Science Fiction
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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 13/13/13 by Dakota Umlauf
- 2025 by Carl Berryman
- 2077: Knights of Peace by John Sears
- 2394: Mirrors of the Past by P. Roscoe
- Abandoned of God, The by Monroe Silver
- Abnormal Ends by Bryan McBee
- Above Beyond by James A. Landry
- Aether Gate by A. M. Deuel
- Afterlife Code by J. M. Erickson
- Aftermath by S.L. Ferreira
- Age of Resolve by Ilene Grydsuk
- Albetration 2394 AD by Brian Pinzon
- Alexandria by Gregory Ness
- Alien Girl, The by S.J. Carvil
- Alien Mysteries by Robert Kriete
- Alien Stranger, The by Bob Ticer
- Alien Within by Lawrence Burk
- ALT by Aleksandar Nedeljkovic
- AM - Solid Glass: Part 1, Masterplan by Dave Dröge
- And the Sun Taketh... by Leo Lysucor
- Apocalypse by James A. DeVita
- Aramay by Alan Stapf
- Armadea Event, The by William Cleve Davidson
- Atlantean Conspiracy by Mark Gibbs
- Atomic Ocean Landfall by J.W. Delorie
- Auction, The by Elci North
- Aussie Knowhow by Kevin Johnson
- Aussie Impasse by Kevin Johnson
- Aussie Pilot by Kevin Johnson
- Avarice Deception by Angelika Jasmine
- Azimuthal by Gabriel Anthony Lopez
- Beginning, The by Edward Morris
- Beth Curtis: Conqueror of Darkness by J. Lesley Graham
- Beyond Ragnarok by Tore Olav Arnesen
- Beyond the Orion Nebula by Edgar J. Guedez
- Bleikovat Event, The by Hawk Mackinney
- Black Market News by Roman S. Koenig
- Blugee: The Blugees Book 2 by Edward Morse
- Book of Caleb, The by J. W. Delorie
- Bringing Up Mike by Mark Duncan
- Bubba by Deborah Dominguez, MFT and Richard Engel
- Bureau of Undead Investigation, The by Connor Mackay
- Cardinal Rule by W. Greg Henley
- Causality of Time, The by Jannathan Strawthorne
- Cerulean's Secret, The by Dennis Meredith
- Chambers of the Heart by B. Morris Allen
- Chicago 1871 by James E. Merl
- Clay Mask by Kate Valery
- Cobble City by Todd Monger
- Code Name: Zeus by Gary Andersen
- Companions by Larry Rhodes
- Conduits by J. Ryan Sommers
- Creatures from Spark Stone Mountain by Beauford Averette
- Cristofo Wizard of Earth by Dino Pietrobon
- Cromby's Axiom by Gary J. Kirchner
- Crooked Forest, The by Joni Franks
- Crusher by Blaine C. Readler
- Crystal Caverns by S. B. Andresen
- Crystalline Planet, The by S. B. Andresen
- Cyberman by David Uquillas
- Cyrus the Virus by D. J. Chakraborty
- Dark Nights (New Edition) by Jordan E. Walker
- Darkness to Light by David H Maring
- Darkwind Chronicles: Act I by Christopher Cifelli
- Dead End by Yuan Jur
- Deadly Distrust by Mary Schaller
- Deadly Ground by Thomas W. Starbuck
- Death to Moby Dick by Stephen Melillo
- Deep Black Road by Allen Scovil
- Destiny by Donald M. Edwards
- Diary of a Seeker by Daniel Hayash
- Diary of an Immortal, The by David J. Castello
- Digital Now, The by Roland Allnach
- Divine Miracle, The by E.H.Allen
- Dolphin Papers, The by Helen Bonner
- Domain of Arrogance, The by Charles David Grotsky
- Dragon's Harvest, The by Jason F. Boggs
- Dragon’s Zenith, The Jason F. Boggs
- Drakos Effect by Joe Sharcoff
- Earth Log by Blaine C. Readler
- Eaters and Overlords by Blaine C. Readler
- Echos of the Lamp by Kerry Scott
- Echoes Through Time by Richard W. Chamberlain
- Elohim by Kerry L. Barger
- Elohim II by Kerry L. Barger
- Elohim III by Kerry L. Barger
- Emmanuel by Lilian White
- Empty Vessels by KM Boze
- End of Thrones by Lawrence L. Stenzel III
- End Z.O.N.E. by Neal Wooten
- Ending Eden by Michaelandre McCoy
- Enter the Huntress by Janus Black
- Epic: The Game by Jack Kaminskie
- Eris Adrift by Bruce Post
- Escape: Rune and Flash Book 2 by Joe Canzano
- ESPer Wars by J. W. Delorie
- EthosBot by S. Sky
- Evolve by Alyssa Wolfe
- Evolution: Book 1 by Edward Morse
- Evolution Now by David Penny
- Fallen Spirits by Diane Hatz
- Father of the Future by Darren Dash
- Fault/Lines by Mark Lingane
- First Conversation, The by Allen Holliman
- Flash In Time, A by John N. Frye
- Flight 3108 by Sharon Mikeworth
- Fortune Follies, The by Catori Sarmiento
- Found by Lesli Weber
- From All Sides by Phil Scrima
- From Beyond by Joseph A White Jr
- From Earth to Umbria by Patricia Howell
- Full Circle by Steven Bieler
- Future Prometheus II by J.M. Erickson
- Galactic Minds by Clem Masloff
- Galaxies Collide by Aaron L. Bratcher
- Galaxy Ambassador: The Celestial Pact by Reid Wong
- Gardens of Pryme, The by Mike Williamson
- Genetic Soul Brothers by Wayne E. Criss
- Girls In Space by William Douglas
- Girl Who Cloned Lightning, The by Cliff Ratza
- Girl Who Commanded Lightning, The by Cliff Ratza
- Girl Who Electrified the World, The by Cliff Ratza
- Girl Who Sparked the Singularity, The by Cliff Ratza
- Girl with the Lightning Brain, The by Cliff Ratza
- God Question, The and The Galapagos Colony by Stan Freeman
- Great Migration, The by Steve Ramirez
- grydscaen: tribute by Natsuya Uesugi
- Guardian of Destiny by R. Scott Johnson
- H2LiftShips - A Back Story by Bob Freeman
- Hard Drive Backup by David Shipley
- Heavy Weight of Darkness by J.M. Erickson
- Hell Holes 4 by Donald Firesmith
- Hidden Planet by Dorrine Simmering
- His Last Mission by William Clifford Brown
- Hope for the Future by Ronnie C.
- Hope Is Not a Strategy by Darleen Hayball Johnson
- How Long Is Exile? Book I by Astrida Barbins-Stahnke
- How Long Is Exile? Book II by Astrida Barbins-Stahnke
- HumEM by Dean Evans
- I Am Not The Moon Lake Camp Killer by Tambi Harwood
- I Have a Question by Macintosh Steele
- Immersion by Cynthia Revels
- Immortal Tree, The by Scott Devon
- Immortality Lost: The Blugees Book 3 by Edward Morse
- In the Orbit of Sirens by T. A. Bruno
- Injury by Dylan Miller
- Inside the Giant Electric Machine, Vol 3 by John Guiliano
- Intelligent Design by Francis A. Andrew
- Intelligent Design II by J. M. Erickson
- Intelligent Design: Revelations by J.M. Erickson
- Intersection by Gary Cephas
- Interstitial Beings by James A. Gauthier, J.D.
- Inundation by David Compton
- Jack Spartan Varaci Runner by K. Edward Mallory
- Jaded Caduceus, The by Michael S. Hickey, M.D. F.A.C.S.
- John Smith by Roland Hughes
- Johnny: Catching Fire by Aaron Allen
- Jonathan’s Venture by Wai Kit Chiang
- Journey to Ultra Dimension, A by Kourosh Naziri (Cyrus)
- Keepers of the Contingent World, The by Cliff Ratza
- Keepers of the Lightning Brain, The by Cliff Ratza
- Killer 7 by Damion Campbell
- King: The Twin Aspects by Isaiah Lopez
- Krakenscourge by John Graham
- Last Chance by Kelly W. Carpenter
- Last Days of Colbosh by C. L. Roberts
- Last Lands, The by Christopher Pearce
- Last Star Standing by Spaulding Taylor
- Later When the Tide Comes In by David Lasswell
- Lawyer and the Astronaut, The by Jerry Lucas
- Leap, The by Blaine C. Readler
- Legend of the Maara by Patrick Castles
- Legend of the White Dragon by Albert James
- Letters to Julian by Annette Louise Brown
- Light in the Darkness, A by Rian McMurtry
- Lockheed Elite by Tyler Wandschneider
- Lost Family Robinson, The by Alan Priest
- Lost in Space-Time by Lawrence L. Stentzel III
- Lost in Time by Dan Arthur Busby
- Lost Time (Between Two Evils, Book 2) by D. L. Orton
- Love Jamaican Style by McDougal Griffiths
- Maker Messiah by Ed Miracle
- Malila of the Scorch by W. Clark Boutwell
- MAN-DAR of Atlantis by Kenneth J. Sousa
- Manic Mama by A. J. Irwin
- MarsX by Michael G. Hunter
- Masters of the Sea by George J. Rios
- Merged by Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl
- Merged by Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl
- Michigan Dogman, The by Scott Devon
- Monsters in the Attic by Blaine C. Readler
- Moon Luck by Wayne Scott Harral
- Moon Luck by Wayne Scott Harral
- Moonstroke by Blaine C. Readler
- Moonstroke II by Blaine C. Readler
- Mucker Revolt, The by Chris Maries
- Mutiny on the Omaha (Book 1) by Don Holman
- Mythicals by Dennis Meredith
- Narrow Path to War, The by DL Frizzell
- Neuromorphs, The by Dennis Meredith
- No Way Back by Dennis Scheel
- Now What? by Barbara J Hamblen
- Null and Void by Lewis Ashman
- Obsession of Lt David, The by William Harris
- Olaf’s Stone: Book One by Charles W. Jones
- Orbiting Dilemma, An by Brett Wortham
- Organisms by Gooding
- Overlay by Blaine C. Readler
- Paradigm Lost by R. Roderick Rowe
- Paradigm Lost: The Founder's Sons by R. Roderick Rowe
- Perfection of Fish, The by J.S. Morrison
- Phobos Rising: Ephialtes Part II by Gavin E. Parker
- Pigeon by Daniel Zadow
- PlanetB2 by M C Raj
- Plucked by Blaine C. Readler
- Portal 106 by Georgina Fatseas
- Posh Prepper, The by Todd Knight
- Prelude to War by M. Timothy Murray
- President Tron 7000 by Adam Pfeffer
- Prince, The by J.M. Erickson
- Prison One by G.V. Chillingsworth
- Project Genesis by W. B. Stiles
- Prometheus Rebound by R.L. Akers
- Prompt Excursion by Lewis S. Kingston
- Proud Pada by S.G. Blaise
- Quall Assassin by Yuan Jur
- Radioactive Era of Change by Isaiah Lopez
- Radioactive Era of Change: We the Kindred by Isaiah Lopez
- Ranger’s Sojourn by Ulysses Namon
- Rangers Universe by Douglas James Cheatham
- Rats in a Maze by Peter Bailey
- Reality™ 2048 by Derek Cressman
- Red Angel: Book I by C. R. Daems
- ReInception by Sarena Straus
- Rejecting Destiny by Dennis Scheel
- Remarkable Return of Steve Jobs, The by Peter M. Hart
- Reminiscences of an Accidental Embezzler by Howard E. Hallengren
- Remnants of Humanity by Christine Van Camp Zecca
- Renascence by Leigh Goodison
- Replacement Cell by Forrest Glenn
- Replicants, The by Gerry Burke
- Republic Under Siege by Michael J. Brooks
- Rescue Mission by A. Bradbury
- Reverence by Joshua Aaron Landeros
- Richard: An Unlikely Love Story by Michael W. Hickman
- Richard: Distant Son by Michael W. Hickman
- Richard: The Dragon’s Curse by Michael W. Hickman
- Rise of the Chimera by Paul C. Hill
- Rise, Tomorrow Girl by Cara Martin
- Rogue Event by J.M.Erickson
- Rone Isa by Robin Murarka
- Rook by Blaine C. Readler
- Rory's Adventure by Patrick Robertson
- Rubicon by J. R. Desylva
- Rune and Flash by Joe Canzano
- Saga of the Green Nails, The by J. Lesley Graham
- Sailor’s Tale, A by E. G. 'Lusko
- Sarcaun: The Journey by Simone Voltaire
- Scent of the Beast by Ron Chinchen
- Scions of an Enigma by Gabriel Anthony Lopez
- Search for the Interface by Chris Maries
- Secrets of the Nire by Anne Durand-Athy
- Separation, The by Thomas Duffy
- Sephro by Druana Kerridwen
- Serpent Mind, The by Richard Dibble
- SESG Explorer by Christopher Loric
- Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray
- Shepherd's Horizons by Gene Kelly
- Shield Down by William de Berg
- Shobu Samurai by Shinry
- Short Stories and Assorted Nightmares by Mark A, Snyder
- S.I.C.Q. by Terol McCullar
- So A Muki by S.L. Bergen
- Solar Cell, The by Dean Evans
- Somewhat Lost by Remi DeWitt
- Soul Wars by Chris Kline
- Space Gamble Volume 1 by J. W. Delorie
- Space Rogues by John Wilker
- Space Truckers by Brant Dutour
- Spark of Death by Christopher Bates
- Species by Johan Fundin
- Spire by Aaron Safronoff
- Star-Crossed Planet by Harold Toliver
- STAZR The World of Z by Dr. Anay Ayarovu
- Steak and Baloney by Kenzel May
- Stranger and the Time Machine, The by Phil Scrima
- Sun of Apollo by Darab Lawyer and Clinton Libbey
- Survive!: First Alien Contact by Charles P. Graham
- Survive! Marooned on Planet Tau Ceti g by Charles P. Graham
- Taken with a Dark Desire by Dennis Scheel
- Talcon Star City by Gary Caplan
- Tale of the Tail of Nine Stars, A by Lawrence L. Stentzel III
- Talk to a Real, Live Girl and Other Stories by Paul Clayton
- Tavern on the Edge of Time by Peter Darrach
- Tēleos by DC Mallery
- Terran Command by John Daniel Pontius
- Test of Good and Evil, A by Yuan Jur
- They Are Not Alone by Leo Cauzillo
- They'll Never Die by Don Calmus
- Third Bear Hug, The by James D. Navarrati
- Third Eye, The by David Goldste
- Thomas Edison and the Purgatory Equation by David Church
- Through a Glass Darkly by Jennifer Webster
- Tick Tock Universe by Richard Chamberlain
- Time Before Time by Dan Dubose and Beau Dubose
- Time Force by Pedro Wilson
- Time Framed by Roger Chiocchi
- Time Travel by Don Keirle
- Time Wars by David Loper
- Tōru: Wayfarer Returns by Stephanie R. Sorensen
- Transference by B.T. Keaton
- Travel Above the Speed of Light by Don Keirle
- Treason of Robyn Hood, The by D. Lieber
- Trecian Witch and the Imperial Admiral!, The by John R. Carden
- Tronick by Rosie Record
- Troyuan Chronicles, The, Book 9 by Ernest Velon
- Two Bodies One Soul by Alannah King
- U-10 by Sam B Miller II
- Uncommon Scents by Bruce Berls & Jim Rowson
- Unexpected, The by Donal Myrick
- Unfettered Journey by Gary F. Bengier
- Unity of Opposites, A by Steve Gossage
- Unwinding the Serpent by Robert Paul Blumenstein
- Utopia Project - Everyone Must Die by Billy Dering
- Vanguard Chronicles, The by Lawrence Menard
- Venture by Peter Lamana
- Vice and Virtue by James Sedgwick
- Virus by J. E. Stock
- Voice in the Thunder, A by Kevin McCormick
- Voidstalker by John Graham
- Waking the Seer (The Sandra Andrews Trilogy Book 1) by MarthaJean
- War And Lies by Yuan Jur
- Warrior Seven by Matthew Valles
- Watchmaker's Doctor, The (Erase and Rewind Book 1) by G.M.T. Schuilling
- We Are All Patients by Igwe Ukoha
- Weapons of Mass Disablement by Ionah Arbuthnott
- When The Goners Fight Back by Goran Jovanic
- While Half the World is Sleeping by Gabriel Anthony Lopez
- Whispers by T.G. Anderson
- Witch’s Door, The by Ricardo Martinez
- World Football Domination by Anthony Ranieri
- Worth of Smart by Blaine C. Readler
- Year 4115 by James D. Ferguson Jr.
- Yellow: The Blugees Book 4 by Edward Morse
- Zosimos of Panopolis by Yasmin Esack
- Zurkerx: The Empire Shall Grow by Eric William Haluska