Religious/Spiritual Fiction
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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- Aaron's Prayer by Mark Leo John Collins
- Above the Thorns by John E. Collier
- All of Me Wants All of You by J Z Howard
- Amanda by Jackie Gibson Villarreal
- And the Stars of Heaven Fell by Janice M. Barlow
- Apocalypse Revisited, The by Dr. Reginald O. Crosley
- Armored Angels Alliance by Daniel Duvall
- Attenuating Puritan, The by Robert McGuiness
- Be Not a Seeker: Be a Seer by David Hays
- Beyond the Island by Joy Lizbeth Holmquist
- Big Sky by C.J. Pagano
- Born To Be King by Judy Barnes
- Book 3: On a Stormy Day by Andrew Woo Young Choi
- Book of Ittai, The by John M. Tosti
- Book of Steven, The by Steven T. Stevenson and Shah R. Azad
- Children of God by Luke Roberts
- Church in Wildwood, The by William Gamsby
- Circle of Life, The by Frank Natale
- Coming, The by David Heeren
- Cross Purposes by Lucille L. Turfrey
- Crossroads by Lucille L. Turfrey
- Culture War Games by C. A. Davidson
- Dancing With David by Siegfried Johnson
- Dean's Wife & Three Young Curates, The by Sydney James
- Discovery, The by Patrick M. Garry
- Endowment, The by Zoe Charis
- Eye Of The Storm, The by Anthony Yoder
- Face of God, The by Brian Ray Brewer
- Finding Truth by William G. Chipman
- Fisherman's Bride, The by Catherine Magia
- Fishing Buddies by Thomas R. Martin
- For the Love of God by Bishop Ray Washington
- Forever Not Always by Elisa Allison Sproule
- Fortress With No Door, The by Allen Scovil
- God's Mysterious Ways Revealed by Frank R. Davis
- Godly Project, The by Pin Hwa-Lim
- Goodbye Death, Goodbye by Juliana Alcala
- Guardians of the Grail by William Thornbro
- Gypsy the Gem Dealer by Ivor Blimsworth
- Having Coffee with God by Benjamin Abrahams
- Healing, The by Mark Hardage
- Heaven Is Amazing by Carolyn T. Linn
- Hell's Judgment by Michael Benson
- Hidden Treasures by Jennie Murphy
- His Unconditional Love by Judy Barnes
- Holy Crusade by J.J. Zerr
- Homogenizing Religion by Herbert Siegel
- In Clouds of Fire by Elaine Stienon
- In Clouds of Fire by Elaine Stienon
- Into the Domain by Becky Veronau
- Jesus Ring, The by Daniel Harry
- Journey to Faith, A by Jean Ellis Hudson
- Journey to Peaceable Soul by Megan Macaulay
- King of Kings, Rebel of Rebels by Jacob R. Klein
- King of Tennessee by David Alan Shorts
- Last Magdalene, The by Donna D. Conrad
- Linotype Operator, The by Michael Robert Wolf
- Little David and His Goliaths by Jerry Reynolds
- Love Behind the Lies by Raj Lowenstein
- Magic Horse, The by Claudia Casciato
- Mary by Christopher Graham
- Mary Alice: Gypsy Nurse by Cora Brantner
- Mary Magdalen by Judy Barnes
- Mary the Magdalene by Teresa Adams
- Milkman Story, The by Paul Robbins
- Mimadamos by Chadi Ghaith
- Multitude of Mercies, A by Fay Freimuth
- Notes on the Next Life by Gwen Chavarria
- Now Is the Time by Davis Holt, Jr.
- Obedient Until Death by Liisa Eyerly
- Oracles of God, The by Darell B. Dyal
- Other, The by Michael Robert Wolf
- Out of the Forest of Darkness by Allen Scovil
- Prisoner’s Cross, The by Peter B. Unger
- Prophet and the Warrior, The by Richard Grabmeier
- Quest to Overthrow Heaven, The by Bolko Zimmer
- Rekindle Me by Muhammad Ishaq
- Remember Our Love! by David Lee Druckenmiller
- Safely to Shore by Armando N. Garza
- Seven and an Eighth by Retta Flagg
- Seventh Dimension - The Prescience by Lorilyn Roberts
- Sterling and the Book of Miracles by Pam Dabon
- Stolen Corn by Barry L. Ross PhD
- Strange Stories by Sarala Kunhambu
- Suddenly It Was the Last Day of My Life by Michael J. Waggoner
- Tamar by Irene Elizabeth G. Williams
- Thoth & Jesus of Egypt by Louise Toth
- To Be Enlightened by Alan J. Steinberg, MD
- To Cleave by Patricia Hetticher
- Traumergy by Patrick R. Carberry
- Two Girls from Nazareth by Judy Barnes
- Waiting on Life by JL Williams
- WAR Baby by Dr. Georgette Prime-Godwin
- War for Dominion, Vol. 1 by Dan Luddeke Sr.
- War for Dominion, Vol. 2 by Dan Luddeke Sr.
- War Within, The by Sharlene Leker
- When Jesus Calls by Martha Gayle
- White Winter by Roxana Vella
- Wisdom Betrayed by Don Clifford
- Women of the Word: Vol. 1 by Melissa Joy Parcels