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Reviews are indexed by title, but you may use the search feature to locate the book by author or any relevant string.
- 101 Reasons Why Prayer Is Not for Wimps by James Tranquilla
- 55 Reflections of a Searching SKEPTIC by Rich Melcher
- A Beachcomber's Odyssey by S. Deacon Ritterbush
- Abide Dwell by Patricia A. David
- Above the Storm Clouds by William H. McIntyre
- Ado and the Dawn's Awakening by Maria das Graças Rafael Pereira
- Adoption Joys by Doris Howe
- Adoption Joys 2 by Doris Howe
- Adventure The Long Walk by Joseph N. Padilla
- Africa's Diabolical Entrapment by Frisky Larr
- Afterlife Experience, The Bud Megargee
- Aggie Spirit 101 by Barry Bauerschlag
- All Glory to God by Jose F. Lucero
- Almost a Christian by Dorsett D. Smith MD
- America is Calling by Philip Staggs
- Ancient Wisdoms by Gayle Redfern
- And the Angels Speak by Rebecca J. Steiger
- Angel Encounters by Cindy Mackenzie
- Angels Are Real by Jessika Jack
- Angels in the Snow by Michael Dealy, Ph.D.
- Anointed Warriors in the Army of God by Dr. Don Bell
- Answers to Questions People Never Ask but Should by Joshua Hinneh
- Apostasy Can Lead a Nation to Self-Destruct by Philip Wittig
- Aroma Remembers by Cecelia May Brown
- Aryella, The Messenger of Fairy Love and Her Fairy Friends by Susan Jane Tilley
- Art of Forgiveness, The by Carolyn CJ Jones
- Art Proverbs by Richard Delgado
- As Sparks Fly Upward: Weathering the Storms of Life by Michael Carr
- Ask, Knock, Seek and Find by Mark James Foster
- Astrophysics and Creation by Arnold Benz
- Audits of the Heart by Angelica Wolf
- Awaken the Light Within Your Heart by Susan Kennard
- Awakening to More by Adele Von Rust McCormick, Ph.D. and Marlena Deborah McCormick, Ph.D.
- Before the Music by Marie Claire Peck
- Believe? Tell Me Why by Jose A. Pagola
- Bella and Mirabel by Mary Ellen Jackson
- Best Servant Story, The by Antonio Garcia
- Beyond Death by Sally Muir
- Beyond Tithes and Offerings by Dr. J. Gayle Gaymon
- Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit—Book 1 by Dr. John H. Manigo
- Blessings Abound by Sherrie Lynn Leonard
- Blessings in Blogs by Genia M. Owns
- Big Healing, The by Christopher McKeon, M.Div.
- Breaking Through the Clouds by Marlene Burling
- Brenda's Wish by Jackie Haley
- Bridge to Eternal Life, The by Ronald A Train
- Bringing In Beauty by Malcolm Pullen
- Broken Truth, The by Karl Olson
- Book of Care, The by DeAnna LoCoco
- Book of the Royal Art, The by Bô Yin Râ (J.A. Schneiderfranken)
- Booklet on How One Becomes Born Again or Saved Through Jesus Christ, The by Rev. Dr. Sandra Washington
- Building Communities of Hope by Rev. Dr. Anne Hays Egan
- Called to Help the Poor and Needy by Patricia Said Adams
- Called to Serve by Marti Szostak
- Caron: Awakening by C.J. Teahan
- Celestial Music by Arturo Cuscó
- Chariots Flew Then And Still Do Today!, The by Dr. Ron Pleune
- Christian Poems, Prayer & Inspirations by Patricia Offerman
- Christian Science: Its Encounter with Lesbian/Gay America (2nd Edition) by Bruce Stores
- Christmas Story as it will be FOREVER Told, The by Stephen S. Ahokas, DVM
- Church, The by Dr. Alvin A. Cleveland Sr.
- Coffee with Jesus by Col. Richard Block
- Come Home Alive by Mari D. Martin
- COMI: How to Consciously Overcome Mental Illness by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- COMI: How to Consciously Overcome Mental Illness by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- Common Thoughts for an Uncommon Feast by Janice V. Bailey
- Consider the Raven by Virginia Reynolds Williams
- Constant Courage by Tracy Emerick, Ph.D.
- Conversation with an Angel, A by Jan Cooper
- Conversations with G by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
- Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead by Irene Kendig
- Courage and the Quest by Dr. Kandasamy Arunachalam
- Covid 19 and a Preacher’s Love Letters by Reverend Dr. Serenus T. Churn Sr.
- Creative Mindpower Techniques by Dr. Frank W. Lea
- Cross of a Different Kind by Anthony Maranise, M.A.
- Crystal Grid, The by Ruby Nariananda Mayo and Dorothy Ra Ma Seddon
- Crystals by Lettie Vantol
- Cube of Space Workbook, The by Joy Nur
- Cult That Calls Itself the Church of Christ, The by Ron Craig
- Daily Walk with God, A by Marlene Burling
- Daily Dawn of Hope by Nadine Tedford
- Daily Walks with God by Marlene L. Burling
- Decrees for Teens by Tallulah Banks
- Defined Revelation, A by Joseph Lewis
- Demonic Conspiracy Known As Calvinism by Ronald Craig
- Demons & Pains by Rizwan Qureshi
- Descent into Darkness by Marija Petrovic
- Designed to Become Divine by Rubin Perry
- Destiny and Signs of God, The by Ionel Rotaru
- Discernment from Daniel by Bernie L. Calaway
- Discernment from Daniel by Bernie L. Calaway
- Discovering One's Purpose by Dr. James A. Gordon
- Distant Lighthouse, The by Linda Gallagher
- Divine Body, The by Sabije Dervishi Veseli
- Divine Journey, The by Nikki Friedlander
- Divine Mercy Chaplet, The by James Mark
- Divine Principles by Ken Ungerecht
- Divine Spirit by Sherry Rich Martin
- Do They Have Telephones Up in Heaven? by R. R. Pravin
- Double Rainbow by Joann Klusmeyer
- Drawn to Feel by Irish A.D.
- Electromagnetic Energy of the Human Mind by Prof Tapan K. Chaudhuri, Prof Tushar K. Chowdhury, Prof Tandra R. Chaudhuri, Sree Taposh K. Chowdhury, and Srimati Bulu
- Emails to Jamie by Richard Lode
- Embodying Soul by Keri Mangis
- Embracing God in the Right Perspective with the Right Foundation of Faith in Him by Chris Tham
- Embracing Goodness by Jon Edward Gauthier
- Empath: Awakening of the Soul by Yvonne Belliveau
- Encounter, The by David Diga Hernandez
- Energy by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati
- Escaping the Wheel by Eric Artisan
- Eternal Salvation “I’m Okay! You’re Okay!” Really? by Russell A. Young
- Every Day with Jesus Devotional by Shirley A. Howard
- Ex-Gay Christian by Robert Williams
- Exodus: The Master Plan by Alice Gravatt
- Facets Of The Kingdom by Dr. Loris O. Gillin
- Faith, Hope and Health by Dr. Jan Cooper
- Faith in Action by Lois Lund
- Family Structure by Choice by Daniel Ukadike Nwaelene, ThD
- Father's Love, A by Jean DeFreese Moore
- Feathers from Heaven by R. Allan Krumm Jr.
- Fides Qua Creditur: Can I Live Better by Franny Hill
- Fighting to Survive by Judy V. Rentz
- Final Days of Judgement by Beverley Buckley
- Forsaking One Fling Too Many... by Theresa Ora Wyatt
- Four Aspects of the Goddess & the Wheel of the Year by Norma Joyce
- From Adam to Omega by A. R. Roberts
- From Stroke to Recovery My Walk with God by Ms. Kim Blackwell
- From Zero to Hero by Daniel Delatour
- Ghetto-Logik by Jerome "Guydance" Jewet
- Ghosts, Demons & Other Nasties by Laverne E. Denyer
- Glimpse into Heaven, A by Evelyn Yocum
- Go In Joy! by Joy Resor
- God Blessed Them for the Journey by Corinne Lund
- God Created Man in His Image and Likeness by Oried E. Graves
- God Moments by David M. Cornell
- God Plants a Garden by Buck Elder
- Gods Posts by Russell Harper
- God Shall Wipe Away All Tears by Colleen Curzon Openshaw
- GOD Speaks in Letters of Eternity by Anthony A Eddy
- GOD Speaks to His Edifice by Anthony A Eddy
- GOD Speaks to Man in the End-Time by Anthony A. Eddy
- God, the Here, and the Hereafter by Norman Talsoe
- God's Grand Finale and the End of the Age by Gary Longbrake
- GodSway by Diana Skidmore Keathley
- Growth of Consciousness by John K. Landre
- Grace of the Lord Is Upon Me, The by Sithabile Dzingayi
- Grieving the Loss of Religion by Rafael Chodos
- Growing Up in Marriage…Perfectly Flawed by Tena L. Parker
- Guide to Bliss, A by Shai Tubali
- Gunna Dan by Patrick Maloney
- Halfways, The by Allision Sutter
- Handbook for Understanding Your Dreams and Interpreting Them, The by Rev. Dr. Sandra Washington
- Harmonious Petals by Rose A. Chylek
- Harmonious Petals by Rose A. Chylek
- He Leadeth Me by Josiah Frampton
- He Provides Rivers in the Desert Places of My Life by Janice A. Lee
- Heal Yourself of Anything by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- Healing The Mind by Janice McDermott
- Hearing the Gospel through Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol by Cheryl Anne Kincaid
- Heaven: From God's Lips to Your Ears by Doreen Braasch
- Help Me Understand the Bible by Clarence E. Whetstone
- Here and Hereafter by Joy Ibsen
- Hidden Magic, The by Richard Dale Lode
- High Heels, Honey Lips, and White Powder: third edition by Dr. Rose Maria McCarthy Anding
- HISLAM by E. Douglass Brown, Ph.D
- Holy Spirit by Matthew Crowner
- Holy Water in My Scotch by Susan Boylston Cusack
- Hours of Pure Gold by Kandi A. White
- How To Say What You Mean Without Being Mean by Jan D. Thomas
- Hummingbirds Don't Fly In The Rain by Kimberly Klein
- I am Conditioned to Go Through by Timothy Smith, Sr.
- I Walked a Mile by Linda Craddock
- Idolatry of Blood by Frederic Zurcher
- Immortal Soul, The by Carolyn H. Pells
- In Search of the Miraculous by Eliza Mada Dalian
- In the Moment by Mick E. Jones
- Incredible Truth, The by Mary A. Kurban, Ed.D.
- Indigo Child's Survival Guide, The by Baker, Mama Indigo, and Sim1 Indigo
- Infinity, Divinity and the Holy Trinity by William Hearne
- Inner Bridges by Gayle Redfern, M.A.
- Inspirational Stories That Spark Our Emotions and Touch the Heart and Soul by Pam Fiecke
- Inspirational Wit & Wisdom by Howard A. Crosby Sr.
- Is God Incompetent? by Geoffrey E. L. Bennett
- Is the Church Sick? by Catherine Braswell
- It Could Have Been Me by Jeffrey A. Moore
- It Takes a Willing Mind to Serve God by Dr. Catherine Braswell
- Jesus Christ. His Life, His Teaching and His Significance. by Bô Yin Râ
- Jesus Christ The Warrior by Gloria A. Perales
- Jesus is No Excuse by Gregory St. James
- Jesus in Shorts by Laura L. Padgett
- Journey Through the Darkness, A by Frank Goulet
- Journey to Self Peace, A by Dr. Abdelfattah Mohsen Badawi
- Juliana by Stan Cosby
- Keys to the Kingdom Revealed by Richard Dunlap
- King Yeshua’s Visitation by Carmen Saunders
- Kingdom Within, The by L. E. Madden
- Le Decouverte by Rex Bradley Smith
- Learning Project, The by Lincoln Stoller
- Legacy: Wisdom of African Traditions and the Bible by Chris Morehouse
- Lessons by Jonah Fontenot
- Lessons of Nature by Don F. Pickett
- Let's Make Our World Better by Warren William Luce
- Life: God's Plan - The Wonder of It All by Helen Goldie
- Life Journey & The Miracle of the Lotus Sutra by William Dang
- Life Simply Put by Sheena L. Smith
- Life's Journey by Marlenne Schilperoord
- Light in a Dark Void by Michael Markevich
- Live Your Life by Anton Brown
- Living Guided by Jennifer Weber
- Little Power Prayer Book for Your Daily Living, A by Mina Petersen
- Logic Behind Religion by Don B. Bandari, MD
- Lord Is My Shepherd, The by Roy Hardeman Deaver
- Love and Immortality by William Pillow
- Love and Laughter with Spirit by Dr. Mary Ross
- Loving a Beautiful Mind by Carolyn T. Linn
- Magic Bullets by Jessyca Elayne Allyn
- Make a Difference by Steve Schippel
- Man's Fate and God's Choice by Bhimeswara Challa
- Mandalas by Jan West
- Mary Magdalene, Shaman by Sara Taft
- Meditations by Patricia A. David
- Men of Genesis, The by Alda Stephens
- Mental Illness Heal Yourself by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- Mental Telepathy Affair Diary or Tides of Fate by David C. Fitch
- Miracle Before Your Eyes, The by Patrick K. McAndrew
- Miracles Master the Art by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- Miracles Master the Art by Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A.
- Miraculous Hand of God, The by Patsy Moore
- Missionary Onboard! by Sharon Forde-Atikossie
- Morning Walks with God by Marlene Burling
- Muddy Minutes by Rima Jbara
- Mutton’s Decadence by Mickey R. Mullen
- My Diary with God by Mary Catarineau
- My Extraordinary Life by Monica Sucha Vickers
- My Life's Labyrinth by Iris M. Ford
- My Spiritual Checkup by Catherine Braswell
- Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven by Deborah Bouchard
- Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment by Anees Akhtar and Nasim Khan
- Nifty Neighbors by Tracy Emerick, Ph.D.
- Night Blooming Jasmine in Your Heart, The by Marie Helena
- Not For This Life Only by Irvin Stapf
- Now by N.E. Ilori
- Nut: Ancient Egyptian Cosmic Mother of Eternity by Meritka
- Obedience Rather Than Sacrifice by Cinda M. Carter
- "on that day" A Trilogy by Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets
- One Almighty by S S Sunner
- One Lifetime Is Not Enough by Rex Nelson Greenwald
- One Man's Journey to Healing with Color Energy by Lee Hillberg
- Our Magnificent Afterlife by C. David Lundberg
- Outrageous Fortune by Stephen W. Locke
- Overcoming Spiritual Myopia by Margaret Placentra Johnston
- Palsy I Am Not by Terrell Scott
- Pain in the Gut, A by Joseph C. Way
- Paradigm Prophecies, The by Richard Francis Moore
- Paradise Man, The by Linxhuan Vu
- Paradoxical Return of the Feminine, The by Jeannette M. Gagan, PhD
- Paranormal Investigations by Stanley Jolet
- Parting the Veil by Joy Nugent
- Passages Beyond the Gate by George-Harold Jennings
- Passing On by Joanna Romer
- Passion Spirit Purpose by Ana Weber
- Paths of Destiny, The by Lilian Nirupa
- Patricke Peartree by Mike Bourgeois
- Paying Attention by Reverend Ronald Cole
- Pearls of Purpose by Quinn Morris
- Phenomenal Vision Eyesight to Life Sight by Rev. Dr. Leonidas A. Johnson, Optometrist
- Piercing Light Through the Biblical Fog, A by John D. Early
- Place to Belong, A by Robert A. Williams
- Poetic Parables by Alvina Y. Platt-Gregory
- Power of Love, The by Fran Grace
- Prayer for Supernatual Favor, A by Kentrell M. Liddell
- Prayer When You Don’t Have the Words by Tamara Michelle Dobbs
- Prayerful Warrior Mom by Tracy A. Ripley
- Prayers from the Land of the Living by Carol Handy
- Presence Driven by Paul Ellis
- Prescriptions for the Soul by Ida Dean, Ph.D.
- Prophets in Our Midst by David T. Johnston, Ph.D
- Pursuit of Light by Sandy Brewer
- Quantum Life, The by Dr. M. Teri Daunter
- Raise Your Consciousness by Sujata Gorai
- Real You Does Not Die!, The by William Pillow
- Real You Is Immortal, The by William F. Pillow, Jr.
- Reflections by Phillip McClendon
- Regaining Paradise by Paul Corson
- Reiser's Ramblings by Fr. Bernard Reiser
- Relax… You’re Not Going to Die - Part 1 by Darryl Phillip
- Reluctant Messenger, The by Candice M. Sanderson
- Rescue Your Happiness by Denisse Troconis Aoun and Mara Sala
- Revelation of Numbers, The by James Kzd Mwambs
- Revelation Questions Answered by Larry A. Heidelberg
- Right Hand of God, The by Nelda Moffatt
- Rising of the Temple of God, The by Apostle Antonia
- Rockpeople: Beyond Chester Creek by Joel Carter
- Sacred Life by Bedri Cag Cetin, Ph.D.
- Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle, The by Rev. Dr. Henry B. Malone
- Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle, The by Rev. Dr. Henry B. Malone
- Safe Haven of Jesus by Steven Turnwald
- Sahaja Yoga by Saraswati Raman
- Said I Wouldn't Tell It... But I Just Can't Keep It To Myself by Tameka Hicks
- Satan's World by Wayne Hill
- Saying I Love You and Beyond by Ralph Mosgrove
- Saying Thanks and Beyond by Ralph Mosgrove
- Scriptural Trail from Eden by Howard Bastian
- Searching... A Peek into the Invisible World of Energy and Healing by Donna Linn and Suzan J. Wells
- Searching for Soul by Bobbe Tyler
- Secret Tomb Omega by Michael Raphael Thomas
- See, Hear, and Understand by Ida Dean, PhD
- Selected Pathways to God by Colliston R. Rose, MD
- Sermons for the Separated by Prof. Donald F Megnin, Ph.D.
- Sermons with Insight by Roland Zimany
- Seven Churches of Asia Minor, The by Dr. Orville R. Beckford, Sr.
- Seven Skyes Under by Manuel Skye
- Seven Souls by Mary Johnson
- Sex: Baddest Sin or Goodest Pleasure by Ron Vieselmeyer
- Shaws Multiplied, The by Doris Howe
- Silence of God, The by Dr. Gene Russell
- Simply Amazing Women by K.C. Armstrong
- Small Scroll, The by Christopher Miller
- Songs Unspoken (2) by Frank Alexander Wray
- Soul Road by J. R. Canuel
- Soul Searching and Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Belinda Ball
- Soul Side Out by Summer Bozohora
- Soul Therapy by Jean Quintana
- Souls from Mercury by Raju Ramanathan
- Spirit Club Mediumship Uncovered by Donna Young
- Spirit of Everything, The by Sharon Jogerst
- Spiritual Hypothesis, A by Daniel Punzak, P.E.
- Spiritual Immunity by Carmen G. Garcon
- Spiritual Wisdom of India, The by Lisbeth Ejlertsen
- Spirituality in the 21st Century by Frank P. Daversa
- Spiritually Fit You, A by Catherine Braswell
- Spirituality for Badasses by J. Stewart Dixon
- Sport: A Stage for Life by Cristiana Pinciroli with Pedro Pinciroli Júnior
- Stepping Stones for the Heart by Ann Paulson
- Struth the Bloody Truth by Iarn Pernell
- Supernatural Help for Mae by Wilda Mae Schooley
- Surviving Cancer, Healing People by Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission
- Symmetry of Gnosis, The by Terance Wall
- System of Nature in the 21st Century, The by Robert Almada
- Tabernacle by Timothy C. Dunlap
- Tai Divination Workbook by Erik Thorell
- Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki & Shamanism by Rose De Dan
- Tales of a Mormon Missionary by Sarah Bjork
- Talitha Cumi: Near Death by Cecilia Tetteh and King Tetteh
- Tall Moon Diaries by Robert Bollendorf
- Teachable Moments by William Stephenson, PhD
- Teachings on Being by Codrin Stefan Tapu
- Teenagers' Prayer Book by Victoria Jonah
- Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy, The by Nannette Dalton
- TheoSophia's Wisdom School by TheoSophia Rose
- This I Know by Patricia Martin
- Tidal Wave of Human Consciousness, A by Colin Hannaford
- Time Ripples by Robert H. Wellington
- To the Nth Degree by Marjorie Gray
- Tomi's Time by Tom Zarzaca
- Torch of Christ, The by Carl L. Lansdown
- Transcend: The 3 Elements by Ed Vergara
- Transcendent Dreaming by Cristina Donnell, Ph.D
- True Stories of a Psychic Empath Medium by Triza Schultz
- Turning Points in Ministry by Blanche Hudson
- Twelve Gifts from the Garden, The by Charlene Costanzo
- Twelve Months of Spiritual Fruit Maturing by Dr. Catherine Braswell
- Two As One Forever by Beverly V. Thomas
- Unbelievable Delusions of the Infamous John Calvin by Ron Craig
- UFO by Gerardo Santos
- Under His Wings by Rosemary Fisher
- Understanding the Struggle by Robert Childress
- Unfortunate Destiny of our Planet, The by Lennart Wingardh
- Unintended Consequences by Bill Shaner
- Universe Speaks, The by Kimberly Klein
- Unshackled by Peggy Park
- Urantia the Earth–The Origin of it All by Nicholas P. Snoek
- Urban Mystic by Ken Mellor
- Validating Committed Partnerships by Jim Bowden
- Visions from Heaven as told to Ron Hodge, Jan Huber, and Lorraine Dopson
- Walking in the Miracles of Prayer by Margaret Ngozi Iduma, Ph.D.
- Walking The Believers Through To Be A Success In What They Ask From God by Donnie McLeod
- Walk with God, A by Donna M. Jackson
- Walking with Two Shadows by Margo Bowblis
- Water Your Roots by Bernard Willemson
- We Need to Get It Right or It Will Be Tight by Mary Rumble Flemming
- Weekly Soul by Frederic C. Craigie Jr., Ph.D.
- Welcome to the Light by Karl Krahn
- Welcome To the Shivoo! by Laura Bartnick
- What Christian-Suffering Is Not! And What It Is! by Ron Craig
- What God Wants You to Know by C. David Lundberg
- What Is We to You? by Larry Odell Johnson
- Where Sheep May Safely Graze by Phyllis Staton Campbell
- Who Am I? by Victoria Kingsfield
- Who Authorized You to Quit? by Rev. Roger W. Baker
- Who Cares? by Dr. Melita J. Murray-Carney
- Wildflower Wisdom by Kathie Kalafatis
- Wisdom of White Wing, The interpreted by Donald M. T. McQueen
- Wisdom of White Wing, The: Volume 2 interpreted by Donald M. T. McQueen
- Wisdom of White Wing, The: Volume 3 interpreted by Donald M.T. McQueen
- Year of Our Lord by David Heeren
- You Are His Masterpiece by Judith Lacy Hewes, LCSW
- You're Not Crazy, You're Awakening by Rev. Dr. Edwige Bingue - RECOMMENDED
- Your Unique Consciousness by Dr. Anthony J. Emmett