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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 4th Origin by Michael Ebifegha
- 8th Day, The by Jerome Toson Sr
- 8th Sacrament, The by Anonymous
- 88 God Given Poems for Encouragement by Jerry Lee Schock
- 10 Guidelines on How to Receive from God by Larry Ellerbee
- 52 Weeks of Practical Applications to Biblical Principles by Dr. Catherine Braswell
- 100 Sermon Outlines for Personal and Group Bible Studies to Preaching and Teaching God’s Word by Joseph Jeremiah
- 144 Thousand and Speaking in Tongues by Melvin Winfrey
- 2012 The Real Story by Jack L. Summers
- Above the Horizons by Rodney Neu
- Adam & Eve Vindicated by Abaelardus
- Adam and Steve by Minister Debbie Williams
- Age of Divinity, The by B. William Ball
- All Israel Shall be Saved by Joel Zao
- Amen by Nicholas P. Ginex
- And Still I Trust Him II by Leonie Serediuk
- Anjonius by Rev. Msgr. Dr. Theophilus A. Joseph
- Answering America's Problem by Alesia Graham
- Another Jesus Movement by Prophet Anthony Starnes
- Apathetical Man, The by Gregory M. McLeod
- Apostles Methodology to Interpreting Scripture, The by Marcelino Esquilin
- Apples & Oranges by Ron Martin
- Art of Wisdom, The: Volume I by Tammy Lea Fabian
- Awesome Untold Story, The by Gary Alan Rothhaar
- Back to Where We Came From by B. Lising
- Barrenness by Blanche Hudson
- Be Thou Perfect by Mark Collins
- Because I Made You That Way by R. D. Koncerak
- Becoming a Born Again Christian by Kevin Mills
- Becoming Your Dream by Dr. Bonnie Etta
- Beliefs by Gardiner Noble
- Believe, Believe, Believe by James Henry Lincoln, Sr.
- Beloved Teacher by Patricia Ramsey
- Beyond Mere Belief by Greg Van Arsdale
- Beyond Self-Realization by Paul Breer
- Bible Is a Single Book, The by H. Doyle Smith
- Bible Understanding by J. Harvey Hames
- Bible’s Black History, The by Elder Leroy Bake
- Biblical Eschatology by Dr. Justin G. Prock
- Black Clergy's Misguided Worship Leadership, The by Christopher C. Bell, Jr. Ed.D
- Book of Luke, The by Matthew A. Knight
- Brass Tacks by Roger Bradley
- Briefly Biblical by Deacon Jerry Shilling
- Broken Truth, The by Karl Olson
- Brotherly Love by Carl Moore
- Building on the Rock by Bob Buehler
- Bullying: A Biblical Solution by Monte & Nicole Griffin
- But You, Who Do You Say That I Am? by Kettly Hogu
- Caleb, The: Books 1, 2, 3 by Diann Ross Woodbury
- Case for God, The by Clancy John Imislund
- Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy by Mick E. Jones
- Cathar Truth by Beverley E. Gould
- Catholics And Their Right To Married Priests by Heinz-J. Vogels
- Cause to be Thankful, A by Yolanda Shanks
- Century Sentence by Xu Xue Chun
- Champion Game Plan for Life, A by Preston Brown
- Changing Seasons, The by Dr. Joyce A. Louther
- Chasing Truth by Joel Zao
- Christian Economics by Dale Pivarunas
- Christian: Label or Lifestyle by Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets
- Christian Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century, A by Dr. D. Carlton O’Rork, DMin., PhD.
- Christian Maturity by Rev J.S. Johnson
- Christian's Guide to Tactics of Spiritual Warfare, A by Kevin Mills
- Christianity a Flawed Religion by Warren William Luce
- Church Hurts and the Healing Process by Dot Kelley
- Collision with Destiny by Stephanie D. Miller
- Come...Sit in My Heart by Hosain Mosavat
- Commentary on the Book of Revelation, A by Dr. John Thomas Wylie
- Confessions of a Passionate Seeker by Dr. Pamela Gerali
- Could It Be? by Joseph C. Way
- Covenant and the Dar es Salaam, The by Munawar Sabir
- Conversion of a Vicious Roman Centurion by Rev. Martin Francis Edior and Ethelinda Edior
- Covenant of Allah by Munawar Sabir
- COVID 19 and A Preacher’s Love Letters by Reverend Dr. Serenus T. Churn, Sr.
- Credible Christianity, A by Walter Kania, Ph.D.
- Crimes of Faith by Anah Jochebed
- Crucible: Refining Gold by Julie Cannata
- Dare to Believe by Lupita-Luna Cook
- Darwinian Delusion, The by Michael Ebifegha
- Deliverance Out of Egypt by Lupita-Luna Cook
- Denominationalism Of God ... or ... Of Man by John F. Lugger
- Depths of My Heart by Patricia Junious-Hawkins
- Destined to Live, Despite Me by Yolanda Shanks
- Developing and Building the Mind and Heart of Christ Jesus by Dr. David Garty
- Dialogues with God by Janel Daguisan
- Discovering and Embracing Your Life Purpose by Paul Peters
- Divinely Sinful Saints, The by ITOTKO
- Divinely Sinful Saints, The by Con Trong Bui
- Do You Know the Man? by Everlean Merritt-Williams
- Do You Love Me? by Don Schmidt
- Do You Want to Live? by David Pitt
- Dokusan with Dogen by Barbara Verkuilen
- Drawing Closer to God by Patricia A. David
- Echoes from the Old Testament by Quinn Morris
- Eddies of His Breath by Eric Ribbens
- Embracing Autism by James E. Strode
- Embracing the Law of Attraction by J.M. Jones
- Emotions Redeemed by Covette J. Hamilton
- End Times by C Pallaghy PhD
- End-Time Living by David S. Heeren
- Enter His Courts by Christina Corbitt
- Esoteric Christianity Made Simple by Con Trong Bui
- Evaluating Outdated Beliefs by Lloyd E. McIlveen
- Even Witches Have Names by Rev. Dr. Richard E. Kuykendall
- Evil Sexual Pleasures Produce a Life of Guilt and Shame Even in a World Full of Sexual Perversions by Pierre Fenelon
- Expect the Miraculous by Carol Romeo
- Experiencing God’s Love Through His Creation! by Robert Negron
- Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing by Edwin Noyes
- Ezekial: A Warning by Lawrence Adams
- Faith, Hope, and Therapy by Robert Grainger
- Faith Worth Finding by John Adam
- Family Guide to Celebration of the Jewish Holidays by Leonard and Linda Chesler
- Famous Fig Leaf, That by Chad W. Thompson
- Fate of the World Revealed, The by Glenna Hartzog
- Feasting with the Trinity by Kendell Easley
- Feasting with the Trinity by Kendell Easley
- Fifth Dimension, The by Ramma Kher
- Finding Freedom in God's Promises by Beth Gable Hicks
- Finding Your Place by Helen Jennings
- Fire by Scott
- Focused by Cecilia Tetteh
- For Such a Time as This by Darell B. Dyal
- For God and Profit by Samuel Gregg
- Freedom of Religion by Individual Choice by Sarah Carpenter-Vascik
- Freedom's Journey Free to Serve by Dennis McIntyre
- Friending God by Antonio Spadaro, S J.
- From Exile to Freedom by Lizzie Toomer
- From Loneliness to Love by Cynthia D. Johnson
- From Salvation to Sanctification; Then Eternal Life by Zadia B. Tyson
- From Science to Spirituality by Neil C. Griffen
- Further Perspectives on Jewish Law and Contemporary Issues by Wayne Allen
- Future of Our Nation, The by Alvin R. Ervin
- Gaining the High Ground over Evolutionism by Robert J. O'Keefe
- Gender Wars in Christianity by Guy Manuell
- Genesis Brief by Sylvia Richardson
- Genesis Understood by Lance Thomas Wynn
- Get the FACTS by Jermaine A. Hamwright
- Getting Right with God by Joseph Way
- Getting Right With God by Joseph C. Way, B.A., B.D., M.Div.
- Giant Lessons from David by Claybon Lea Jr., DMin, Ph.D
- Give Your All to God by Morris Williams
- Glimpse of Avatar, A by Swann Wyte
- God... Or Not? by David S. Heeren
- God, Darwin and the Problem of Evil by James J. Garber
- God Haters, The by Bryant Harris
- God Inspired Quotations and Understandings by S. D. Rainbow
- God Inspired Quotations And Understandings by Stanley D. Rainbow
- God is the Cure, Love is the Answer by Aimee Cabo Nikolov
- God Loves People But He Hates Sin by Mark S Allen
- God of the Bible, The, Vol. I by Rev. Leo Kuykendall
- God Out of the Shadows by Delores J. Porter
- God Says Yes 91 Times by Mary Ardissone
- God Speaks into Darkness by J. Bennett Easterling
- GOD Speaks to Man on the Internet by Anthony A Eddy
- God Theories by Ken Ungerecht
- God to God by Patricia A. David
- God Within, The by Martine Racine
- God’s End-Time Puzzle by William C. Edmondson
- God’s Grace, Not My Disgrace by Claudette Inglis
- God's Greatest Miracle by Margaret Schuster-Grossman
- God’s Immeasurable Grace and Mercy by Kevin Petty
- God’s Opportunity (Revised) by Hampton Scott Tonk
- God's Prosperity by Michaela Cooke
- Gold Nuggets and other Gems from the Mine of Scripture by Robert Leland
- Golden Kettle Produces Gold, The by Goldberg Ekwelle
- Golden Mile, The by Brian Ward
- Good Life as a Catholic Author by SherAnne Shey Jubelirer
- Good News According to Jesus, The by Donald Blosser
- Gospel and the Eternal Sin, The by Kevin Sparks Berry
- Gospel Essentials by Dr. Daniel R. Carfrey
- Grace, Grace to It! by D.L. Waterhouse
- Grammys Kids Series: Heavenly Spuds by Martha E. Behm Goodwin
- Greatest Human Deception, The by Sidiah Veronica Audifferen and Samuel Akinola Audifferen
- Greatest Story Never Told, The by Vincent Krivda
- Gridiron, The by Clive H. Jackson, Reader
- Guide to the Narrow Path, A by Edward Monjay
- Guilt Free from Sexual Sins by Pierre Fenelon
- Haven in the Hood by Raychel Ryder
- He Is Coming Soon by Dell Watson
- He Is the Light the Lord the Love of My Life by Arlene M. Wood
- He Went a Little Farther by Steve Campbell
- Health Through the Psalms by Maureen Greer
- Heaven to Gain and Hell to Shun by Doreen Rose
- Heavenly Inspired Poetry by Bobby McDaniels
- Heavenly Worship Room, The by Dr. Raelyn Parkin
- Hebrews by Dr. Kathy Stewart
- Heguanzi, the Dao of Unity by Marnix Wells
- Here Till the End by Scott A. Wheeler
- Hero for Hire by Jon Joseph Tailly
- Hero in Gray, A by Cherie L. Braham
- His Greater Workmanship by Cecil C. Moore
- History and Mystery 4th Edition - VOLUME 1 by Bernie Calaway
- History and Mystery 4th Edition - VOLUME 2 by Bernie Calaway
- History and Mystery 4th Edition - VOLUME 3 by Bernie Calaway
- Holy Bible-Holy Koran by David Alalade
- Holy Spirit of Fire by Tim Henry
- Holy Spirit of Fire by Tim Henry
- Hope from the Garden of Eden to the End of the Patmos Island by Andrew Choi
- How God Thinks by David Vancelette
- How to Prepare for Your Child's First Ski Lesson by Herbert K. Naito
- How to Procreate a Healthy Family by Max Teran
- How to Survive the Death of a Loved One by John Chris Brown
- I Am Amidst You Now by Penny McCoy
- I am Yours and You are Mine, God's Love by Rev. Kelvin McKisic
- I am Yours and You are Mine by Rev. Kelvin McKisic
- I Shall Not Be Moved by Terriel R. Byrd
- If You Think You Can Press On! by Daniel Mirera
- In God's Graces by David H. Lester
- In Search Of: Old Testament-Solid Foundation by William Epps Jr.
- Inbetweenness by Sunnie D. Kidd and Jim Kidd
- Inspirational Devotions of Hope During America's-COVID Pandemic by Leda Rafter
- Invading The Kingdom of Darkness by Samuel T. Padmore
- Invading The Kingdom of Darkness by Samuel T. Padmore
- Invincible Spiritual Weapons of Power by Apostle Ray Lang
- Is Jesus God? by Shirley Holmes-Sulton
- Is the Bible Really True? by Bishop C. Horace Kitson
- Islam in the Heartland of America by Imam Omar Hazim
- Islam, Science and Renaissance by Syed Akheel Ahmed, Ph.D., Syed Sharief Khundmiri, M.A., B.Com
- Israel by Graham Coates
- It's Not Complicated! by Ramona Jackson-Woods
- It’s Not Rocket Science by Irving L. Brittle, Jr.
- Jerusalem: The City of God by Jeffrey L. Gross
- Jesus: My Beloved Connection to Humanity and the Sea by Rev. Cynthia Williams & Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D.
- Jews, Muslims, and Christians by Kimberly Glomb
- John 3:16.5: The Rest of the Story by Wally Gonzalez Jr.
- Joshua Called to Lead by Dr. Boyd O. Gray
- Journey to an Unstoppable Break Through, The by Evelyn Saah-Giegbefumwen
- Journey with Mr. Fearless, A by Beverly Haynes McPhan
- Judaism Disrupted by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld
- Just Believe by Bertha F.Barrett
- Kids on a Mission to Shine by Marilyn S. Smith
- Kingdom of the Heavens, The by Eliu Cortes
- Kingdom Wealth by J. Vernon Duncan
- Knowing That He Will by Janine Hall Pantenburg
- Knowledge of the Hour by Torati
- Korân Index and Topical Guide Islamic Law, The by Robert Maddock
- Lamb of God, The by John Mahon
- Last Warnings, The by Jerald James
- Laughing Crying Naked by Adrienne R.C. Carpenter
- Launch Out by Frank Ovec
- Law From Eden, A by Marilyn Taplin
- Let My People Go by Alvin Mukisa
- Let There Be Light in Numbers by Rups Christ
- Letter of Jude, The by Guy Manuell
- Life by Stephanie Brown
- “Lift Up Your Heart” by RAM
- Living in Blue Sky Mind by Richard Gentei Diedrichs
- Living Life with Blinders On by Dr. Julius Mosley II
- Long, Long Journey, The by Rex Goyer
- Looking for That Day by Patricia A. David
- Looking Into the Revelation by Dr. Boyd O. Gray
- Lord Jesus, I Want To See... by Reverend Peter G. Vu
- Lord Is My Shepherd and That’s Enuff, The by Leda Rafter
- Love from Just One, The by Michael Williams
- Love Me Enough by Tamara Dalton
- Love of Homer and Gomer, The by Mary Sergeant
- Love Wins by H. Palmer
- Make a Way for Your Rescue by David Piper
- Making Wise the Simple by Neville Earl Walker
- Mary Magdalene by Rev. Dr. Bonnie Ring
- Mass, The by John MacMahon
- Meditations on the Rosary by Sandra Enders
- Meet God by Greg Carman
- Meet God by Greg Carman
- Mega Quake 2023 by Richard Ruhling
- Memories by Rose Love
- Men's Traditions by Esther Spradling
- Men's Traditions Revised by Esther Spradling
- Mental Kidnapping II by Steven Treàdwell
- Mindful Philosophy by Michael J. Snow
- Mining the Gold by Denise Watts
- Miracles, A Personal Revelation, A Thankful Heart by Mary Visker
- Miracles Allotted to Chris by Christopher Dumais
- Miracles from Prayers by Ann Malik Oman
- Misreading Judas by Robert Wahler
- Modern Catholic Concerns by Peter Mazurek
- Modern Catholic Concerns by Peter Mazurek
- Modern Errors about the New Testament by William van Leeuwen
- MORE by Kip Drown
- More Prayer Thoughts II by Orva Lynn Kaufmann
- Moses in the Hieroglyphs by Alan Wilson and Baram Blacket
- My Bible Says the Darndest Things by Pricely Francis
- My Book of Bible Verses & Daily Prayers by Kathy Alexis
- My Boy Jesus by Ted Erekson
- My Secret Place by Cynthia R. Johnson
- Mysteries of Prayer, The by David Jean Alain Mutamba
- Mystery Mission of Salvation in Christ Jesus, The by Dr. Ibim Alfred
- Mystery of Ezekiel’s Temple Liturgy, The by Hilary Arthur Nixon, Ph.D.
- Mythical Life of Jesus, The by Reverend Larry Marshall
- Necessary for Jesus by Stephen R. Kirkendall
- New Creation, The by Daniel Obikwelu
- New Islamic Century, The by Munawar Sabir
- New Look at a Very Old Books, A by Robert E. Mayer, PhD
- New Reality, A by C.R. Boretsky
- New Testament, The by Robert Thomas Helm
- New Testament, The translated by Robert Helm
- No Innocent Affair by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka
- No Greater Faith Than That of Science by Manuel S. Vergara
- No Shadow of Turning by Dr. Joyce D. Hightower
- Notes from God by Patricia A. David
- Notunol: A Study of Christism by Mac R. Cabanilla
- North America Model for the Book of Mormon, The by William Peter Midgley
- Not Just a Hearer But a Doer by Yolanda Shanks
- Obstacles to Deliverance by Rev. Christopher S. Peterkin
- On Freedom and Revolt by Carl E. Moyler
- On Reindeer Watch by Nikki Mask
- One Family: Indivisible by Steven Greenebaum
- One Gospel with Fulfilled Prophecies by Larry Aldrich
- One Mistake - Many Problems by Dr. Emmanuel Oduro
- One Precious Pearl by Robert Lloyd Russell
- Original Intent by Victoria Kutkina
- Our Church Mothers by Gwen Ehrenborg
- Our Report by Ruperto Punsalan
- Over the Storms of Life by J.O.Y. Aladetan
- Past Life Regression Using Your Religious Belief by Babu Moses
- Paul of Tarsus, Volume I by Edward Monjay
- Peace Be Upon Islam by Dr. Abdelfattah Moshen Badawi
- Place to Belong, A by Robert A. Williams
- Poems of Divine Power by Annielean
- Poetic Inspirations by Darron Hurst
- Prayer with God by Veronica O'Connor
- Preaching and Sacred Writings of St. Peter the Apostle Kata St. Mark, The by Rev. Dr. Henry B. Malone
- Prescriptions for the Soul by Ida Dean
- Principles of Christian Marriage and Family Life by Akinbowale Isaac Adewumi
- Prodigal Father, The by Forrest Hutter
- Prophecies of Christ and Their Fulfillment by Aaron Tucker
- Puzzle of Gospel Harmony, The by Fred Hardwicke MD
- Rapture, The by Calvin Burton
- Rapture! Victorious! Glorious! Church! by Crystal Naylor
- Read or Not by Gwendolyn R Gathers
- Real Good News From God, The by Earl Campbell
- Reasoning—Born-Again Christian to Atheist by Terry Grant
- Reclaiming A Christian Moral Compass by Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets
- Red Horse, The by Connie Ordelheide Anderson
- Remember Daniel by Dr Lucie Poirier
- Renewal of Islam's World Order, The by Munawar Sabir
- Reparations for Slavery by Prophet Anthony Starnes
- Resurrection—Fact or Fiction by Wilbur McCoy Otto
- Revelation CH: 25 by Edward K. Micheal
- Revelation of God: Book 1 by Anthony Lyle
- Revelation of God’s Calendar, A by Rabbi Elliot Hass
- Revelation, Mystical Phenomena and Divine Promises by Deacon Albert Graham
- Revelation Through Science by James G. Martin
- Revelation Through Science by James G. Martin
- Revelation Unlocked, The by Carolyn M. Prince
- Revelations by Anthony Adams
- Revelations by Nick Mezins
- Ripples in Time, A.I. Godfather, Engineering Jesus by Jeff Walter Haugen
- Rise And Fall Of Paradise, The by I. K. Fleming
- Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle, The by Rev. Dr. Henry B Malone
- Saints! The Time Has Come! Let’s Tell It! by Pastor Leonard Roy Harris
- Satan Has Fallen Under My Feet Forever by Judy Browne
- Satan's Masterpiece, And The Way To Freedom by William G. Chipman
- Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions by Michael Ebifegha
- Scripture Commentary Sampler by David Martin
- Scripture Letters in the Public Square by Dan Arthur Pryor and Ann Lenora Pryor
- Sea of Glass, The by Roger Akerley
- Second Coming of Jesus, The - Think Again by William H. Hogue
- Secrets and Operations of God, The by Olugbenga Adesokan
- Secret Place to Hide from Death, The by Dr. Elco Vallier
- Secret to Perfect Living, The by Kofi Dwira
- Seeds of Content by Dale Blackford
- Seeing the Light through Black Death by Laurence W. Trotter II
- Self-Knowledge and Spiritual Yearning by E. Douglass Brown
- Sermon on the Mount, The by David S. Bell, MD
- Seven Days in the Wilderness by Jon Post Windness
- Seven Letters Detailing the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ by Gregory A. Booker
- Seventy Weeks Prophecy by Pedro C. Arceno, Jr.
- Silver Pen, The by Jan Voth Dubbs
- Simple Foundation, A by Larry Heitz
- Simplifying Religion by Edward Galisewski
- Sin We Treat as a Virtue, The by Ward Powers
- Slavery 101 by Ken Mercer
- Solution?, The by Robert W. Knutson
- Soul Comes First, The by Brian Balke
- Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up, The by Ms. Shada Burks
- Soul Inspirations by Kiana LaShayia
- Soul’s Journey Into Light, The by K. E. Hansen
- Sound Doctrine for Today's Christians; What the Bible Says by Rev. Preston N. Tolliver, Jr.
- Sovereign Confinement by Patricia Blanks
- Speaking "Post Modernism" by Dr. Loris O. Gillin
- Spirit Answers by Jacqueline McNeil Watts
- Spirit Within, The by Jon H. Robertson
- Spiritual and Mental Transformation, The (Revised Edition) by Stanley Njoroge
- St. Paul the Apostle by Irving L. Brittle, Jr.
- Stations of the Risen Christ by Frank Heelan
- Steps to the Father by Vince Blaize
- Stepping into Destiny by Nicole Davenport
- Stigmata, The by Deacon Albert E. Graham
- Story of Two Boys by Donald F. Megnin
- Straight to the Point by Olga I. Hernandez
- Strength of the Nation, The by Luisa Mirella Plancher
- Strong Delusion, The by John Milor
- Sugar-Free Religion by Denny C. Wise
- Superhero by Stephen K. Moore
- Superhero University by Harbinger Ektoutheou
- Surviving Freshman Year by Gregory Jones
- Symphony of Logic from the “Basket of Deplorables”, A by Cornelius Van Blyderveen
- Tending the Fire by Dale & Barbara Verkuilen
- The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth by Michael
- Them Demons is Tricky by Rob Jacik
- Theology for the Rest of Us, A by Arthur Yavelberg
- Third Testament, The (Part 1) by Daniel McTaggart
- Three Vital Questions for Today by Geoffrey E. L. Bennett
- Through the Eyes of a Child by Fred Robertshaw
- Thrusting Against Negative Forces by Dr. Belinda Ball
- Thy Kingdom Come by Marsue and Jerry Huerta
- Thy Kingdom Come by Marsue and Jerry Huerta
- Tithing and How to Get There by Paul Stephenson
- To Hell, With The IRS! by Steven Sego
- To the House of God by David B. Evans
- To Thine Be the Glory by Angela D. Martin
- To Touch the Hand of God by Eugene J. Phelan
- Treasures of Darkness by Coby L. McGee
- Trees of Life by Richard Morgan
- Trilogy of the Magi by Kathryn Muehlheausler
- Truth and Consequences by Ralph E. Carlson
- Truthful Misconceptions by Con Trong Bui
- Turner E.A.G.L.E. Technique for Incarnation Centered Spirituality, The by Rev. Lee W. Turner, Th.D.
- Turning Your Defeat Into Victory by James Williams, Jr.
- Twenty-First Century New Reading of New Testament, The by Natalyia V. Poullo
- Two Churches Only by Steven Sego
- Ultimate Experience, The by Dr. Verling CHAKO Priest
- Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II's Theology of the Body by Fr. John Segun Odeyemi
- Unexpected Life, An by Evelyn Parker
- Unexpected Transformation by Bob Leland
- Unfolding the Eightfold Path by Dale Verkuilen
- Unforgivable Sin, The by Mikal J. Shedd
- Universe and Life but Not Everything, The by Anthony Christian Wright
- Unraveling the Family History of Jesus by Steven Donald Norris
- Vice Grip by Sara Dyer
- Victory of the New Man and Mysteries of God, The by Joel Zao
- View from Above, A by J. W. Murphy
- Waiting on God by Brad Price
- Waitress of Life, The by Victoria Morris
- Wake Up Listen Up or Go Down by Robert “Bob” Dobranski, MDiv
- Walking in Love by Suzanne Miller
- Walk On Water by Deborah B. McDermet
- Walking with Demons by Jane Dolynski
- Walking with Jesus by Helen Thayne
- War for Dominion, Vol. 1 by Dan Luddeke Sr.
- War for Dominion, Vol. 2 by Dan Luddeke Sr.
- Ways of Wisdom, The by Paul Peters
- We Are All Africans by Obeng Kwadwo
- We Have Met the Pharisee and He Is Us by Duane DeBruler
- Welcome to the Family of God by Sola Babalola
- Well of Living Water by Sonia Coldicutt
- What Does God Do All Day in Heaven? by Vicki Case
- What Every Seventh-day Adventist Should Know about The Shepherd’s Rod: Volume I by Garrick D. Augustus
- What Every Sinner and Believer Should Know by Lunga M. Phewa
- What I Believe by A. Colin Wright
- What Is Heaven Like? by Richard R. Eng
- What is Man by Rohan and Mohan Perera
- What Is Truth? by T. Hakanson
- What Is Your Perspective of TRUTH? by Carl Jones
- What Price Priesthood by Judy Beckman
- What the Bible Has To Say About The U.S.A. by David S. Heeren
- What the Bible Says About the Human Soul by Dr. Reginald Noel
- What the Three As One Revealed to Me by Phyllis Ames-Bey
- What's Happening to Our World? by Ernie Hasler
- When Sunday Looks Like Tuesday by Judy Chatham
- Where Has All the Power Gone? by Robert O. Faga
- Where Will We Spend Eternity? by Dr. Carlton L. Burford
- Whisper of Wisdom by Yahchanan Lamers
- Whispers from the Trees by Glenda Ungermann
- Who Do You Think You Are? by Nathan Roberts
- Who Is Jesus Christ by Abraham Howard, Jr.
- Who Is Jesus Christ: 2nd Edition by Abraham Howard, Jr.
- Who’s Controlling You? by Mardi Harjo
- Who's to Blame? by Kali Molefi
- Why Believe It? by John Huffman
- Why Believe It? by John Huffman
- Why You Were Born by Charles Pope
- Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? by Robert McClelland
- Women Preachers by Shirley Holmes-Sulton
- Women, We’re Only Old Once! by Bertha D. Cooper
- Women Who Knew Jesus by Rev. Dr. Bonnie Ring
- Women Who Knew Jesus by Rev. Dr. Bonnie Ring
- Word of God, The: Bible Study Flash Cards by Abraham Howard Jr.
- Workout Your Soul by Sonia Singh
- You Are a New Creation by Maureen Schuler
- You Are Here for a Reason by Celeste Gianni
- You Say So by D.C. Thielmann