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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 101 by Tom Pitts
- 142 Wellington Place by Tim Selvadurai
- 2056: Meltdown by Philip Altman
- 3rd Party, The by Everett Anson
- 49 Buddhas by Jim Ringel
- 8 Frog Street by Rezaul Khan
- A `Kempis Connection, The by Michael A. Kelly
- After You, My Dear by PJ Ellis
- Aftermath, The by Stephen A. Enna
- Aftermath, The by Stephen A. Enna
- Against My Better Judgment by B.T. Polcari
- Agent, The by Marsha Roberts
- Ahriman by Puja Guha
- Aiken in Check by Michael Frost Beckner
- Alb, The by Luis Rousset
- All Angels Have Wings by Mai Thomsen
- All the Bodies Do by William Cook
- Alien Veil, The by Philip Altman
- Alligator River by Jackson Banks
- Almost Damned by Christopher Leibig
- American Conspiracy by M.J. Polelle
- American Dream, The by Lois Slater
- American Nonsensical by Edward D. Webster
- American Slaughterhouse by Doc Cage
- Anastasia's Midnight Song by M. Laszlo
- Anatomy Of The Truth by W. D. McComb
- Animal Parts, The by David E. Knop
- Animal Parts, The by David E. Knop
- Annie's Haunting Memoirs and The ABC Detective by Joy Reid
- Apogee by Lou Earle
- Ashes of Despair by Mary Schaller
- Ashes to Strength by Steinar Kruse
- Assassin’s Curse by Dafydd While
- ATOM by Stephen C. Sutcliffe
- Available Time by J. C. De Ladurantey
- Awakening by Jackie Goldman
- Badge, Bullets and Blood by Henry (Hank) J. Silva
- Baljuna Covenant, The by Tim Pelkey
- Bar Maid by Daniel Roberts
- Bastard Verdict by James McCrone
- Be Dead and Be Damned by Gerry Burke
- Bedwetter, The by Lee Allen Howard
- Beg(ga)(he)r by J.R. Armstrong
- Best Served Cold by Karina Dolehide
- Betrayed by Eve DeLange
- Beyond Terror by Raoul D. Revord, Esq.
- Big Tilt, The by Dan Flanigan
- Bird Hunter, The by William Bateman Ruffner
- Bird in a Hurricane, A by Carlton M. Downey
- Birds of a Feather by Michele Wallace Campanelli
- Bishop’s Endgame by Michael Frost Beckner
- Black Bottom, The by Theo Czuk
- Black Days by Jean Brown
- Black Dawn by Brett Diffley
- Blackout Trail by Linda Naughton
- Blind Spots by Patrick Garry
- Blood and Gold by Hawk MacKinney
- Blood Sapphire’s Revenge by Dr. Bruce Farmer
- Blood Terminal by C. C. Edge
- Body on the Lido Deck, The by Jane Bennett Munro
- Body Sharing by Kent Ravenscroft
- Bomb Cyclone by J.A. Adams
- Boston Darkens by Michael Kravitz
- Box and My Trouble Getting It, The by Bruce Tryon
- Breakaway by Valentine Cardinale
- Breaking News by Jim Boston
- Bridge to Treachery, A by Larry Crane
- Brothers by David Davila
- Bucket of Blood by Mack Goodman
- Bullet Work by Steven O'Brien
- Burying the Lede by Joseph Levalley
- Cage Without Bars by Gerald Neufeld
- Calling of Rose, The by Nicey Hamilton
- Campaigning Can Be Deadly by Charlotte Stuart
- Canyon Road by A.P. Greenwood
- Canyon's Edge, The by Nancy Nielson Redd
- Capstone Saga, The by Walter Efe Tete
- Cari Moses by Judith Tyler Hills
- Carolina Connection, The by Lee Mims
- Carrion Moon by Joe Kilgore
- Case of the Christmas Ornament Killer, The by Ronald A. Rowbottom
- Case of the Filthy Beast, The by Emily Karmazin
- Case of the Stolen Goddess, The by John Amos
- Cassia by DC Mallery
- Cast Them Dead by Joe Kilgore
- Catch a Falling Knife by V. J. DeFil
- Catching Cold: Vol 1 by Lem Moyė
- Chambermaid, The by Marcus Aurelio
- Chameleons by Alfred Stone
- Change of Verdict by Daniel Harry Gatlin
- Changing Borders by J.A.Sabral
- Chasing Death by James Rozhon
- Chasing Demons by Melissa M. Garcia
- Chasing Ghosts by Kate Anslinger
- Chasing Money by Michael Balter
- Checkmate by Captain E.S. Geary
- Cherish The Past by Sandra Steiner
- Christian Detective, The by Robert Rogers
- Christmas Special, The by David J. Hearne
- Christos Mosaic, The by Vincent Czyz
- Chromium Rose by Anthony Roland
- City of Spirits by Eric Wilder
- Claim Denied by G.R. Jerry
- Cluster by Robert J. McCunney
- Cobra Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen
- Code Ten-Fourteen by Chris O'Grady
- Codex by Lisa Towles
- Cognition by Jacques St-Malo
- Cold Case Closure by Patrick Ian O'Donnell and Charles O. Gaylor
- Cold Dish, A by Mike Sherer
- Cold Hunger by Rod Karn
- Colony, The by Blaine C. Readle
- Come and Take It by Landon Wallace
- Complication, The by Amanda DuBois
- Conciliators, The by James J. Kaufman
- Connected by David Random
- Consequences to Sin by Robert Lehr
- Constant Guests by Patricia Nedelea
- Contracts for Sale by Edward Izzi
- Controlled Flight by Mike Van Horn
- Conversion Prophecy, The by Michael Solomon
- Cooktown Grave, The by Carney Vaughan
- Cops Lie! by Leonard Love Matlick
- Cornered by Alan Brenham
- Corrupted Souls by Lynn-Steven Johanson
- Counsel of the Cunning, The by Steven C. Harms
- Coyote by Ana Manwaring
- Crimes of the Levee by John Sturgeon
- Crushers, The by Bronwyn Rodden
- Cry for Justice by Ralph Zeta
- Cry from an Unknown Grave by Joseph LeValley
- Curious Exchange at Killamore Strand, The by Chris O'Grady
- Curve of the Dragon - Episode 1 of 4 by Matt Stokes
- Damascus Cover, The by Howard Kaplan
- Dark Mind Without A Heart, A by Rey N.
- Dark Network: An Imogen Trager Novel by James McCrone
- Darkness Beyond the Night by Brenda Joyce Fay
- Darksight by DC Mallery
- Date to Die For, A by Gaylene B. Corben
- Deacon's Winter by Roger Burgraff
- Dead Cereus by Kira Seamon
- Dead Horses by David E. Knop
- Dead Man's Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen
- Dead Man's Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen
- Dead Wrong by G. Spencer Myers
- Dead Wrong by Ralph Zeta
- Deadheaders by Bruce Davidson
- Deadly Distrust by Mary Schaller
- Deadly Highway by J. Willis Stewart
- Deadly Homecoming, A by Jane Bennett Munro
- Deadly Line, The by Allen E. Boekeloo
- Deadly Lode by Randall Reneau
- Deadly Serious by A. J. Thibault
- Deadwood and Beyond by Kip Meyerhoff
- Death at the Spring Tide by Paul A. Egbers
- Death by Autopsy by Jane Bennett Munro
- Death by Numbers by Sam Harrison
- Death in the Baja by MJ Ross
- Death in the Kitchen by Marnie J Ross
- Death of a Diva by Brigitte Goldstein
- Death of the Living Dead by Masaya Yamaguchi
- Decay of Sorrow by Jacqueline Garcia
- Deception by Steven Thomas-Leah
- Deep Zero by V. S. Kemanis
- Defiant by J. M. Bloodworth
- Desperate Paths by E. C. Diskin
- Detective’s Quota, The by David Cuomo
- Devil in the Dark by Chris Lindberg
- Devil Incarnate, The by Becky Roach
- Devil's Dance by Jeff Altabef
- Devil’s Night by Thomas Stacey
- Dial 999 by H.L. Raven
- Diamonds for Death by Gregory C. Randall
- Diaries of a Serial Killer by Sheng Sun
- Different Kind of Fire & Fury, A by Julie Reichwein
- Different Time, A Different Earth, A by Angelo Thomas Crapanzano
- Dinner at Tony Napoli’s by Edward Izzi
- Dinosaur Boy by Liz Coppedge Bohn
- Discovery, The by Louis Kraft and Robert S. Goodman
- Dismantling Vindictiveness by Lillian R. Melendez
- Disorder by Johan Fundin
- DNR Trilogy, The: Volume 2 by Don W. Hill, MD
- DNR Trilogy, The: Volume 3 by Don W. Hill, MD
- Do Nothing by Miguel Angel Hernandez Jr.
- Double Bogeys Can Kill by Bob Doerr
- Double Indemnity by Richard Zappa
- Dr. Altman and the Concubines by Jacqueline Shortell-McSweeney
- Dreamberries by Kenneth A. Marston
- Driller by M. S. Holm
- Dubai the Jungle by Abdullah AlQatami
- Dungeness and Dragons by William J. Cook
- Dust on a Bowl of Roses by Adele Vincent
- Dust That Danced, The by A. Cavuto
- Dying Art by Joe Kilgore
- Eagle: Birds of Flight by J. M. Erickson
- Eddy Falls by Darryl Sollerh
- Election, The by Darryl Greer
- End It By The Gun by Kenechukwu Obi
- Endless Fall of Night by J. M. Erickson
- Epiphany: The Acolyte by Patrick Totman
- Evil to Come, The by Thomas Holland
- Ex Libris by John Oehler
- Expendable Assets by Drew Howell
- Expendable Natives by Roger Anderson
- Exposed by Anton D. Morris
- Extreme Malice by J.T. Tierney
- Fabu by William Bateman Ruffner
- Face of Deception, The by Sabrina Ali
- Far-Fetched and Highly Plausible by Leandro Faria
- Farrel's Last Case by Gerald R. Wright
- Fatal Contract by Chris O'Grady
- Fatal Females by Paul Chinitz
- Father, I Have Sinned by James Aaron Parmelee
- Feathered Serpent, The by Robert Leahy
- Files of the Missing: Book 2 by Eve Grafton
- Final Critique by J.C. Andrew
- Final Critique by J.C. Andrew
- Find, The by Marilyn Jax
- Fire and Ice by B.T. Polcari
- First Trumpet, The by Brian Wilson
- Fish House Gang, The by Kenneth L. Funderburk
- Fleeing Steady Habits by Bruce Post
- Flesh, The by E. Bacon
- Fool Me Once by Mary Burton King
- For Your Benefit by Patrick Canning
- Forever Girl, The by Chris O'Grady
- Forger by Mark Spivak
- Forget Me Not by Christina D. Kennedy
- Formula, The by Joel Feiss
- Forsaken Oath by V.S.Kemanis
- Four by Charles G. Irion
- Fourteenth Protocol, The by Nathan A. Goodman
- Fracture Point by Jeff Altabef
- French House, The by Courtney Lochner
- Friendly Enterprise by Harold D. Anderson
- Friendship City by Carl H. Mitchell
- Frown of Fortune, The by Goeff Quaife
- Gallery of Gangsters by William J. Cook
- Game Piece by Alan Brenham
- Gate Keeper, The by Jules Gabriel
- Guardian of the Ages by Henry Hoffman
- Geek, The by Jonathan Latt
- Gem Connection, The by Michael Lane
- Gestation Seven by Stewart Willis
- Ghost Daughter by Helen Currie Foster
- Ghost of Daniel Morris, The by Aundrel Scarborough
- Ghost Town by A. J. Thibault
- Ghosted by Helen Currie Foster
- Ghoul of Sherwood by Jay Ruud
- Gill's Rock by Ronald Conradt
- Girl at the Bar, The by Nicholas Nash
- Gleeful Banker, The by Gardiner Noble
- Glorieta Pass, The by Chris O'Grady
- God Forgives Outlaws by Mark Barrile
- God’s Domain by Robert Gallant
- God's House by John D. Trudel
- Golden Quest by John Warner
- Good Virus, The by Govind S. Mattay
- Good, the Bad and the Forsken, The by Felicia Carol Williams
- Gore Galore by Aaron T Knight
- GraceLin 2: Conspiracies by Abba Lin
- Grand Scale Larceny by Hugo Uyttenhove
- Green Apple Tree, The by Gene Fackler
- Green Hill by Jonathan Paxton
- Greylock by Paula Cappa
- Grievous Bodily Harm by Jane Bennett Munro
- Grind Slowly, Grind Small by Thomas Holland
- Guardians of Israel, The by John M. Coyle
- Guidance To Death by Daniel V. Meier, Jr.
- Guilty of Nothing by Kevin King
- Gulf, The by Owen Garratt
- H2Glo by P.D.Abbey
- Half-Told Truths by Amy O. Lewis
- Halo Around The Moon by Matt Ritter
- Hands Across The Sky by Andrew John Schmitz
- Hauntings of Avalon by Flo Swann
- He Counts Their Tears by Mary Ann D'Alto
- Headshot by Mark Freimark
- Heat Seekers, The by Joseph M. Pujals
- Helen’s Orphans by Ron Fritsch
- HellGirl: Rise of Hellion by Mary Ramsey
- Hero of Hucklebuck Drive, The by Gerry Burke
- Hero of the Good War by Nick Goulding
- Hidden by Monique Gliozzi, MD
- Hidden Treasure (or) Where Is Jesus? by Karen Weinant Gallob
- High Flying by Kaylin McFarren
- Hillingdon Files, The by Paul A. Cooper
- Hilltop House by L. A. Shute
- Homicide Chart by V.S. Kemanis
- Homicide in Bronze by J.C. Andrew
- Homicide in Bronze by J.C. Andrew
- Homicide in Hooker's Point, A by Gloria Taylor Weinberg
- Hope: Dynamism of a Will and Way to Win by Dr. Gideon Adjei
- Horse to Water by Peter Bailey
- Hot House by Lisa Towles
- Hush Hush Murders, The by H.R.G. White
- I Remember Running by Vernon Bargainer
- If Stilettos Could Speak by A. S. Kingly
- Illusion, The by Patrick Garry
- Imaginary by Helen Walters
- Immortal Tree, The by Scott Devon
- In the Line of Duty by Lisa Arnoux-Brown
- In the Shadow of a Killer by Robert Sandilands
- Inevitable dreaming by Dave Dröge
- Infamy by Tom Milton
- Inside Out: New Beginnings by James A. Gauthier, J.D.
- Inside Out: Rise of the Monarchy by James A. Gauthier J.D.
- Instant Karma by Donald Frum
- Instrument of Justice by C.B. Anslie
- Interrupted Traveler, The by A.D. Plautz
- Into the Dark Forest by Jeanine Fricke
- Irish Pennant by Drew Howell
- Is it Rags or Riches? by Kevin M. Weeks
- It Began With a Lie by Michele Pariza Wacek
- It Is Morning by Vernon Bargainer
- Jeannie-Centristasis, Critical Fusion by Everette O. Lemons
- Jigsaw Man, The by Leigh Goodison
- John Doe by Buz Sawyers
- Josh and the Skeleton by Skip Ashworth
- Joshua's Atlas by Gerald T. Dale
- Jula's Loom by Kathy Knowlton
- Jupiter’s Blood by Steven Laine
- Justice by Joseph Badal
- Justice is for the Deserving by Steve Clark
- Justice Is for the Lonely by Steve Clark
- Karma Code, The by Daniel Davidsohn
- Key West Interlude by Lois Richman
- Killer, The by Meghan Rose
- Killing Maria by Hal Taxel
- Killing Time by Michael Joseph Mahn
- King-Makers of Providence, The by John Houle
- Kingfisher and the Crow, The by Tim Diaz & Peter Marino
- Kremlin Wolf, The by Ron Gordon
- Kugelach Stones for a Dagger by Lanton Hamby
- La Palma by Raylin Timothy
- La Ronde by Townsend Walker
- Lacey's Star by Kay DiBianca
- Lady Beth by Caroline E. Farrell
- Lady of Corpsewood Manor, The by Hawk Mackinney
- Lance, The by George Vasil
- Last Publishers, The: The Vision by Debi Pearl
- Last Scroll, The by James Fricton
- Last Straw, The by Ed Duncan
- Legacy of Atonement by Stephen Maitland-Lewis
- Legend of War Creek by Randall Reneau
- Leprechaun's Lament, A by Wayne Zurl
- Letters From Brackham Wood by Rita Gard Seedorf and Margaret Albi Verhoef
- Licosa by Nick Goulding
- Life: As I See It by Jo Ann Spiess, Ph. D.
- Life Before, A by Julien Ayotte
- Limboland by Leigh Goodison
- Lion Hunt, The by Richard Zappa
- Live For Today by Sandra Steiner
- Living Like "This" by John Clark III
- Longbridge Decision, The by Robert M. Brown Jr.
- Long-Lost Love Letters of Doc Holliday,The by David Corbett
- Lord Chamberlain’s Daughter, The by Ron Fritsch
- Love and Death in Venice by Bonnie Hoover Braendlin
- Madagascar by Stephen Holgate
- Magi's Well, The by Trisha O'Keefe
- Magicide by C.V. Hamilton
- Magpie, The by Oliver Rock
- Mahogany by Tery Robinson
- Marriage of Figgalo, The by Dr. Philip Emma
- Maslow Conspiracy, The by Lou Earle
- Match by Amy S. Peele
- Matryoshka Murders, The by Kay Williams & Eileen Wyman
- Medinandi License, The by Randall Reneau
- Mediums Guild by Lee Fishman
- Medusa's Lair by Kenneth Funderburk
- Medusa's Lair by Kenneth L. Funderburk
- Melody of Justice, The by C. B. Vasconcellos
- Memories Live Here by Marc Sheinbaum
- Message in a Bullet by Owen Thomas
- MH370 Airliner Down! by A.A. Zicard and J.E. Holling
- Michael D'Angelo by G.W. Blair
- Midnight Shrink, The by Edward A. Dreyfus
- Mind for Killing, A by Anthony M. Johnson
- Mindless War Two by John D. Trudel and General Paul E. Vallely (Ret)
- Mink Eyes by Dan Flanigan
- Mirror Image by Michelle Pariza Wacek
- Missing Girls by Larry Crane
- Missing in Machu Picchu by Cecilia Velastegui
- Molls Like It Hot by Darren Dash
- Molly's Milestone by Marlys Beider
- Morning Mist of Blood by Eric Wilder
- Most Diabolical Plot, A by Tim Symonds
- Mountain Murder by Robert J. Rosenbaum
- Mouse in the Box by Lewis Allan
- Moving Blade, The by Michael Pronko
- Mud Blood by Joan Del Monte
- Muir's Gambit by Michael Frost Beckner
- Mullahs, The by David Maring
- Murder at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts by Dr. Philip Emma
- Murder at the Olympiad by James Gilbert
- Murder Finds A Home by Winnfred Smith
- Murder in the Atchafalaya by Jim Riley
- Murder in the Bayou by Winnfred Smith
- Murder in the Haunted House by Carolee Russell
- Murder on Mokulua Drive by Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
- Murder Redrum by Joan Del Monte
- Murder Under the Microscope by Jane Bennett Munro
- Murder with Deceit by Winnfred Smith
- Murders of Conveyance by Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
- My Bonney Lies Under by Susan Cummins Miller
- My Living Hell by Joseph E. Cocker
- Mysterious Affair at the Met, The by M. J. Simms-Maddox
- Mystery of L’Inconnu by Dan Grylles
- Naked Death by G L Barbour
- Natalie Stone by Martin J. Ryan
- Necessary Evil by Aaron Baker Cole
- Never in Ink by Marilyn Jax
- New Prospect, A by Wayne Zurl
- Next of Kin by Melissa M. Garcia
- Nila’s Babies by Jac Simensen
- Ninety-Five by Lisa Towles
- Ninth Session, The by Deborah Serani
- No One Else to Kill by Bob Doerr
- No Salvation by Jeffery Hess
- Nobody Move by Philip Elliott
- Not For Hire by G.J. Prager
- Not Me! by Charlotte Stuart
- Nymrod Resurrection by Hawk MacKinney
- Off the Grid by Blaine Readler
- Oh! Olivia by Patricia Fry
- Olympus Deception, The by Richard Ronc
- On Lonesome Roads by Dan Flanigan
- Once Is Never Enough by Monique Gliozzi
- One and One Is One by S. T. Byra
- One More Dance by Valentine Cardinale
- One of Ours by Lynn-Steven Johanson
- One Twin by Tikat
- Ones Such as These by Al Fonner
- Only Truth That Matters, The by Joan W. Hunter and Steven Cobos
- Ophelia's Room by Michael Scott Garvin
- Operation Iran by Brian Wilson
- Ordainment Betrayal by Dennis Quiles
- Orientation of Dylan Woodger, The by Chiuba E. Obele
- Orphan Rock by Bronwyn Rodden
- Orphanage by the Lake, The by Daniel G. Miller Houndstooth Books
- Ostermann House, The by J. R. Klein
- Ottoman Excursion, The by Tim Pelkey
- Out From Under by Mark Platt
- Package, The by Patrick Power
- Package, The by Patrick Power
- Painted Death by Joan Andrew
- Painted Death by J.C. Andrew
- Paradise Palms by Paul Haddad
- Paramedic, The by Scott Allan
- Paris of the North, The by Christian Lloyd
- Parisian Promises by Cecilia Velástegui
- Passport Mystery, The by Eve Grafton
- Past Obsession by Richard Keith Taylor
- Path to Revenge by Jim Dutton
- Patriotic Gamble by Ken Gorman
- Pay or Play by Howard MIchael Gould
- Payola by Gary L. Kreigh
- Penny by Margaret Chu
- People of the Broken Neck, The by Silas Dent Zobal
- Perfect Match, The by Dennis Ross
- Performing Murder by Joseph LeValley
- Perilous Question, A by Barry Finlay
- Piercing the Darkness by J. J. Nichols
- Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan
- Pinkerton and the Wizard, The by Harvey Hetrick
- Pirate Queen by R. Allen Downey
- Place for No One, A by James Rozhon
- Plausible Deception by Dwain Lee
- Plot to Cool the Planet, The by Sam Bleicher
- Plot to Save America, The by Avraham Azrieli
- Plot Twist by Donna J. Thompson
- Ploy, The by Marilyn Jax
- Poet, The by Stephanie Harris
- Point Option by Ian A. O’Connor
- Poisoned By God’s Flesh by David E Knop
- Poplar Falls by Pierre C. Arseneault
- Porno Valley by Philip Elliott
- Portion of Malice, A by Lloyd Jeffries
- Portrait of Deceit by J. C. Andrew
- Portrait of Deceit by J. C. Andrew
- Poseidon's Eye by Trisha O'Keefe
- POTUS: A Political Fantasy in Three Parts by T.C. Owen
- Powderhole by Blaine C. Readler
- Power Blind by V.S. Kemanis
- Precision Kill by C. R. Forrester
- Predator / Nomad by Daniel Micko
- Price of Guilt, The by Patrick M. Garry
- Price of Justice by Alan Brenham
- Privacy Wars by John Trudel
- Project Revenant by Laurence Drexel, Jr.
- Proof of Life by Sheila Lowe
- Prospect For Murder by Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
- Protect and Serve by Anthony F. Raimondo, PH.D
- Puppet Master, The by David A. Xavier
- Quartet, The by Pamela Joan Barlow
- Quest, The by Charles Richard Latona
- Rapture? by Walt Chaney
- Rattlesnake & Son by Jonathan Miller
- Raven: Birds of Flight Book II by J.M. Erickson
- Raven Affair, The by Steven Nedelton
- Raven's Redemption by John D. Trudel
- Raven's Resurrection by John D. Trudel
- Raven's Run by John D. Trudel
- Real Daughter, A by Lynne McKelvey
- Reality Prism by Paul E. Vallely Major General, US Army (Ret) and John D. Trudel
- Reckoning from the Shadows by Puja Guha
- Recruitment, The by Ronald E. Estes
- Red Sunset Drive by Jan Walters
- Redhead, The by H. M. Howington
- Reflections by Nancy Harper
- Refuge on the Mountain by Cornelia Feye
- Reis Martin Undercover by Joyce Marcotte
- Remote Access by Barry Finlay
- Rendez-Vu by Pete Liebengood
- Republic, The by R. R. Quaggiato
- Requiem for Doctor Edward Browne by Richard Dean Smith
- Rescue of Officer Moreland, The by Lee David Estes
- Rescue of the Nadia Marie, The by David Estes
- Researched Death, A by G L Barbour
- Resurgence of the Hunt by Puja Guha
- Retribution: A Jack Sanders Novelette by Philip Barnard
- Retribution by Steve Thornton
- Reverse Swing by Ron Prehn Palmer
- Rico Stays by Ed Duncan
- Ridders, The by Lisa Towles
- Right Stiff, The by Sam Ingraffia
- Rise of the Fallen by D. Michael Olive
- Risky Assets by Rachael Eckles
- River Bones by Mary Deal
- Road to Omalos by Marilyn Jax
- Road to Redemption: Book II of The Ahriman Legacy by Puja Guha
- Rockhole by Jesse Skiles
- Romero Strain II, The by TS Alan
- Root Cause by Steven Laine
- Russian Doll, The by Owen Thomas
Safecracker, The by James Garrison
- Sanctuary, The by Joanne Radke
Salvation Station by Kathryn Schleich
- Satan's Gold by Michael Ray Ewing
- Salt Island by Lisa Towles
Saving the Innocents by Randall Kenneth Drake
- Sea of Red by James Bultema
- Searching for Dali by Robert Lane
Seasoned to Kill by G.J.Prager
- Secret Truth, The by Barry Finlay
Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls by Bettye Johnson
Select Group, A by Blaine C. Readler
Serene Maiden by James G. Skinner
Set-Up, The by Charles Uribe
Seven Shadows by V. S. Kemanis
Shadow Dragon by Lance Horton
Shadow Fade by John Stuart Goldenberg
Shadow of the Fall by Aaron T. Brownell
- Shadow of the Gypsy by Shelly Frome
Shaytan by David S. Arthur
She Didn't Have a Choice by Harshul Srivastava
- Shingle Weaver's Picnic, The by P. C. Smith
- Shot at Justice, A by Karla M. Jay
- Sins Revealed by Lynn-Steven Johanson
Siege, The by Harvey Cleggett
- Signals From Saipan by Reginald Nelson
- Silence the Past by Gary L. Kreigh
Silent Trees by Nasir Shansab
Sirens of Memory by Puja Guha
- Site, The by Carlos Valrand
Sleeping Lady, The by Bonnie C. Monte
Smoke and Mirrors by Jordan P. Castro
Snap Judgment by Brenda Dow
- Socrates Option, The by James Rozhon
- Sodium Haze by Jonathan Paxton
Soft Target by John D. Trudel
Sounds of Death, The by A.A.Pecora
South of Good by Randall Reneau
- Sower, The by Rob Jung
Spanish Relation, The by Geoff Quaife
- Special Interest by Aaron T Knight
- Specimen by Lisa Towles
- Spiderweb Alley by Verlyn Flieger
Spirit of Manzanilla, The by Lee Roberts
Spirits Behind Me, The by Jacki DeBucci
- Springtime in Summerfield by Dianne H. Lundy
Stanley Park by Racine Hiet
Star-Spangled Scandal by Lori Swerda
Starlight Club, The by Joe Corso
State of Mine by M.A.Farrell
- Still in Saigon by Mack Bouldin
- StormCatcher by Linda Eketoft
Storm Warning by Brett Diffley
Stranded in Time by Kelli Sue Landon
Stranger by Melissa Garcia
Stranger on the Shore by William Borak
Strong to the Bone by Jon Land
Stolen Twin, The by Michelle Pariza Wacek
- Sugar Paper by Tootsie Barron
- Sundown by Carl H. Mitchell
- Sunrise at Armageddon by James Rozhon
- Suntree Bay by Amy Wort
Sweet Karoline by Catherine Astolfo
Sylvia's Secret by Scott Evans
- Tail of the Dragon (A Zodiac Mystery) by Connie di Marco
- Taller than Trees by Roger Young
- Tame Man, The by Dana Burnell
- Tan Lines by Bob Adamov
- Tangled Web, The by Phyllis Falls Rogers
- Tarnish by S. Watts Taylor
- Technically Dead by William Meisel
- Tempest Court by Jan Walters
- Templar Succession, The by K.R. Eckert
- Terror Bay by Lisa Towles
- Their Feet Run to Evil by Thomas D. Holland
- Then Came Four by Edward Izzi
- There Are Smiles That Make Us Blue by Barry T Hawkins
- They Only Wear Black Hats by Edward Izzi
- Thief of Dreams by JP Powers
- Things That Go Bang In The Night by Chris O'Grady
- Third Librarian Detective Series by Bobby Cinema
- Third Side Of Murder, The by Joe LeValley
- Thoughts of Empire by Bill Relf
- Through the Dark Looking Glass by Garret Godwin
- Thump: A Novel by Avraham Azrieli
- Ticket, The by Fred Shackelford
- Tokyo Traffic by Michael Pronko
- Too Many Funerals by M. Scott Robertson
- Too Much Blood by Jane Bennett Munro
- Torched: Summer of ‘64 by Joe Edd Morris
- Town Called Why, A by Rick Lenz
- Trailing Ghost, The by Roberto de Haro
- Transformed by Suzanne Falter & Jack Harvey
- Tree of Knowledge, The by Daniel G. Miller
- Troubled at Midnight by Chris O'Grady
- Truth of the Unknown Interpreter, The by Paul Aramouni
- Tushhog by Jeffery Hess
- Twelve Murders Of Christmas, The by Jane Bennett Munro
- Twelve Palominos by Joe Kilgore
- Twisted Threads by Kaylin McFarren
- Two Brothers by Luke Roberts
- Two Dead Billionaires by Luke Sheldon
- Two Dreams & Other Tales by G.S. Treakle
- Two-Witness Rule, The by William Eleazer
- Typhon Affair, The by Lou Earle
- Underground Taxi, The by Maurice Hall Buchanan, Jr.
- Unholy Mother, The by Enya Wolf
- Unlawful Order, An by Carver Greene
- Unlikely Redemption of the Thief Sydney Bridgewater, The by Mic Lowther
- Unremarkable by Geoff Habiger and Coy Kissee
- Untamed Sea Story, An by Samuel Dean
- Until the Day I Die by Emily Carpenter
- Unyielding Destiny by Spiros Gratsias
- Vanishing Lady by Chris O'Grady
- Vanquish Of The Dragon Shroud by Gregory E. Seller
- Vault of Secrets by Hawk MacKinney
- Vessels of Wrath by Thomas Holland
- Vessel Tinaja, The by Randy Cribbs
- Violence by Tomothy McDougall
- Volunteers by James Rozhon
- Waking Dead by Jay Glendell
- Walk a Thin Wire by Gordon N. McIntosh
- Walk a Thin Wire by Gordon N. McIntosh
- Weave a Murderous Web by Anne Rothman-Hicks, Ken Hicks
- Weaver of Blackheath, The by Bronwyn Rodden
- West of Famous by Joni M. Fisher
- Whalebone by James Rozhon
- What I Want by Helen Walters
- What Jennifer Saw by Hal Schweig
- What Seems True by James Garrison
- Whatever It Takes by Harvey Cleggett
- When the Magnolia Blooms by Ann DeFee
- Whispers of the Sidhe by C. L. Roberts-Huth
- Whyte Hinde, The by Lizzy Lloyd
- Witch Port Video Game, The by Leonard Bassed
- Womb For Rent by LJ Smith
- Works of Art by Ben Chambers
- York Street by Jan Walters
- You Have (1) New Message by Rio Dayne