General Fiction
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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 21 Down in Vegas by Steve A. Hayes
- 2033 by Aubrey Eddy
- 3 Boys and a Boat by Peggy W. Fellouris
- 47th Street Finale by Bruce A. Harris
- 10 Deep Footprints by Lüset Kohen Fins
- 25,000 Seeds by Helen Noble
- A Perfect Gift by George W. Monroe
- About Anna... by Sophia Michelle Delanner
- Achaladair by William S. Young
- Across the Chasm by Richard Grabmeier
- Aditi by Beverly Mitchell Dodd
- Adrift by V.P. Saxton
- Adventures of a Dog Man by Gordon Garrett
- Adventures of a Gala Guru by Donna Vessey
- Adventures of a Problem Solver, The: I by Richard V. Martin
- Advice from an Alien by Joseph Cater
- Aerie, The by Marjorie Irish Randell
- Affection of a Ghost by Mary Clark
- After the Blackness of Midnight, a Glimmer of Sunrise by Wanda Hancock
- Aftermath by Sally A. Allen
- Against the Grain by Mary Margaret Jensen
- Age of Water, The by Sean Crafth
- Airing Out My Dirty Laundryby Colletta Adonia
- Alabaster Houses by Lara McLaughlin
- All the Burning Rooftops by J.R. Klein
- All the Right Pieces by Jane S. Creason
- All Things Must Pass by Phyllis Zimmerman
- Amadeus! by Josephine DeBois
- Amadeus! by Josephine DeBois
- Amballore Thoma by Jose Thekkumthala
- Amberwood Estates, The by Salma Hamid Hussain
- Ambush by Robert Rosenbaum
- American Baby Boomer by Lucas Carter
- American Dictator by Rick Ainsworth
- American Jukebox by Len Joy
- American Past Time by Len Joy
- Amina by Fiza Pathan
- Amiss by L.L. McCall
- Among the Grackle by Maria Naccarato
- Amphibiots, The by Clem Masloff
- And Throw Away the Skins by Scott Archer Jones
- Angel City Singles by Ralph Cissne
- Angel of Hoheneck, The by Ivan Fredrikson
- Angel of Lorraine, The by Peter Tallon
- Angel without Wings, The by Robbie Howerton
- Angelic Assassin, The by Geoff Quaife
- Angelic Folly, An by Peter Prizel
- Animal by Alan Fishbone
- Antoine Gold and the Rolls Royce and Other Bankruptcy Short Stories by Hal Taxel
- Apples and Ice by Louise Richie Kunkle
- Apron Strings by Mary Morony
- Arelle: Book One of the Legend of Arelle Henne by James McKenzie
- As the Sun Rises, Darkness Falls or Does It? by J.D. Kiser
- Ascension of Satan by Jemadari Vi-Bee-Kil Kilele
- Atheist and the Parrotfish, The by Richard Barager
- Athena Parthenos/Promachus by Huck Fairman
- Atheist and the Parrotfish, The by Richard Barager
- Atropos Maker, The by N. J. Lujan
- Author, The by Facundo Raganato
- Auto Flick by John R. Bancroft
- Avenue of Tranquillity, The by K.Overman-Edmiston
- Awakening of the Summer by Yorker Keith
- Back to Jerusalem by Jan Surasky
- Backwards K, The by J. J. Hebert
- Badge & a Dream, A by John M. Loria
- Bagatelles for a Masochist by Chris O'Grady
- Balance by Faline Adolph
- Bandy's Restola by Kimberly White
- Bandwagon by Dwight Dixon
- Baobab by Larry Hill
- Barefoot by Arlene Fisher Hann
- Barefoot Angel by Pegi Handley
- Baxter House by George Encizo - RECOMMENDED
- Beautiful Moon by Maria Alice Silva-Amey
- Beautiful Winged Madness, The by P. Pennington Douros
- Beauty is a Wound by Eka Kurniawan
- Beauty’s No Biscuit by R. H. Peake
- Beckoning Series, The: Elura by A.J.Watts
- Becoming Buddha by Corey Croft
- Beginning After the End, A: Book 2 by John Henry Dam
- Begotten Not Made by Cónal Creedon
- Behind the Open Door by Sally Gallot-Reeves
- Believe by Jan Walters
- Bella's Choice by Regine Dubono
- Better Days by Len Joy
- Betterton Fracture, The by W. Marshall Harvey
- Between the Fields by Boby Beavers
- Beyond the Cedar Gate by Wendy J. Hatfield
- Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt by Gerald Neufeld
- Big Game, The by Nadenia Buntin
- Big Prick, The by Michael Godin
- Big Wide Calm, The by Rich Marcello
- Black Colonial, The by Geoff J. Gardner
- Black Diamond and the Witch's Curse, The by T-Pot
- Black Dog Bed & Breakfast, The by Michael Andrew Marsden
- Black Mail of Cash Money, The by Ike Diamond
- Black Overalls by Tom Donaldson
- Black Silver, Red Gold Forest by Mark Stevens
- Black Widow Bitches by Victor Cass
- Blacker Side of Buddhism, The by Harry J Blackwood
- Blind Innocence by A. Adams Jones
- Blind Walls by Conrad Fisher and Elizabeth Fuller
- Blinded by False Love by Adynah Yah
- Bliss by Fredrick Soukup
- Block 82 by R. H. Duncan
- Blood Brothers by Lenore McKelvey Puhek
- Bloodline by Carol Colson
- Bloody Well Bothered by Michael Lindsay-Parkinson
- Blooms by Terri Depue
- Blue By You by Larry B. Gildersleeve
- Blue Crystal by Mark Ridler
- Blue Dilemma, The by Maurice A. Butler
- Blue Hippopotamus, The by Paul Ehrlich
- Blue Ring Assassin, The by Keith K. Millheim
- Blue Scorpion by Karen S Lee
- Book of David, The by David O'Meara
- Book of Eli, The by Sam Moffie
- Bookroom Murders, The by Alan Berg
- Bouquet of Stars by Joann Klusmeyer
- Box in the Closet, The by Margaret Singleton
- Bracelet, The by Charles A. Bonner
- Brainwashed by Ramdyal Bhola
- Bramble and the Rose, The by Sanford Leffler
- Breakers by Chris O'Grady
- Bridge for Christmas, A by William Schwenn
- Bridge with Three Spans, A by Zia Uddin Ahmed
- Bridges Between Our Hearts by Jennifer Collins
- Britannia by Nicolas Heft
- Brother Christopher by Don Thompson
- Brothers by M. E. Taylor
- Brynleith Rising by D. A. Mayes
- Buddha, Christ, and the Eagle by Dr. Frances Rinaldi
- Buffalo Soldiers by William C. Moton
- Building Champions by John Stephenson
- Bull Vaulter by Barbara Tieken
- Bungee Love by JJ Stone
- Burning Desire by M.L. Stark
- Burning Watercolors by Ginny Schuyler Warren
- But by Chance War by Richard C. Lyons
- Buzz Boys, The by Edward Izzi
- Café Dulcet by Chiquis Barrón
- Cain’s Children by Estefan San Martin
- Caldera by Shannon King
- Cali Book Of The Dead, The by Max V. Carp
- Canary, The by Michael Loyd Gray
- Canticle of Ibiza, The by Justin Kurian
- Carlos Crosses The Line by Edward D. Webster
- Captive Bride by Marjorie J. Hersom
- Captive Bride by Marjorie J. Hersom
- Captured by their Past by Miguel Arrufat Millan
- Captured by their Past by Miguel Arrufat Millan
- Cari Moses 2 by Judith Tyler Hills
- Carolina Justice by David Henry Maring
- Carlton: Down Sized by Tawnee Chasny
- Cascadia by Darlene Weir
- Cassadaga II by J M Milne
- Cassandra’s Eye by Elizabeth Gargano
- Cast Upon the Day by Thomas E. Kennedy
- Catnip Diaries, The by Eileen Novotny
- Cause for All, A by Norman Finn
- Celeste Experiment, The by Omar Imady
- Cemetery Owner, The by Simone Mendonça
- Chance of Precipitation by Scott Miller
- Chainmakers, The by Helen Spring
- Chameleon Chronicles, The: Book One by Barbara G. Kruk
- Changing Tide, The by Laurie Davidson
- Chasing Her Destiny by Terri Friedlander
- Chasing Quetzalcoatl to the American Dream by Garret Thomas Godwin
- Cheat Mountain by Art Morse
- Cheater's Promise, A by Maurice Derrick Geter
- Cheating on Someone by Ame Ai
- Cheri & Me by William B. Caudle II
- Chesterfield Tides by E. Michael Ferris
- Child of Far Away by F.C. Young
- Child of Sorrow by Gloria Weinberg
- Child of the Heart by Ron Kempton
- Children of Violence by Luke Gherardi
- Chojun by Goran Powel
- Chronicle of the Ostmen, The: Book One by Ian McKay Nunn
- Chronicles of Rylet, The by Douglas Pickard
- Church and School Days by Charlie Green
- Church Builder, The by A. L. Shields
- Cities at Sea by Martin Simons
- City of Falling Bronze by Capslock Spellcheck
- Cleansing, The by Steven Green
- Cloud People, The by Father Kenard Tuzeneu
- Clovis Dig, The by Teri Fink
- Cobbled Life by HM Flath
- Code of the Hood by Alfred Blue Flowers
- Cold Air Return by Patrick Lawrence O'Keeffe
- Cold from the Inside Out by Violeta F. Sterner
- Cole Creek by Julie Anne Morley
- Collection of Bizarre Short Stories and Dreams, A by Dr. E.R. Buckler
- Collision by Siegfried Finser
- Color of Horses by Antonio L. Coney
- Color of Pain, The by Melisa E. Arnold
- Come Fill Up My Cup by Jean Murray Munden
- Come Not To Us by Brett Ramseyer
- Comfort of Black, The by Carter Wilson
- Comfrey, Wyoming: Maiden Voyage by Daphne Birkmyer
- Coming, The by A. Ben Bacon
- Coming Back by Nwanganga Shields
- Complete Game Master Trilogy, The by Timothy R. Bartlett
- Concealed Weapons by Alana Reneé
- Concrete Grave by Aaron Gilbreath
- Confluence, The by Puja Guha
- Consortium, The by Dave Dröge
- Cooperative Lives by Patrick Finegan
- COP Corner by J.J. Zerr
- Copenhagen Interpretation, The by Warren R. B. Dixon
- Cora's Turn by George Cope
- Cordelia Lionheart by Ron Fritsch
- Corruption of Blood, The by Jermayne J. Davis
- Cost of Justice, The by Michael Skeen
- Cost of Truth by Julie K. Parrott
- Cottonwood, an Observation by J.P.Lucas
- Count It All Joy by Mitchell Allen
- Courage to Tell by Donna Livingston
- Covenant Betrayed by Mark Dahl
- Covert Decisions by Donald Peters
- Crash Course by Alan Barrington
- Cream Brick House, The by Christine Ellen
- Crimson Red by Pichui
- Crooked Forest, The by Joni Franks
- Crossbow Code, The by M.C. Raj
- Crossing Caine's Road by Maggie Hinton
- Crossing Over by Paul Clayton
- Crossing Red Lights by Sadaf Ayaz
- Crossroads of Space and Time, The by Charles & Irene Nickerson
- Crown of Unity, The by Lisa Boomhower
- Cruise of the Jest, The by Jon Adams
- Cry Dance by Helen Bonner
- Cult Of Sacrifice by J. Greyson Fike
- Cult on the Hill by D. L. Waterhouse
- Cunning Secret of the Wise, The by Frederick Burniston
- Curse of the Devil Dogs by Alfonso Moret
- Curse of the Golden City, The by L.D. Nascimento
- Curse of the Golden City, The by L.D. Nascimento
- Dancing Bears by William Jackson
- Dancing in the Baron's Shadow by Fabienne Josaphat
- Dancing on the Whisper of God by Jean Gilbertson
- Dangerous Power Games by Geoffrey Musonda
- Dark, The by E.M. Johnson
- Dark Tunnel, The by Patrick Henderson
- Darker Side of Love, The by J. Shannell Evans
- Darkest Place, The by Helen Walters
- Darkness & Grace by Kathryn Schleich
- Darkness at Dawn, The by Pamela Roberts Lee
- Dash of Dr. Todd, The by Howard E. Adkins
- Datura Solution, The by Patrick R Faure
- Daughter of Ares, The by Herbert Allenger
- Dawn and Sunset by Michael Baizerman
- Day God Wore a Hard Hat, The by Jonathan James
- Day in June, A by Marisa Labozzetta
- Days of Beltane by Sean Aramesh
- Days of Jasper, The by Richard Eaton
- Deadly Distrust by Mary Schaller
- Dear Izzy by Hannah E. Jones
- Death by Dose by Lynn Ronsen
- Death by Your Own Device by Peter Kowey, MD
- Death in the Family, A by Mark Pifher
- Death of the Son, The by Doug Brooks
- Death Speaks by Carol Joan Campbell
- Deception License by R.J. Red
- Decline and Fall of the American Nation, The by Eric Larsen
- Deer in the Fields of Venice by D.M. Zultowski
- Delphic Oracle, U.S.A. by Steven Mayfield
- Demise of Luleta Jones, The by Mark Allen Boone
- Der Tiergarten by Fredric A. Godshall
- Desperate Search by Barbara W. Teal
- Destiny by Yashoda Mann
- Destructive Irony by Tabatha Kohler
- Detective Hannah by Natalie Hannah
- Detour In Oregon by Donald Averill
- Detroit Karen by Kenny Chadwick
- Devil's Bible, The by Craig Conrad
- Devil's Paintbrush by K.L. Arthur
- Devilish by Gulshan
- Diamonds, Cocaigne and Caravaggios by James Jones
- Diamonds of Marange, The by Itai T. Mupanduki
- Diary of a Philanderer by Anthony M. Wilson
- Diary of a Robot by Lewis Jenkins
- Diary of Lady X, The by Mursalin Machado
- Did You See the Monkeys? by Eddy Arnold
- Diner by The Lake, The by Danial Suits
- Dings by Lance Fogan
- Disaster at Bushehr by Reginald Nelson
- Disaster for Sale by F. David Rinehart
- Distant Past, An Uncertain Future, A by J. R. Klein
- Diva by Joseph Kinnebrew
- Diversions by Frederick Nathan
- Divine Circumvention by Ruth Harwell Fawcett
- Diving for Carlos by William J. Jackson
- Diving God, The by Brian Ray Brewer
- Do the Math by Philip B. Persinger
- Doctor Robert by Bobby Lopez
- Doctor’s Tale, The by Claire Applewhite
- Dogs, Owners of the City by Laura Lavayén
- Don't Beg for Mercy! by Robert Ginsberg
- Don't Drop It by Liliane C
- Don't Smile Till Easter by Adrian Stadtmiller, BA Dip Ed
- Done Growed Up by Mary Morony
- Down Cemetery Road by Ned Randle
- Downfall by Dr. Mohsen El-Guindy
- Dragon Commons, The by Tiffany Clavecilla
- Dream Factory by Cosmin Swanyck
- Dream Upon a Star, Vol 1 by Yuma
- Dreamer 4, The by A.D. Plautz
- Dreaming of Oranges by Marcelline Thomson
- Dreamtaker, The by Chad Burn
- Drinking the Knock Water by Emily Kemme
- Dry Heat by Len Joy
- Eagle and The Lion, The by Laurel Robinson
- East of Midnight by Karen Humeniuk
- Easy as Pie at Bobby's Diner by Susan Wingate
- Echoes of the Past I by Edward R Lipinski
- Edafos by Howard O. A. Jones
- Eden Lost by Richard Taylor
- Ejituru's Dream by Nwanganga G. Shields
- Elinore's Choice by Madelyn S. Palmer
- Elysia by Malcolm Chester
- eMaya on Climate Control by Dilip Dahanukar
- Emele's Night Goddess: Book III by Steve Pierce
- Emotionless by Camila Fernandez Gomez
- EMP Causality by Michael Kravitz
- End of a Beginning, The by John Henry Dam
- End of Aphrodite, The by Laurette Folk
- Enigma by George Mattheson
- Enigmas by Floyd Merrell
- Ensign Locker, The by John Zerr
- Entanglement: Quantum and Otherwise by John K. Danenbarger
- Enter At Your Own Risk! by Timothy R. Bartlett
- Enter the Heart by Ben Romen
- Entitled by Janelle Scott
- Epic in the Forgotten War by Ken Filing
- Escape to Faith and Freedom by C. A. Davidson
- Eternal Masquerade, The by R.J. Lehner
- Evermore by Margaret Krivchenia
- Everyone Dies Famous by Len Joy
- Eaves Drop by James A. Landry
- Exit Lives by Jamel Gross
- Exodus of Chaos by Steven Kent Olson
- Exploring Planet Vida by David Ellis Grey
- Extinction Chronicles - Pandora's Box by E. Thomas Palmer
- Faded Flowers by Timothy Etoori
- Fallen, The by Craig Conrad
- Falling Back to One by Randy Mason
- Fallow Park Today by Joseph Glenn
- Family Divided, A by Dick Parsons
- Family Matters by D. C. Moses
- Farmhouse in the Rain, A by Joe Kilgore
- Farewell the Dragon by Lee Barckmann
- Fascination, The by Bob Renterson
- Fatal Promises by Jeanette Henderson
- Favorites, The by Mary Yukari Waters
- Female Genital Mutilations by Getu Tadesse Mindaye DR
- Festival of Insignificance, The by Milan Kundera
- Fibonacci Tales by eLBe
- Fiddler Crabbe by G.R.Dixon
- Fiddler in the Night, The by Christian Fennell
- Fields of Blue by Laura Levy
- Finding Flipper Frank by Patrick M. Garry
- Finding Joy by Ellen Payne
- First Adult by David Alomes
- First Candle, The by Eric B. Swanson
- First EU, The by Alan J. Caulfield
- Fish by Bronwyn Rodden
- Fisher of Slaves, A by Dick Parsons
- Fishing for Something by Andrew Scott Bassett
- Five Senses, The by Joe Sinkler
- Five Star Fraud by Margaret G. Cahill
- Flight of Gabrielle, The by Linda Munroe
- Flower in the Dark by Ewin Genghis
- Flying Snakes and Green Turtles by Evelyn Voight
- Foggy Bottom Storytellers at the Port of Poets, The by Damon Wilbur Brazwell, Jr.
- For the Love of a Man by Amrinder Bajaj
- For Your Pleasure & Questionable Behaviour by Thomas James Taylor
- Fortnight on Maxwell Street by David Kerns
- Fortunate Child, The by Archana Mishra
- Fortune Seekers, The by Glennis Browne
- Foul Territory by Christopher Morlock
- Four Guardians, The by Jessica and Jordan Fisher
- Fragility by Mosby Woods
- Frankie Jones by J.R.Klein
- Frankie Ravan by F.A.Loomis
- Franklin Family Odyssey, Homesteading in Alaska, The by David W. Erickson
- Fraudulent Fertilisation by Ludovico Gulminelli
- Free to Fly by Jean Bisbey
- Freelancers, The by M.A. Frost
- Friend at Court by Brenda Dow
- From Homeless to Heaven by Jeanne Ann Off
- From the Land of Tattooed Warriors by Jeffrey L. Gross
- From the Windowpane by Dr. Ida Acuña-Garza
- From Whence We Come by Maurice W. Dorsey
- Future Prometheus by J.M. Erickson
- Galahad's Fool by Conrad Bishop and Elizabeth Fuller
- Gale Warnings by Chris O'Grady
- Game Changer, The by Dave Dröge
- Garnet Bunches, The by Zeynab Salimova
- Geist Esser by Jim von Tesmar
- Gems of Zephron, The by Charlize Worthington
- Geniuses® IV by Neil W. Flanzraich
- Gentling Soul by El Alma
- Germania by Anthony Gordon Pilla
- Ghett-Dough Cities by Traci Allen
- Ghosts of Chateau du Chasse, The by J.J. Zerr
- Ghost of Crazy Horse, The by Dr. James Hawley
- Ghost Writer by Robert Wesley Clement
- Gifted One, The by William D. Hoy
- Girl in the Water, The by Joseph Howse
- Girl on the Stairs, The by Patricia Rose
- Girl, World by Alex Poppe
- Glacier Highway: Book I by Donna V. Batt
- Glacier House by Donna V. Batt
- Gladiator and Jesus, The by Tony Carangi
- Glass Ship, The by Martin Simons
- Graceful Bull by Adele Joseph
- Grandma's Drama, The by Beverly J. Walker
- Go Ask the Dead by Frank Tropea
- God and the gods by Genesis T. Yengoh
- Godsmack, Part I by Josie Peterson
- Goin’ Home by Phyllis Staton Campbell
- Gold by Linda Jane Niedfel
- Gold Albatross by Tate Volino
- Golden Princess, The by L.R. Garner
- Gone Missing by Barbara Sherrod
- Good Guy Gone Bad: Book II by Lagantra Outen
- Good Knights for California Football by Isaac Bowers and Carol Welty Roper
- Goodbye Comrades and Other Stories by Peter Pogany
- Gospel of Damascus, The by Omar Imady
- Graffiti by Patricia D. Benke
- Green Book Yellow Dog by J. Brown
- Guitar Player, The by Ed Levesko
- Guys in Their 20s in the ‘60s by Dennis S. Rasmussen
- Hack by Bill King
- Halfway to Schist by Peter Bridgford
- Hallucination by Kim Green
- Hammond by Jonathan LaPoma
- Handmaidens of Rock by Linda Gould
- Hanging Chads by Evan Clouse
- Happiest One! by D.C. Koh
- Happy Mother's Day by Yvonne McQuilkin
- Harbour Terror by Steve Ahern
- Hard Decision, A by Westley Thomas
- Hard Road Home by L. A. Dopson
- Hate Hunters by Mari Georgeson
- He Was There All the Time by Nick Hoffman
- Heading Home by Karl Gibbons
- Heart Breaker by Thomas Duffy
- Heartless by A. S. Trotman
- Heart Wood by Shirley DicKard
- Heart’s Blood by Elizabeth Zinn
- Hearts Upon a Fragile Bough by Vera Jane Cook
- Heaven, Indiana by Jan Maher
- Heavenly by Thomas Duffy
- Hebridean Meeting by Patrick Wetenhall
- Heirs of a Lost Race by Francis Pitard
- Hell Uncertain, A by L. Santiago Calero
- Her Life is Showing by Alice Benson
- Here with the Winter by J. Penrod Scott
- Hermit, The by Katerina Grishakova
- Heroes Don't Cry by Bob Harris
- Hidden: Nistar by Batya Casper
- Hide and Seek by Dorrine Simmering
- Hiding in the Light by Cy Emery
- Hinterland by L. M. Brown
- His Final Answer by Christopher D. White and Jennifer Curran
- Hold Me Close and Closer Still by Marion Catteral
- Holey Land, The by J. J. Zerr
- Home Within a Landscape by Alexey L. Kovalev
- Homeland Dell, A by Alene Adele Roy
- Honeyball by Pete Liebengood
- Hope by Rima Jbara
- Hope Found by Jackie McMillanl
- Hornet's Spell, The by Rich Shapero
- Horseneck by B.K. Smith
- Hotel Highway Very Most Famous by Sudha Challa
- House Always Wins, The by Brian Rouff
- House of Six Doors, The by Patricia Selbert
- House on the Green, The by Betty S. Hilton
- How Music Came to the Ainchan People by Timothy Callender
- Hug Chickenpenny by S. Craig Zahler
- Hundred Honeymoons, A by J. S. Wilson
- Huntsman by M. A. Cumiskey
- Hush Now, Don’t Explain by Dennis Must
- Hypocrisy of Prejudice by Wan Lenox
- Hypocrite by Tasha Harper
- I Am Woman... Book One by Mrs. Anthony
- I Can't Breathe! by Baldip Kaur
- I Had a Farm by The Sapient Sabre
- I Will Always Love You by Darlene Porter
- Ian by Donald MacCleod
- Ice Out by Susan Speranz
- Icon of Strength by J.C. Henry
- Idiot! by Christopher Klim
- If I Never Went Home by Ingrid Persaud
- If It Ain’t One Thing... by Mary Morony
- If Ya Wanna Know by T. R. Comstock
- Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life by Philip Chidi Njemanze
- Ignorance by Sally A. Allen
- Illegals by Laura Lavayén
- Imaginarium Machine, The by John Adrian Tomlin
- Imaginary Life by Mark Gooding
- Immortality with a Kiss on the Neck by Kamal Abdulhamid
- Imperfections by Erin Lynne
- In His Footsteps by Ben Steinlage
- In Place of Strife by Elizabeth Reinach
- In The Beginning by Daisy Graham
- In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda
- In the Shadow of War by Patrick M. Garry
- In the Springtime with Rachel Carson by Dr. Barbara ten Brink
- Incel Mantis by Calvin Loch
- Incident at the Historical Museum by Lawrence A. Deiman
- Indelicate Deception by V.S. Kemanis
- Inferno Scorcher by J.C. D.C.
- Infinite Exposure by Roland Hughes
- Infinity by Leonard Zimmerman MD
- Inheritance of Crises and Dysfunction by James J. Maiwurm
- Iniquities of Gulch Fork by Bob Smith and Sara Rhodes
- Inside the Giant Electric Machine: Volume One by John Guiliano
- Inside the Giant Electric Machine: Volume Two by John Guiliano
- Interrupted Traveler, The by A.D. Plautz
- Into a Savage Land by James R. Field
- Into That Good Night by Levis Keltner
- Into the Den by Jesse Mattson
- Intruders by Zhen Lyu
- Intrusion by Lanayre Liggera
- Intrusion by Lanayre Liggera
- Iranian Connection, The by Bill Relf
- Irish Eyes by Peter Rutkoff
- Israela by Batya Casper
- It's All Straw by Richard R. Sooley
- It's Personal by Cynthia R. Hobson
- Jack's Memoirs by Kurt Landefeld
- Jade Rooster by R.L. Crossland
- Jane Davies by Douglas Nordfors
- Jaykyll’s Joust by R. H. Peake
- Jessie’s Will by Virginia Wells
- Jew, The by Domenik Poleski
- Jimmy by Donald Provance, Jr.
- JRZDVLZ by Lee Klein
- Joan of Miami by A. Parrish
- Joe's Adventures by Joseph J. Dougherty
- Johnny Boy by John Califano
- Journey into Womanhood, A by Coral S. Jocic
- Journey to Virginland: Catena by Armen Melikian
- Journeys with Justine by Janine Canan
- Julia’s Memories and the Interflow of Things by Dave Dröge
- Juncture by M. Kelly
- Just Another Girl on the Road by S. Kensington
- Just Plane Murder by Eric Kendall
- Kabul Conspiracy, The by Jesse E Corralez
- Kahraman by Rima Jbara
- Kany Rising by Xebo (Zephirin Ebonzo)
- Karadan Encounter, The by F.C.Young
- Karamba by O.K. Oyenekan
- Karma Hotel, The by Dr. Samineh I Shaheem
- Katherine Spirit of the Dell by Pat Wells
- Kayak by Alan Whichello
- Kayla Blaze by Gooding
- Kayla Blaze by Gooding
- Keonah Days by M. Paul Chinitz
- Kin Magic by U.S. Obilor
- Kinchela Boy, A by Christopher Bevan
- Kingman 1971, Part III: Kingman Ranch by Gary Reeves
- Kismet by Ronnie Sarkin
- Kiss for Maggie Moore, A by Micki R. Pettit
- Knight Without His Lovers, A by Jamel Gross
- Knowing Me by Jasmine Fleur
- Kurdish Woman, The by Luis Rousset
- La Aguita: The Little Water by Jenny Kingham
- Labyrinth of Voices, A by Rick Ryan
- Lady of Esterbrooke, The: Loves Journey Through Time by Ann W. Phillips
- Lady One Horn’s Champion by Pat Rogers
- Lakes in My Head, The by Lesli Chinnock Anderson
- Lala Surviving by Felipe Reynoso
- Lamp Eyes, Look Out! by Peter Gelman
- Land Beyond, The by J.H.E. Lim
- Land of a Thousand Bridges, The by Nana Aberdeen
- Land of Seekers by Triveen Nair
- Lantern, The by Callie McFarlane
- Lasso, The by Dave Bair
- Lasso Part 2, The by Dave Bair
- Last CaveBear, The by Shannon VanSlyke
- Last CaveBear II, The by Shannon VanSlyke
- Last Cave Bear III at War, The by Shannon Van Slyke
- Last CaveBear IV Freedom, The by Shannon van Slyke
- Last Hope for Peace, The by Josuha E. Starr
- Last Orphan Maker, The by Earl Griffin
- Last Professional, The by Ed Davis
- Last Son of Charybdis, The by Gabriel Anthony Lopez
- Last Sunset, The by Daniel Jay Paul
- Last Things by E.J. Myers
- Last Will by Bryn Greenwood
- Lasting Impressions by Yanique Beliard Michel
- Latecomers, The by Rich Marcello
- Law of Falling Bodies, The by Duff Brenna
- Law’s Delay, The by Hugh Cameron
- Leave of Absence by Tanya J. Peterson
- Leaving Montana by Thomas Whaley
- Legacy—A World Apart by Raymond L. Cox
- Legend of Demnog, The by Seth Stadel
- Legend of Higley Flow, The... by Richmond LaFayette Holton
- Leon Lewis Band, The by L. M. Levin
- Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now by T. Patrick Graves
- Lethal Elixir, The by Dennis Ross
- Lethal Elixir, The by Dennis Ross
- Letter, The by Sylvia Atkinson
- Letters from Pleasant View Lutheran Church by Dave Alan Nerdig
- Life...and That Other Thing by John Nieman
- Life and Times of a Black Garage Door Guy, The by V Leigh
- Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates by Dana Jetey
- Life O'Reilly, The by Brian Cohen
- Life Raft by Paula Ashcraft
- Life: What It's All About by Robert Todd
- Life Works Both Ways by Cydney Valery-Leung
- Light at the End of the World, The by Lorraine Dopson
- Light for a Vanished Sun by Midge Shusta
- Light in the Sound, The by Vanessa Gonzales
- Lighthouse by Tico Yang
- Lights Above Cass by Marilynn Brokaw Hall
- Lights, Camera, Incognito by Martin P. Travis
- Like Water and Ice by Tamar Anolic
- Lilac Bush is Blooming, The by Jan Surasky
- Lily Lives On Mount Rainier by Arley M. Fosburgh
- Lily's Odyssey by Carol Smallwood
- Linkages by Elaine Chandler-Harris
- Lion Trees, The: Part One by Owen Thomas
- Lion Trees, The: Part Two by Owen Thomas
- Listen with Your Eyes by Jennie Lea
- Living Forever by Jan Fawcett
- Little Leaf by Paul Sauvola
- Little Rebellion, Now & Then, Is a Good Thing, A by Alan M. Hallene, Jr.
- Little Weed and Spider Sam by Elizabeth Lauren Owen
- Locket, The by Lisa Arnold
- Locket, The by Robert E. Emin
- London Bridge by Steven Dhondt
- Long Way Back Home by Evelyn Saah-Giegbefumwen
- Look at Me by Polly Grey
- Look Not Unto the Morrow by Robert Fantina
- Look to the Hills by Mary Jean Bonar
- Looking for Larry by Charles Hayes
- Lost in Democracy by Frisky Larr
- Lost Mountain by Anne Coray
- Lots of Luck Noblesse Oblige Rentier by Ron Matejka and Marilyn McKenzie
- Louie on the Rocks by Meredith O’Brien
- Love and Death on Safari by Richard H. Peake
- Love and Honour? by David D E Evans
- Love and Obsession at the Time of Exile by Alexander J. Askanas
- Love Ceiling, The by Jean Davies Okimoto
- Love Has a Blind Eye by Clarence Mike Dunaway
- Love in the Sand and the Snow by Dee Disheau
- Love in the Time of Flowers by William Penn
- Love List by Dave Dearman
- Love, Money and Revenge by Robert Cory Phillips
- Love of Vera, The by Alice Magro
- Love Spelled Sideways by Jacqueline Brown
- Love Vs. Life by Juaneetah Perry
- Loved to Death by Will Kalinke
- Lowering Sun on Lake Herrick by Chanse Reddick
- Lucid Love by Kevin JB O'Connor
- Lucky by Vanesa Faure
- Machine by Julio Ortiz
- MacLeish Sq. by Dennis Must
- Mad Addie by S. Joseph Krause
- Mad Professor of Babeldu, The by Adamu Kyuka Usman
- Madame Curie’s Piano Tuner by Steven Barron
- Made & Unmade by J. G. Cope
- Magdalene by Marissa Dike
- Maddy's Place by R. L. Bowden
- Maggie’s Ruse by Anne Leigh Parrish
- Magellan's Cross by Richard J. Field
- Magic Land, The by Laurie Davidson
- Man and the Machine by John R. Day, Jr.
- Man on the Fence by John R. Day, Jr.
- Man on the Fence by John R. Day, Jr.
- Man Who Transformed Africa, The by Peter D. Cimini
- Manhattan Alien by B. K. Mhatre
- Mandrake and the Third Aye by Graham Deeks
- Manhattan Transfer, The by Howard Greenberg
- Mania of Love, A by J N Pratley
- Manic Mama by A. J. Irwin
- Manipulator, The by Daniel Carnahan
- Maps of Seven and the Trinket of Iris, The by Eli Reed
- Marriage For Aghavni by Elaine Cornell
- Martini Afternoons by Beverly Fortenberry
- Marvin's Garden by Joseph Brisben
- Masquerade by Sondra Luger
- Max by Tom Donaldson
- Maxym by Patrick C. Notchtree
- Matter of Chance, A by Julie Maloney
- Matter of Mercy, A by Lynne Hugo
- May Day by Scott
- Maya by Ronnie Sarkin
- Mays Landing by J. C. Mercer
- Me & Snap by John W Bruner
- Means of Keeping, The by Rich Marcello
- Measuring the Mountain by Adrian Stadtmiller
- Medal of Dishonor by George P. Miga
- Memory Addicts, The by Derek Kannemeyer
- Men in the Land Times Past by J.P. Lucas
- Men Who Walk in Dreams by Marisa Labozzetta
- Message, The by Rebecca Costantini
- Messiah by Martyn James Pummell
- Metal Horses by Ron Allen Ames
- Metamorphosis by M. Kelly
- Mezzogiorno in Chicago by Albert P. Melone
- Middle East Quicksand by Robert Thomas Fertig
- Midnight Justice by Robin Dobbins
- Midnight Memory Lane by Donna Anderson
- Midway Through the Journey of Our Life by James Lawson
- Mildenhall Legacy, The by Albert Sipes
- Mining The Mineral Mountains by Clem Masloff
- Minutemen of 61 by George W. Callahan
- Mirror, The by William A. Stephens Jr.
- Miryam by Judith Cooper
- Missing Royals, The by N.K.Chris
- Missing the Mark by John W. Ridley
- Misunderstood Ally, The by Faraz Inam
- Mit Out Sound by Rick Lenz
- Moments Before Dawn by Irwin L. Hinds
- Montpelier Tomorrow by Marylee MacDonald
- Moon Phases by Stephanie Chambers
- Moon’s Black Gold by R. H. Peake
- Morning Missed by Bromley Coughlan
- Moses v. Trump by David M. Dorsen
- Moth, The by Scott Archer Jones
- Mother’s Sin, A by Mia Henry
- Mothers of Pine Way by Corrine Ardoin
- Mount Wonder by Scott J. Bloch
- Moving On / Never Leaving by Martha Beimer
- Mr. Benny by R. W. Sarver
- Murder at Mason's Mesa by David J. Kucera
- Murder in a Child's Mind, The by Rita Marcoli
- Murder in the Neighborhood by Jeff O'Donnell
- Music in Darkness by Exona Moll
- My Australian Prince by Elmie Yan
- My Name on a Grain of Rice by Richard Voigt
- My True Colours by Hannah Francis
- Mystery in the Keweenaw Peninsula by D.J. Martin
- Mystery on Widow Island by James Malcolm
- Myth of Pterygium by Diego Gerard Morrison
- Naked Under the Lights by Judith Peck
- Naples, Florida, COVID -19 Terror Tale by E. E. Hunt
- Nashville Skyline by Chrissy Coleman
- Navigator, The by Anngeannette Pinkston
- Necessary Warrior, A by Robert M. Miller
- Nesting Dolls, The by Cynthia Rogers Parks
- Network Apprentice by Graydon “Dee” Hubbard
- Never Had a Chance to Say Goodbye by A. Mohit
- Nevermind by John Climenhaga
- New Brand of Patriotism, A by Paul Ehrlich
- New Haunt for Mr. Bierce, A by Drew Bridges
- New World Order by Robert Slaughter & Jerry Brown
- Newlands by Gary Langford
- Newton's Riddle by Neill G. Russell
- Nibiru Rising by Ken Womelsdorf
- Night of the Phantom by Carlos Manuel Reynosa
- Nights Remembered by Bruce Collier
- Nine Assignments, The by Glenda Winders
- Nipper by Peter Massam
- Nirmala by Fiza Pathan
- No Birds Sing Here by Daniel V. Meier, Jr.
- No Century for Apologies by Jack Remick
- No Forwarding Address by Paddy Stewart
- No Mad by Sam Moffie
- No: Sequel to One Small Word by Gloria Eveleigh
- No, You’re Crazy by Jeff Beamish
- Noah's Children by Huck Fairman
- Noble Tigress, The by E.L. Walker
- Nola's Island by A.D.King
- Nomas by T.R. Payne
- Nonno the Wine Maker by Phil Scrima
- Nothing Now Remains by Ernest O. Izedonmwen
- Oako's Heart of Gold by Sandra C Addis
- Oath to Odin, An by Richard Cooper
- Occurrence in Big Sur, An by Dwight Dixon
- Ocean Whirled by Sam Webb
- Odd Twins, The by Randy Caparco
- Odessa Concessions, The by Gordon Deverowe
- Old Blood by John Reece
- On Anvil by Jim Herity
- Once in a Lifetime by Barbara Fisk
- Once Upon a Time... by Ana Letic
- One Degree by Gus Kappler MD
- One Hawaiian Morning by Kelli Gard
- One Last Dance by Mardo Williams
- One Love by Thomas Duffy
- One Sitka Summer by Lois Lindenfeld
- One Small Word by Gloria Eveleigh
- Once in a Blue Year by Michael D. Durkota
- Opening Act, The by Christine Hamer-Hodges
- Orange Cover, The by Moshy Shain
- Organized Panic, An by Patty Friedmann
- Other Girl, The by Alexandra Ares
- Other Side of the Ocean, The by Beverley Bell
- Other World, The by Enid Angela Ziock
- Otherland Circus, The by Kelsey Elizabeth Behm
- Our Field Trip - PG-13 by Cornel A. Keeler
- Our New Old Enemies by Stephen A. Reger
- Out of Devil’s Hollow by C.S. Whitman
- Out of Time by D E McLean
- Outlander Page by William Cornelison
- Pacing the Sidelines by Gary J. Kirchner
- Paddlefoot by Constance Lewis-Larsen
- Padre Cisco by Michael McCabe
- Palm of the Rainforest by Ikénnà Nnọlị
- Pathway to Glory by Edmund Schiavoni
- Pangea by Peter DeChristopher
- Parable of The Two Sons, The by Christopher Bevan
- Party Girl Nurse's Journey by Victoria Godwin
- Passionate Spirit by Sandy Shores
- Pay Back by Malcolm Chester
- Paybacks by Jim Flinchum
- Peccant Luther and A Tale Told By A Sleeper by James W. Mintz
- Penny Mansions, The by Steven Mayfield
- Perfectionist, The by Rafe Oropela
- Permanence by Preta
- Pictou Triangle, The by Jean Lucas
- Pieces by Mary Ann McGuigan
- Pieces of a Broken Mind by Daniel Ruczko
- Plane of the Ecliptic by Karen Estes
- Planting Wolves by Neda Disney
- Platform 2 by Belinda Dean
- Play Nancy Spain by Tony Cassidy
- Playing the Angel by Kenneth Womack
- Playing with Passion by Katrina Reinhardt
- Playing with Words by Lynda F. Tallis
- Poetic Injustice by Jonathan Sure
- Point Zero by Simon J B
- Pop's Sickles by Rebecca A. Brady
- Portable Chaos, A by E. M. Schorb
- Portersville by Daryl Haskew
- Portuguese Witness, The by John Reidy
- Prelude to War by Neil Gillis
- Pretty Horses, The by Laurie Davidson
- Priest and Me, The by Charles Mohl
- Principle Destiny by David A. Cleinman
- Prison Planet Handbook, The by Denis Goodwin
- Prometheus' Gift by John Sangster
- Promised Valley Rebellion by Ron Fritsch
- Provident Family of Baxter's Yard, The by Cornell Charles
- Public Record by Henry Bouchot
- Pulpit, The by Humphrey L Moore
- Purple Poole by Samuel Richards
- Pushkin's Ode to Liberty by M. A. DuVernet
- QL 4 by James Garrison
- Queen Cartel Gangster Blooded by Simmeon Anderson
- Quest for the Three Keys, The by Deke Rivers
- Quest for Yesterday by Carlo Mignano
- Quiet. Fear. by Cynthia J. Giachino
- Quittin Time by Len Joy
- Radha by Krishna Dharabasi
- Raid, The by Robert J. Rosenbaum
- Rainbow Angel Earns Wings by M. Michaelides
- Rainbow, No End by Lloyd Knight
- Ratrigues and the Invisible Intelligence by Graham Deeks
- Ravenslea by Pamela M. Parry
- Raw Intentions by Sarah Schneider
- Reading of the Will, The by Nwanganga Shields
- REAP 23 by J J Perry
- Reap the Hot September Harvest by Harry W. Kendall
- Reapers of Souls and Magic by R.E. Fisher
- Reason Out of Tune and Harsh by Anne Harris
- Rebecca's Revenge by S.D. Cargle & Carol Welty Roper
- Rebel, The by Nathan Johnson
- Red Stock Company, The by Troy Hibbs
- Redux by Sean McKeithen
- Rehtaf – Father of the Fatherless by Manoj Joy
- Relinquished by Pollyanna Porter
- Reminders of You by Calliope Casimiro
- Rescue Run by John Winn Miller
- Rescued in the Rockies by Pat Lockridge
- Resilience by Diana Richmond
- Revenge I Will Have by Marlene Morgan
- Revolution of the Mind, A by MV Perry
- Riders Up! Handicapper Down… by Lee G. Harvey
- Riot In My Senses by Rima Jbara
- River Creed by Kelly Coleman
- Rivers, Pickups and Friends by Sid Spurgeon
- Rising Tide of People Swept Away, A by Scott Archer Jones
- River of Deception by William F. Thomas
- Rochester: Consummation by J.L. Nieman
- Rock, The by Ted Stephens
- Rock Crystals, The by Asif Saba
- Rocky Comfort Ranch by Joann Klusmeyer
- Rode by J. Adams
- Rogue, The by Sally A. Allen
- Rogue Pharma by Hugh Cameron & Edna Quammi
- Romance on the River by Orlando L. Tibbetts
- Rooftop Sutras by Levin A Diatschenko
- Rose Within, The by Sana Pirzada
- Rough On Rats by Bob Riepe
- Runes by Brianna Marsing
- Russian (Re: Jagger, Mick) by Vytenis Rožukas
- Rustic Inn, The by J.D. Fromm
- Rx: A Novel by Garin Cycholl
- S413 by Saniyah Chisti
- Safe Passages by Elizabeth Terraszas
- Saga of Bridget and Amanda, The: Book One by Carole Love-Forbes
- Saga of Bridget and Amanda, The: Book Four by Carole Love-Forbes
- Saint Agnes’ Garden by Diana Lynn Klueh
- Saints and Martyrs by Aaron Roe
- Saluting the Sun by Mary Hutchings Reed
- Sam d'Bear by Michael Marsden
- Samantha by R.L. Porter
- Same Same by Doug Smith
- Sanctuary by Karen East
- Sanctuary, The by Cassandra R. Siddons
- Sanctuary, The by James Outhwaite
- Sarah: The Eternal Beauty by Amir Barghi
- Sardinian Silver by A. Colin Wright
- Saudi Oil Gambit, The by Reginald Nelson
- Save Magic City by Rocsanne Shield
- Saving Faith by Patrick M. Garry
- Saving General Patton by Robert Corns
- Saving Grace by Lem Moyé
- Satellite Street by Eleanor Lerman
- Schorjun: Book 1 by Errol Rollin
- Scorpio by Helena Edwards Bishop
- Scourged Souls by Keith N. Corman
- Seal Woman by Solveig Eggerz
- Sealed with a Kiss by Carolyn Pollack
- Search by Jan Widgery
- Season's Sun by Leigh Clarke
- Second Lease of Life, A by Madeleine Lüthi
- Second Nature by Don Thompson
- Second Thoughts, Second Chances by D.C. Moses
- Secret Agent, On A Secret Mission, A by John W. Coburn
- Secret of the Oak, The by Bernadette Crespin
- Seduced by Freddie R. Burnett
- Seidon’s Tale by Bill VanPatten
- Sergeant Hanluc, and the Missing Students by Dsjen Hanluc
- Serpent and Savior by William De Berg
- Settling by Andrea J. King
- Seventeen Parcels by Mic Lowther
- Sex Makes the World Go Round by Alison Brause
- Shaman of the Alligewi, The by Michael R. Hall
- Shadow of the Cross by Carolyn Garriott
- Shadows by S. Edward Aanes
- Shadows Over Texas by Kat Kelly
- Shaman’s Gift, The by Lee Fishman
- Shape of the Atmosphere, The by Jessica Dainty
- Shared Sorrows by Vincent Panettiere
- Sharptop Gullipop and the Fairies of Bodium by Lillian J. Grigsby
- She Who Knows by Barbara Bras
- Shepherds, The by Shirley Bellinger
- Sherwood by Bette Hurst
- Shocking Surprise, A by Bonnie Jampol
- Shotgun Preacher by Thomas G. Morgan
- Show Must Go On, The by Mary W. Evans
- Sic by Brin Friesen
- Sick and Twisted by Danny Salazar
- Sick and Twisted by Danny Salazar
- Sin of Ambition by Mary M. McNaughton
- Sin of our 4Father, The by Bernadette Guarnieri
- Sins of the Mother, The by Ellen Tipping
- Sixth of September, The by Callista Bowright
- Skipper by Craig B. Bass
- Slapped! by Paul Swenson
- Sleeping with a Wall Street Banker by Marlene Morgan
- Slum by Dan Carroll
- Slum Song by Dan Carroll
- Small, Perfect Place, A by Arnold Gordenstein
- Snake Woman of Ipanema, The by Lucille Bellucci
- Sober Spring and the Flight of the Loon by Robert F. Bollendorf
- Social Work by Thomas Duffy
- Sociopath and Me, The by Camille Roan
- Solitary Refinement by James A. Landry
- Sometimes it Snows in America by Marisa Labozzetta
- Somewhat Sammie by Jan Schaeffer
- Son Of The Maya by John H. McKoy
- Sorceress Book One, The by John Sinisi
- Sorrow's Edge by Ryan L. Robinson
- Sorry's Run by Joani Lacy
- Soulja's Story by Mr. A.I.T.
- Soulja's Story 2 by Mr. A.I.T.
- Spain's Savage Samurai by Robert Davies
- Special and the Ordinary, The by David Clapham
- Spirit Lake by Dwight Dixon
- Spoonful by Chris Mendius
- Spring Broken by Justus Eapen
- Sprinkles on the Gruel by Larry Parry Neilson
- Spy in Me, The by J. S. Delaney
- St. Michael's Poker & Drinking Club by Ned Randle
- Star-Crossed by Thomas James Taylor
- Stark Beauty of Last Things, The by Céline Keating
- Status Quo by Henry Mosquera
- Stem and Leaf Plots by Virginia Arthur
- Still the Night Call by Joshua Senter
- Stockboy by Thomas Duffy
- Stockboy Nation by Thomas Duffy
- Stolen Child by Gerald Neufeld
- Stolen Child by Suzanne Kelly
- Stolen Gift, The by David Ssembajjo
- Stolen Youth, A by Angela Studer
- Stone for Bread, A by Miriam Herin
- Storms by Maria Fernandez Snitzer
- Story of Pooville, The by Fenton Roades
- Strata Various by Bruce Bentz
- Strathard: A Question of Choice by Jean Bisbey
- Strathard: Channels of Communication by Jean Bisbey
- Strathard: Face to Face by Jean Bisbey
- Striking Out by Christopher Morlock
- Strong Boy, Weak Man by Earl Robert Key
- Strong Stone Wall by Joann Klusmeyer
- Suddenly a Larger World by Richard H. Grabmeier
- Suicidal Tendencies by Patrick M. Garry
- Summer of Crud, The by Jonathan LaPoma
- Summers in Bayville by Louise Gaylord
- Summit Syndrome, The by Owen Dean
- Sunday Cosmopolitans by Lynn Clark Dorr
- Sundown Beach by Chris O'Grady
- Sundown Town Duty Station by J.J. Zerr
- Sure Thing, A by Vincent J. Cincotta
- Susannah of Coppermopolis by Catherine Folsom
- Suspicion by Jake Bussolini
- Sweet Dominique by Will Holmes
- Sweden's Child: Murders at the Fair by Elaine Cornell
- Sweet Smell of Success, The by Jet Collins
- Swim a Crooked Line by Al X. Griz
- Talent Show by Denise Haynes
- Tales by Trebbiano
- Tales: Volume 2 by Trebbiano
- Tales of the Monkey King by Teresa Chin Jone
- Taming the Dragon Series: There Is No Rainbow by Helen Webster
- Tangled Web, The by Kenneth Ricklefs
- Tatiana's Day by Katia Perova
- Tatiana's Day by Katia Perova
- Teacher, Teacher, I Declare...! by W. Royce Adams
- Tear Drops by Gideon Mekwunye
- Tear Drops: Part 2 by Gideon C. Mekwunye
- Tearing Up the Avenue by Dale DeLong
- Tears of Beauty by Cornelia Fontane
- Ten Deadly Realms, The by Venessa Williamson & Deserie Questell
- Tenuous Tendrils by Tom Corbett
- Teruf the Dreamer by Mark James Foster
- Tessa’s Heart: A Texas Story by Jackie Lewis
- Tesseract Configured by V.A. Ebeling
- There Are Still Unknown Places by Ron Morris
- They Called Me The Cat by Margaret Routcliffe
- Thief Among Friends, A by Carol Vallario
- Thieves Never Steal in the Rain by Marisa Labozzetta
- Third Wheel by Richard R. Becker
- Thorny Path To Destiny, A by Mirriam B. C. Kabila
- Those Around Him by Brett Shapiro
- Thousand Sleeps, A by Mike Taylor
- Three Princess Series by Bobby Cinema
- Three Souls, The by Bill Thomas
- Three Ways to Disappear by Katy Yocom
- Through It All by Christina Lim
- Thunder Buffalo Goes Home by Mark A. Cornelius
- Tick Rider, The by William Street
- Ticket to Hell, A by J.J. Zerr
- Time Blinder by Ocean Lockwood
- Times Like These by J.R. Klein
- Tinder Box, The by H.J. "Walt" Walters
- Tiny Tim and The Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge by Norman Whaler
- To Bury the Cloud by Leah Margolis
- To Keep a Butterfly From Flying by Cynthia Snyder
- To Kill the Duke by Sam Moffie
- To Never Know by Thomas Duffy
- To Save a Dragon by Allen Scovil
- To Slip the Surly Bonds of Earth by Hugh Cameron
- To You, Madam by James Norman
- Together Forever by Clark Selby
- Tom and Lovey by G. R. Jerry
- Toronto's Last Rainbow by Margaret Blair
- Torque of Fyra, The by J.S. Seeger
- Tosher by Adrian Winney
- Tossed Overboard by Garibaldi Sabio
- Touch by Rebecca Miller
- Town That Shot Itself in the Foot, The by Judy Gail Krasnow
- Traces of Bliss by Cecilia Velasegui
- Train from Thompsonville by D.C. Moses
- Transedic Dreamers by J. M. Campbell Harmon
- Transplant by Gerald Neufeld
- Travelers, The by Delaney Henderson
- Treasure of Crystal Cave, The by Kelsie R. Gates
- Treasure of the Blue Whale by Steven Mayfield
- Treasure of the General Grant, The by Brian Wilson
- Tree by Melina Sempill Watts
- Tree, Planted by the Water by Joann Klusmeyer
- Trees Unlimited by Clem Masloff
- Tribune Of The People by Dan Wallace
- Tribute to Hip-Hop and Shakespeare's Othello "When the Knight Fell" Part - 1, A by Christopher Gary Simmons
- Tizzra Tragedy, The by Anthony Baldwin
- Trouble With Belonging, The by Magdalena Stanhoff
- True Love Story, A by Michael Van Buren Latch
- Turning Point by Charles A. Santangelo
- Turning Wine Into Water by H. Arthur MacMahan
- Tusks by Gene Hale
- Twenty-Four Shadows by Tanya J. Peterson
- Twins in Arms by Tom Masri
- Twin River IV by Michael Fields
- Twisted Love by Robert Bigaouette
- Twix Heaven and Earth by Joann Klusmeyer
- Two Brothers by Robert Gover
- Two Brothers by C. (Mike) Dunaway
- Two Germaines, The by Marie-Ghislaine Mera
- Ty Tanner and a Bull Name Cranky by Pat Forbis
- Type B by Steve Mitchell
- U is for Utopia by Diane Causey
- Ubuntu: Unconditional Love by Anita Schattenberg
- Ugly Priest, The by Richard Stickann
- Unacceptable Expectations by James A. Gauthier, J.D.
- Undercurrents by Chris O'Grady
- Undiscovered Country, An by M. A. Cumiskey
- Undiscovered Country, An by M. A. Cumiskey
- Unexpected Package by Michelle Lee
- Unexpected Visitor, The by Bjorn S. Dimmen
- Unfinished Marriage, An by Cindy Bonner
- Union Vs. Company Vol 1 by Perel L. Blakely
- Unlocking Brynleith by D.A. Mayes
- Unsettled States by Tom Casey
- Untethered Life, An by Donna Roberts
- Until the Iris Bloom by Tina Olton
- Unto the Least of These by Douglas Alan
- Utopia Café by David T. Hejna
- Velvet Box, The by Tracy Grandlinger
- Veteran, The by Clarke W. Owens
- View from the Edge by Michael Kasenow
- Victims and Vultures by Will Kalinke
- Village of Tears by Christopher Abbott
- Violin Thief, The by Genie Higbee
- Viral War by Josephine deBois
- Visigothic by Jay Patrick Newcomb Esq
- Visit to the Kingdom of Camelot, A by R. L. Greenwood
- Voices from a Wendy House Contrivance by Tom Walters
- Voyage Through a Stone Age by Chris O'Grady
- Wagging Tale of Bliss, The by Bhavna Khemlani
- Walking Shadow, A by Gary Bolick
- Walking with Elephants by Karen S. Bell
- Walks Tall the Moon by Robert Bollendorf
- Wand by Chuck Champlin
- Wandered Into the Far Outlands by Carlos X Febles
- War Between US and China by Winston Langley
- War of Matrimony, The by Annie Hartzog Clayton
- Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
- Warrior of Life, The by Richard Poole
- Warwick by Boby Beavers
- Wasted... Maybe by MK
- Watch, The by Leon L. Haley
- Waterbury Winter by Linda Stewart Henley
- Watering My Little Apple Trees by James Bynum
- Waves by José Ramón Torres
- We Are Surely Blessed by Ann Williams
- We Spend Our Lives by Bernard J Sieracki
- Weakness by Charlie Green
- Wedgfire’s Song by Krissi Miller
- Weighted by E.S.E. Bruno
- West, by Southwest by Joann Klusmeyer
- What Birds Can Only Whisper by Julie Brickman
- What Makes It Worthy by David Paul Kuhn
- What Mom & Dad Never Told Us by Mic Lowther
- What Mountains Teach by Michael Herrick
- What She Knew by Nadine Galinsky Feldman
- What's Next by Geoffrey Keane
- Wheel of Life: A Novel by Liv Lugara
- When All Else Fails by Michael Pulley
- When Banana Stains Fade by Frances-Marie Coke
- When the Moon Was Blood by Eben Beukes
- When We Push Through Sound by Geoff Sease
- When Writing Morphs into a Lifetime by Myrna Lou Jastra
- When Writing Morphs into a Lifetime by Myrna Lou Jastra
- Where Losers Live, Heroes Die by Gary Helzer
- Where Losers Live, Heroes Die by Gary Helzer
- Where's My Tomorrow by W.M.Fisher
- Whisper of Hope, Cry of Despair by Vicky Bedi
- White Bane by Robert James Allen
- White Bane, Part II by Robert James Allen
- Who Am I. by J.J. Zerr
- Why by Marvin V. Blake
- Why I Hate Faulkner by Denton Thomas
- Wife in Bangkok, A by Iris Mitlin Lav
- Wild Asses of the Mojave Desert by Lis Anna-Langston
- Wild Raspberries by Connie Chappell
- Will Will and Me by John Hyland
- Wind by Russell Stuart Irwin
- Wind's Story, The by Anne B. Udy
- Wings in a Jar by Albert Rodriguez
- Wings of Freedom, The by Frieda Dimbeng B. Von Treuenberg
- Witch's Get, The by Diana Janopaul
- Witches of San Pedro del Inglesi, The by Thomas Walters
- Wizor Fair, The by Robert A.G. Erickson
- Wolf Bites, The by Ron Gordon
- Words from the Maestro by Joyce H. Hynes
- World Against Her Skin, The by John Thorndike
- World Eve Left Us, The by Boston Teran
- Worthlessness by Jan Pavel
- Worthy by Judy Salz
- Wounded Deer Leaps Highest, A by C.P. Mangel
- Wounded Snake, A by Joseph G. Anthony
- Writ in Water by James Sulzer
- Write On by David Bender
- Wrong Number One, The by John Nieman
- Wrong Side of the Badge, The by Marshall Ginevan
- Wuhan RBG Virus, The by Philip Emma
- Yankee Dawn by Michael Cumiskey
- Year of the Amphibian by Christopher Pickert
- Yearning by Marcel Arieli
- Yellow Agent from Hong Kong, The by A Frank Corso Mystery
- Yellow Diamond, The by Michelle Grahame
- Yestermorrow by Warren R. B. Dixon
- Young, The by Nicholas John Powter
- Young Adolf by Frank P. Daversa
- Your Father has Something to Tell You by Dave Riese
- Zanzibar Kwa Heri by Patricia K. Polewski
- Zen in a Mountain Snowstorm by Philip I. Moynihan
- ZombieStop Parade by Richard Buzzell