Historical Fiction
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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 1300 Moons by David D. Plain
- 1871: Rivers on Fire by Paul Buchheit
- A Land Beyond Ravens by Kathleen Cunningham Guler
- A Penny for the Violin Man by Eli Rill
- Abigail’s Exchange by Kathryn Den Houter
- Absolution by Bob Riepe
- Acid and Bribery by Jeanne Ann Off
- Admiral’s Steward, The by Howard George
- African Sorceress by M. E. Skeel
- All Things that Deserve to Perish by Dana Mack
- Amah and the Silk-Winged Pigeons by Jocelyn Cullity
- American Bloodline by Bob Nienaber
- American Spirit by Roger Smith
- An Obsolete Honor by Helena P. Schrader
- And Trouble Followed by Michael T. Tusa, Jr.
- And Tyler No More by Stan Haynes
- And Union No More by Stan Haynes
- Andean Cross, The by Lawrence Clayton
- Angel and the Rogue, The by Dorothy P. Acosta Hays
- Apostles of Satan, The by F. Scott Kimmich
- Argentina: The Beautiful Land by Donald L. Lawrence
- Awakening of La Muse, The by S. R. Strickland
- Babylon Laid Waste by Brigitte Goldstein
- Back of the Yard by Meg Lelvis
- Basilisk, The by Miriam Herin
- Baths of Caracalla, The by Robert Eckert
- Bathsheba and the King of Israel by Barbara Young Singer
- Beautiful Glittering Lie, A by J.D.R. Hawkings
- Becharmed Callie Christmas, A by J. D. R. Hawkins
- Beer and Gasoline by John Knoerle
- Before the Alamo by Florence Byham Weinberg
- Before the Court of Heaven by Jack Mayer
- Béla's Letters by Jeff Ingber
- Beautiful Glittering Lie, A by J.D.R. Hawkins
- Bits of Sky by Marc Severson
- Blackberries Are Red When Green by Keith Frohreich
- Blood Before Dawn by Daniel V. Meier, Jr.
- Blood for Freedom: a Novel by J.P. Piché
- Bloodroot by Daniel V. Meier, Jr.
- Book in her Hands, A by John S. Munday
- Bolivar’s Heart by Margaret Donnelly
- Boxing Day by Kathleen Shoop
- Breaking Point by John Rhodes
- Breaking the Silence by Maria Nieto
- Bridie's Daughter by Robert Noonan
- Bright Days and Dark by John S. Wilson
- Broken by Traci L. Slatton
- Broken Beads, The by Harry Kline
- Bruised Purple Hearts by Jerry C. Blanton
- Butcher on Colfax, The by J.T. Tierney
- Caesar, Cicero & Cleopatra by Arthur J. Paone
- Call for Duty by JR Reynolds
- Captain Hornigold and the Pirate Republic by Martin A. Frey
- Carthy Family Secret: Book 1, Part 1 by K.M.M.
- Carthy Family Secret: Book 1, Part 1 by K.M.M.
- Case of Emil Diesel, The by Patricia Menton
- Catching the Stone by David L. Andrews
- Cellist’s Friend, The by Robert J Fanshawe
- Chicken Thief Soldier, The by Michael Fields
- Cinco de Mayo, The Novel by Don Miles
- Coming Full Circle by Budd Titlow & Mariah Tinger
- Commodore and the Powder Monkey, The by Mark Barie
- Common Threads by L.A. Champagne
- Common Threads II by L.A. Champagne
- Common Threads Trilogy, The, I by L. A. Champagne
- Confrontation by J.A. Hunsinger
- Cost of Liberty, The by Michael Skeen
- Countdown to Atomgeddon by James Howell
- Courage of the Heart by Christine Chatterton
- Court of Miracles by Brigitte Goldstein
- Coveted Recipe, The by Astrid Stahnke
- Crossing Borders by Ilmarinen G. Vogel
- Dagger for Catherine Douglas, A by Euan MacPherson
- Damned of Magdeburg, The by Herbert Aldinger
- Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Alice McVeigh
- Dark Knowledge by Clifford Browder
- Darkness at Dawn, The by Pamela Roberts Lee
- Daughter of Isis by Lilian Nirupa
- Daughter of the King, A by Catherine Pettersson
- Death of Carthage, The by Robin E. Levin
- Death of Carthage, The by Robin E. Levin
- Deborah Calling by Avraham Azrieli
- Deborah Rising by Avraham Azrieli
- Debts and Vengeance by Janet M. Dann
- Decadents, The by M.C. Schmidt
- Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream by Dr. Frank L. Douglas
- Delayed Departure by Tall Paul
- Destiny by Larysa Plawan Levycky
- Devil's Bookkeepers, The: Book 1 by Mark H. Newhouse
- Devil’s Bookkeepers, The: Book 1 by Mark H Newhouse
- Devil’s Bookkeepers, The: Book 3 by Mark H Newhouse
- Devil's Chosen, The by Robert W. Barker
- Diary of a Northern Moon, The by Gloria Waldron Hukle
- Difference Makers, The by Roja B. Sooben
- Dina's Lost Tribe by Brigitte Goldstein
- Dino's Story by Paul Salsini
- Dogs are Curling up Again, The by Margaret H. Townley
- Double-Edged Sword by J.D.R. Hawkins
- Dreams in the Mist by Barbara Nattress
- Dung Beetels of Liberia, The by Daniel V. Meier, Jr.
- Eagle and the Lion, The by Laurel Robinson
- Eleonora and Joseph by Julieta Almeida Rodrigues
- Escape to Freedom by Kenn Joubert
- Envoy of Jerusalem by Helena P. Schrader
- Elephant's Grip, The by Raymond Lowrie
- Elisabeth Samson, Forbidden Bride by C.V. Hamilton
- Emerald Necklace, The by Linda Rosen
- Estelle by Linda Stewart Henley
- Esther by Rebecca Kanner
- Eterlimus by Aziz Hamza
- Ethereal by Al Price
- Europeans, The by Gerry Burke
- Evensong by M.L. St. Sure
- Far Away Bird by Douglas A. Burton
- Fatal Decision by Teri Arthur
- Film, The by George Amos
- Final Curtain by Thomas H. Lee
- Finding Gessler by Barbara Celeste McCloskey
- Fion's Story by A.E. Hollingsead
- Flashback by Peter Matte
- Flight of the Veil, The by Bruce J. Berger
- Flynn And Miranda by Joseph B Wallenstein
- Fried Oyster Sandwich by Lloyd Gross
- Fried Oyster Sandwich by Lloyd E. Gross
- For Love and Glory by Cindy Bonner
- Forbidden by Tony Williams
- Forbidden Brownstones by Clifford Browder
- Forbidden Love by B. B. Kemp
- Four of a Kind by Vanessa Russell
- Freedom's Moon by Margaret Mendenhall
- Gatewood by Hal Shearon McBride, Jr.
- Gazelle in the Shadows by Michelle Peach
- Gentle Soul, A by Jean Ellis Hudson
- Ghost Comes Out, The by The Sisters Spurlock
- Ghosts of Furnace Mountain, The by Louise Taylor-St
- Ghosts of War by C. Mark Riden, M.A., M.Ed.
- Glimpses of a Life by Jacqueline McNeil Watts
- Glory Road, The by Steven D. Ayres
- Goa File, The by James G. Skinner
- Gods and Heroes by Oladele Olusanya
- Golden Fox, The by Frank R. Kowalski
- Goodbye Cuba by JJ Harrigan
- Gothica, The by Patrick C. DiCarlo
- Guff by Carole Eglash-Kosoff
- Guff - A Life Well-Lived by Carole Eglash-Kosoff
- Guff - The Journey Continues by Carole Eglash-Kosoff
- Guy De Tournet, Child of Revolution, Son of France by Denise Cory Blake
- Hamfist Down! by G. E. Nolly
- Hearing for Jim Thorpe, A by Michael L. Sheaffer
- Heron Legacy, The by Leona Francombe
- Kate's War by Linda Stewart Henley
- Hittite and a Shaman, A by Naveen Sridhar
- Hollywood Darling, A by Brittany T. Noring
- Hunger Year, The by Lee Conrad Kemsley
- I Remember the Risorgimento by Honor Mamath
- I Was Hitler's Baker by Glenn Peterson
- Ian and Eli by James A. Gauthier, J.D
- Immigrant Soldier by K. Lang-Slattery
- In the Beginning by Jaime Reyes
- In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow by Kenneth W. Harmo
- In the Wake of Hannibal by Robin Levin
- Iniquitous Connections by J.D. Langston
- Intimate Guyana Journey, An by Joseph Mahase
- Intrigues of Jennie Lee, The by Alex Rosenberg
- Invisible by Day by Teri Fink
- It Happened in Silence by Karla M. Jay
- It's a Sin to Be Boring by Nancy Singletary
- Jacobus by Paul Trittin
- Jefferson Davis by David Maring
- JJ Kapock by John Gary
- Joe’s Alamo Unsung by Lewis E. Cook
- Joshua's Journey by Judith A. Dempsey
- Journey of Karoline Olsen, The by Ann Hanigan Kotz
- Journey Proud by Carolyn Fleming
- Journey to the Prize by Karl Peterson
- Kalisz by Rosalind Brenner
- Kincheloe by Monte Quist
- Kings of New York by Jeremy Lee
- Kittridge Manuscript, The by Don Meyer
- Kugelach Stones for a Dagger by Lanton Hamby
- Lady Be Good by Pamela Hamilton
- Lady Patriot by Ted Lange
- Lady Unveiled by Pamela Bauer Mueller
- Last Crusader Kingdom, The by Helena P. Schrader
- Last Moon, The by DeAnn Lubell
- Last Paradise, The by Michael Kasenow
- Last Paradise, The by Michael Kasenow
- Last Patient, The by Tudor Alexander
- Last Troubadour, The by Eugene Scruggs
- Laughter at Dawn by Jo Ellen Capps-Layne
- Legend of Anne Southern, The by J. Rivers Hodge with Brenda Hodge
- Libertas by Danuta Pfeiffer
- Liberty Epic of Shadows by L. A. Espriux
- Light From The Dark Side of the Moon, The by Norman G. Gautreau
- Lightning Bugs and Aliens by Daniel Babka
- Lily Fairchild by Don Gutteridge
- Limbodeswills Wain by M. F. Dail
- Live Not by Lies by Patrick Coffey
- Livin' the Dream by Michael J. Bruijn
- Loaded Blessings by Faith Quintero
- Los Cruces Trail, The by Frank Mann
- Lost in Tanganyika by Thomas Thorpe
- Lottie's Lot by Nancy O'Connor
- Lt. Williams on the Color Front by Chris Bell
- Lucius: A Soldier's Journey by Rev. Michael H. Lavery
- Mad King Robin by James Vella-Bardon
- Magic of Flowers, The by Roxanne M.
- Magician, The by Kathleen Shoop
- Magnificent Heresy, The by Royston Moore
- Maltese Attack, The by Jay Perin
- Man of Honor, A, or Horatio's Confessions by J. A. Nelson
- Manhattan: Seeds of the Big Apple by Gloria Waldron Hukle
- Map Colorist, The by Rebecca D’Harlingue
- Margaret Anne: Child of the West Wind by Ronan James Cassidy
- Marriage Tree, The by W. J. Eaton
- Mary: Woman of Sorrows by Beverly Lein
- Measuring Up by Janet M. Dann
- Mein Gustav by Ira Campbell
- Memories of a Mombasa Gigolo by Krishna Washburn
- Merchant from Sepharad, The by James Hutson Wiley
- Mistress Suffragette by Diana Forbes
- Molly’s Song by Lee Hutch
- Moonshine by Moonlight by Ann Hanigan Kotz
- Moon and the Sea, The by Bronwyn Rodden
- Moscow Gold by Douglas L. Field
- Mountains, Mists, and Myths by Edward Killian
- MsDemeanors by Helen Bonner
- Munich Girl, The by Phyllis Edgerly Ring
- Mushroom Cloud by Alan Whichello
- My Spooky Summer by Rosa Pappas Davis
- Naked Truth: Or Equality, the Forbidden Fruit by Carrie Hayes
- Name I Choose, The by Holly Brough
- Nelson's Castle by Susanne Petito-Egielski
- Nephi’s Wife by Madelyn S. Palmer
- Never Isn’t Long Enough by F. Diane Pickett
- New Day Beyond the Horizon, A by K. Meador
- Not Just Another War Story by Wayne G MacDowell
- Nothing Lasts Forever by Althea Foster
- Oilman by Robert Stuart Mclean
- Old Cape Blood Ruby, The by Barbara Eppich Struna
- Old Union by Wayne Ward
- Olivia by Alejandro Benavides Ph.D.
- On the Island with Charles Darwin by Barbara ten Brink
- Once a Proud Canadian by James T Sawada
- One of Windsor by Beth M. Caruso
- Overrun by Jeffrey H. Ahlin
- Other Two Fifths, The by Joan Earl
- Out Front the Following Sea by Leah Angstman
- Out of Slavery by Carol Trembath
- Outrageous by Neal Katz
- Ox-Boy of Ur, The by Rose Shaw
- Paper Sparrow by Magda Palmer
- Path to Glory, The by Bill Burrell
- Path to Peril by H.D. Duman
- Peter Olaf by Richard Grabmeier
- Place Called The Way, A by Corrine Ardoin
- Place of Crying by Judy Witt
- Plowman by Charles Bruckerhoff
- Politicians in Purgatory by Kirsten E.A. Borg, Ph.D
- Poplar Hill by Stephen Ramey Glines
- Portholes to Life by Gene Dick
- Portholes to Life by Gene Dick
- Postcards From Wonderland by Rona Simmons
- Power of Zila by M. Meyer Horn
- Power Seekers: Book 1 by Peter Nagle
- Princess of Blood by Brigitte Goldstein
- Privilege Meets Politics by Honor Mamath
- Project Anasazi by Michael Brian O'Hara
- Promise of Unbroken Straw, The by Ken Steele
- Promised Valley Conspiracy by Ron Fritsch
- Promised Valley War by Ron Fritsch
- Puppet Maker's Daughter, The by Karla M. Jay
- Pushing Back the Desert by Gordon Zuckerman
- Pyrrhic Victory, A: Vol. I by Ian Crouch
- Pyrrhic Victory, A: Vol. II by Ian Crouch
- Pyrrhic Victory, A: Vol. III by Ian Crouch
- Quest for God and Spices, A by Dean Cycon
- Rage Against the Dying Light by Jan Surasky
- Rajni by Gurutej Singh Khalsa
- Rebel Among Us, A by J. D. R. Hawkins
- Red Bird and the Devil, The by Robert E. Lanham
- Rekindled by Teresa Irizarry
- Reminiscence by J R Arranguez Jr.
- Renegade Queen, The by Eva Flynn
- Rescuing General Patton by Curtis Stephen Burdick
- Return to Eternity by Jenni Barnett
- Reversible Mask, The by Loretta Goldberg
- Ripper's Time, The by Mark R. Vogel
- River is Mine, The by Ardian Gill
- Roman Death, A by Joan O’ Hagan
- Romance of Flight, A by Donald Pattillo
- Room 39 and the Lisbon Connection by Anthony Wells
- Rose of Washington Square, The by Pat Wahler
- Rosehaven by D.K. Lange
- Runecaster, The by Thomas White
- Sage of Saigon, The by Steve Crews
- Saga of Carus by Yury Vasiliev
- Sarah's Secret by Beverly Scott
- Scorpion and the Knight, The by George E. Garner
- Scroll, The by Robert E. Emin
- Sea of Misfortune, A by James Nolan
- Secret Emissary, The by Roberto de Haro
- Secret Price of History, The by Gayle Ridinger and Paolo Pochettino
- Secrets by Robert Noonan
- Self-Liberation of Parson Sykes, The by COL David J. Mason, U.S. Army, Retired
- Shaman, A Tara Adventure by Margaret Blair
- Shanghai Torah: Yuanfen by Briana London
- Shanghai’d by Curtis Stephen Burdick
- She Sees Ghosts by David Fitz-Gerald
- Sheriff's Catch, The by James Vella-Bardon
- Silence by Julia Park Tracey
- Sister Marguerite and the Captain by Mark Barie
- Sixth Surrender, The by Hana Samek Norton
- Sizzlin' Summer Surprise by Alton J. Myers
- Sky Is Red, The by Giuseppe Berto. Translated by Julia Purdy
- Skylark Dancing by Olivia Godat
- Someone Always Nearby by Susan Wittig Albert
- Songs for the Deaf by Kenneth Alan Silver
- Sonora Monnlight by Florence Weinberg
- Soraya: The Other Princess by Saber AZAM
- Southern Winds A' Changing by Elizabeth Carroll Foster
- Sparrow's Revenge by Paul Salsini
- Stand for TIR na nÓg, A by Midge Shusta
- Staplewood Park by Michelle Grahame
- Starlight in the Dawn by Naveen Sridhar
- Steamboat Seasons by Kendall D. Gott
- Storm Surge by Stephen Reger
- Story about a Man Called Ants Once a Cowboy, A by Gary E. J. Kain
- Story I Told Myself, The by Arvashni Seeripat
- Straight in the Army by Maurice Hall Buchanan
- Strongman and the Mermaid, The by Kathleen Shoop
- Sugar Creek by William B. Caudle
- Sun of God, The by Zoë Tavares Bennett
- Sun Tzu's Café by Eric Bornstein
- Survival of the Blood by Beth Bristow
- Surviving Dreamland by William F. Penoyar
- Susan: A Jane Austen Prequel by Alice McVeigh
- Sword of Telemon, The by Murray Lee Eiland JR
- Synod by Dan C. Gunderman
- Talk Till the Minutes Run Out by Benedicte Grima
- Tangled Branches by William Bailey
- Tears in the Rain by Dina Andrews
- Temptation of Father Lorenzo, The by Paul Salsini
- Tempting Skies by Michael J. Roueche
- Terms of Surrender by Lorrie Farrelly
- There Was No Music by Michael Peters
- Third Swimmer, The by Rosalind Brackenbury
- This Is Eden? by Nancy Radcliffe
- Threads: An American Tapestry by Gloria Waldron Hukle
- Tidewater by Eric B. Miller
- Tiger of Dien Bien Phu, The by Richard A.M. Dixon
- Tin Whistle, The by Kathleen Shoop
- Tokoloski by John Skinner
- Tomorrow We Will Know by Sandra Worth
- Town and the Troublesome Strangers, The by M.H. Neuendorffer
- Tragedy of the Blood by Beth Bristow
- Trail of Blood, The by A.K. Nairn
- Travels of ibn Thomas, The by James Hutson-Wiley
- Trial of Hannah Duston, The by Richard W. Pyne
- Trails to and Tales of Sanderson, Texas by Cleo W. Robinson Jr.
- Trails to and Tales of Sanderson, Texas: Book 2 by Cleo W. Robinson Jr.
- Traveling with Isaac Newton by Barbara ten Brink
- Troubled Times by Gene Baumgaertner
- Trust No One by Glenn Dyer
- Truth Won't Help Them Now, The by Joan Hunter and Steven Cobos
- Twist of Fate, A by Roberto de Haro
- Unknown Horizons by Ted Brusaw and Ruth Kibler Peck
- Unsung Lord of Siyah Chan by Joan C. Wrenn
- Until Time Erases You by David W. Gordon
- Vinoda's Vengeance by Naveen Sridhar
- Voices of Heaven, The by Maija Rhee Devine
- War Calls, Love Cries by Mark Barie
- Water to My Soul by Pamela Bauer Mueller
- Way of Glory, The by Patricia J. Boomsma
- Way to the Shining City, The by Elaine Stienon
- Way to the Shining City, The by Elaine Stienon
- We Fought the Good Fight by Wendell
- We Were Family by Christine Chatterton
- When Dreams Touch by Rosemary Hanrahan
- When I Was a Boy by Jerry Thomas Caplinger
- When Life Was Like a Cucumber by Greg Wyss
- When There is Trouble in the Air by Sarah Smith Ducksworth
- Where I'm Bound I Can't Tell by Jeremy Lee
- Where the Fulcrum Lies by Matt Lakes
- White River by Virginia Nosky
- White Seed by Paul Clayton
- Who Be Dragons by Hal Shearon McBride, Jr.
- Wild World by Peter S. Rush
- Wildflowers by Robert Noonan
- Wind in the Pass by David D. Allee
- Winyah Bay by David Maring
- Without Redemption by Thomas Thorpe
- William & Lucy by Michael Brown
- William the Conqueror vs King Harold by Jesse Lee Vint
- Willow's Secrets by Sally Avery Bermanzohn
- Willow's Secrets by Sally Avery Bermanzohn
- Woden's Key by Jerold Coats
- Woman Possessed, A by Marilyn Hering
- Wound Closest to the Sun, The by Karl Berger
- Wrong Side Of Eternity, The by Mary Mendenhall
- Year of Five Emperors, The by Robert Eckert
- Young Heroes by Paul Hashagen
- Young Lords of Siyah Chan by Joan C. Wrenn
- Zalacain the Adventurer by Pio Baroja
- Zimbabwe Falcon by David Maring