney, Pearcy was worried about his future. The doctor used an innovative procedure, including a robotic surgery system, to remove the kidney and the tumor. The surgery was successful, but within a year, an MRI revealed that the cancer cells had metastasized and entered other areas of the body. During that same year, Pearcy lost his wife of fifty-two years to a massive heart attack. Pearcy could have given up, but he chose to fight. This began a journey of education where Pearcy would learn all he could about his own health and the illness he was fighting. Pearcy gathered all he learned and wrote a book in order to help others deal with similar situations. He also felt that his education into how the body works and what can be done to extend one’s longevity would be beneficial to most people. ... (read more)
Doing Everything
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From Healing to Hell
by William Henry Wall, Jr.
Archway Publishing
This amazing story about the Wall family centers on a tormented hero. Dr. William Henry Wall, Sr., the author's father, was a physician and state senator in a small southern town during some transitional decades of the twentieth century. A progressive multi-tasking public servant dedicated to improving the lives of all people regardless of their race, gender, age, or ability to pay for medical treatment, Wall, with assistance from his son ("Little Doc"), worked so hard that he developed an addiction to Demerol to keep his aching body working. His addiction depleted the family's resources to the extent that Wall couldn’t pay his income taxes, and all of the family's business and personal resources were at risk. Wall's difficulties and his progressive actions that defied the racist and sexist policies of his enemies in Early County got him an eighteen-month sentence in prison, where he became an unwilling guinea pig for CIA drug experiments. ... (read more)
The Congregation
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How to Wreck or Save a Church
by EDG Smith
WestBow Press
Author Smith interweaves satirical humor with the disappointments that can affect churchgoers when their newly hired clergy staff is “mismatched”—not what they expected and not what they want or need in overseeing and promoting their goals. His work comprises a series of vignettes fashioned through the memories he carries of observing, as a musician, the twists and turns that a church may experience when its leader is unsuited to the task. ... (read more)
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